Teddy Smack

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Liam POV I can sense her Lycan, she is young, but I’m sure of it. Almost as when my son recently shifted, all those years ago, I wouldn’t have believed to be in the presence of another one that’s not a Gothel. She is hiding, but why? Doesn’t she know of this family? Or am I being too harsh to this girl? Okay, let’s step back a bit, breathe and try again. “I’m sorry for the outbursts. I mean no harm, it’s just surprising to learn of one that’s not my family.” I take her attention as I see her trying to wall to someone. “I-I don’t know. What you mean. I’m just a 12 year old girl. Is there-” I cut her off before my patience ends. “Kid, I don’t tolerate being treated like an i***t. ” I respond dryly, there's one thing I can't get along with is a liar. “I’m not a child. But whatever you are assuming, you're wrong. Leave me alone!” She pushes my hand away, has she even been trying to listen to me. “I’m trying to be nice to you, I mean no harm. You are safe here.” I move my hand towards her but I swear I heard her in my mind growling viciously. “Then leave me alone.” Her voice changed to a more raspy tone and her eyes darkened towards me. Those eyes are not of a Lycan. Is she a hybrid? “I don’t have a clue why you are behaving like this but if it helps we will show you first. Please don’t hide from us.” the girl moves into the arms of a boy from the same group that came with her. She walked to a boy that clearly has to be her mate, with the way he is reacting or they are simply close to each other, but I mean he is also giving me a weird look, he's too young to be of age. If she is a hybrid then it would make sense as to why she can find her mate this early. As I looked more closely at the boy that had my attention, memories of August come to mind. It can’t be, is he finally back, my mind is running so many questions that have no solid proof nor answers and I need to be organized. ones. I'm organized and I can tackle her to help her. I step back from them giving their space for now, as I'mat a good distance I look at the rest and give James a look of confusion, he then chooses to start the reunion. As I turn with my button short sleeved green shirt, I make sure to have it well put since this spell will be working for an extended time, there’s more to this group then the last one, my black work pants won’t get a lot of body fluids and neither will my black boots. As I place my things nicer to the side I take a hair tie to just make my job a bit easier in putting on a ponytail. I place the spell on the fireplace to summon Brandon, he will know what to do better than me, seeing that Bea is stuck as Mother Gothel for a while. I wasn’t expecting to hear from her so suddenly but it warmed me to know that she has been well. I miss my Bea, more than I show it, every night I go to her or we meet somewhere to be together for a little bit. I can’t do what Brandon does. Eliot tags for a bit at times he stays with her so she doesn’t feel too alone. As I do the spell, Johanne stands up from her chair. “Hello, seeing as we are all almost ready to begin. Will start with the first thing, welcome to this small reunion.” Many greeted her in our island habits ways, May Selene bless this blood bond once more. “You will all be better informed once we are finished with your full cooperation. Now since I have said that before we start we will need all of you to make a blood bond of secrecy between those present, wishing this room and it will only be to each one of you present here today.” As she moves to be more visible I hear the kids getting nervous and their heart rates getting higher. I mind linking Elin in reading me the information of the kids present seeing that she is always reading gossip and things like that. “Um no we didn’t agree to this.” I hear one girl with a low raspy voice and I ask Elin about who she is. ‘Her name is Cierra from Cotorra pack…” she keeps giving me all the details as to who that child is and I am very interested in how she acts as an adult. “Cierra? Correct?” I asked her directly and she answered with a fast ‘yea’. “You all agreed on being part of this project and in order to have it fully approved there are things we must discuss in secret, these things can and will change, as well as others that will remain the same.” Is all I say and then look at Johanne telling her to continue on with her speech as the girl with a Lycan and I can feel the uneasy feeling still lurking. ‘Kol help your mom out with these kids. They are for a fact a strong pack from what Elin keeps telling me.’ I mind linking Kol while Elin keeps talking to me. Kol walks to be near his mother to give her a bit more support. “We assure you now that we are in this together. We are no rivals and neither do we want to be.” “With all respect. How secret is this, because kids usually do these blood bounds are a life or death contract. These are never to be taken lightly or taken for granted.” My eyes widened at how I could have sworn I heard August speak just now. Johanne, James, Eliot and my attention was to the boy that just spoke. He is for sure August in the flesh. But is it him or is it simply his descendants? After three times of carving and chanting for Brandon to arrive, the fireplace starts reacting with black dust, not seconds pass and Brandon is in my face. He started growing white hair more than we did, he stretches his hands to me as he walks out, I smirk at my old friend. “I do apologize, Michael was being difficult and it got on my last nerves.” He shakes my hand and I keep my smirking face. “You're my hero Teddy.” I chuckle at his annoyed face, gods I love tormenting this man, he snaps his fingers at me. He looked around the room and focused on the same boy we just focused on. “Mmmmm interesting, it’s been a good while since we took tabs on him.” I get his shock from the snapped fingers, making me scratch my back and neck. “Auch my face teddy! It’s only a word you know?” “Want another or are you just that happy to see me?” He offers with a small smile and I gotta say this is way over do. I laugh at his question but I won’t lie to his face. “I miss my teddy!” He snaps his fingers again at me, I get shocked again, after I finally don’t feel the after effects of the shock. Still laughing I take a seat with Eliot who’s next to James, Brandon stays on his feet with his hands in his pockets. We look much different then in our past, however Brandon still uses button shirts, as the well refined man, chubby and still hating me using his mates nickname. He added to his wardrobe, now he wears gentleman shoes instead of boots, a bow tie with a matching belt from my view. He has a small beard that has started to grow gray. The biggest change in him to have changed is his marriage status. Eda has been extremely absent, learning with Brandon’s mother on how to use magic, it’s been for them 14 years now. They are on excellent terms and all from what he has told me, but after Cesarin their last son, they literally placed a spell on one another to not be able to have any more pups. I, on the other hand, will simply stick to giving it in her behind, I still can’t do a lot of magic, teleportation is a tricky thing and that is enough for me. He moves forward and I feel the kids are on edge, the big guy that is very intimidating is cautious about Brandon, now that’s a smart man. The rest of my family are cautious knowing we have one that is similar to us but won’t be public about it. The fireplace is located a bit to our side of the table, there’s a clear path from the fireplace to the people on the end. Brandon stands in the center to speak. “Good to meet you all. Please excuse me. James, shall we start? It seems we have startled your guests, and our family.” He asks politely for his assistance and as James starts to get ready, Mario gets his voice heard. “Nice to meet you as well, are you the Wizard that will be doing this? If you are, it would help in staying calm about all this secrecy.” He says hugging his mate, or the girl who is hiding from us. “It would be very respectful if you would do the same. Seems your friend has a secret she wishes to keep from us all. We don’t mean you any harm but if we can’t trust you then we will act against you.” I don’t lose my sight on the girl and she starts to shake, like she is losing her inner battle. “We will tell you everything soon, we aren’t sure ourselves. Just please don’t harm us.” I see James getting up to stand next to Brandon. “Then our secrets will be revealed once we finish our blood bond. Alright?” He finally stands next to Brandon. “Alright then we will do it that way seems the best choice, right” he looks at who I know to be his dad, thank you Elin and your big curiosity on other people. “Well now that we are all here, let’s begin the blood bond.” James claps his hands and looks at everyone with a good smile and a warm aurora. Brandon starts to chant a spell to help this part go by smoothly. “Circles and lines swirl to my desires in blending our bonding of bloods. Knife is in this we seek, in our wolves we mean to keep our bloods to bond by one’s own keep.” The room's air starts to shift, the floor starts to bright black, in James' hands a small knife appears, always counting on James to relax everyone. “I understand all of you are in a very nervous state. We assure you, I assure you as Alpha and Governor that nothing will come to hurt anyone of you.” He keeps on the conversation to help them relax, gotta say even I feel relaxed listening to him. “We all agreed on being a part of this program, just as my Luna stated earlier with Alpha Liam, we have also introduced ourselves individually but we would like to introduce as a whole to you all. All I ask is for a moment before it as we are still waiting on participants of my family.” The room starts to feel less awkward and more easy to breathe. “Well said there James, I gotta say you know how to keep any creature calm, no wonder Jo is the most cool and collected” I shoot and he smiles at the fact of my words. Brandon presses his lips in a line and if Daniel was here even he would agree. “I’m glad my wife does not hear you hear you and even less having Bea around. Man, can they be a handful.” Says out loud Teddy. “Teddy, I love staying alive and not being pronounced dead after one fight. You’d think the women from my home land are difficult, they have nothing to our mates, facts my gentlemen facts!” I say out loud and hear the Delta laugh, that makes the rest laugh a little bit at this. “Good perks of my life are always good to keep, especially for my Jo.” He winks at her and I act dramatically at his winking. “Jo I think he winked at me, I won’t give him back if he did.” She hits my shoulder and I laugh. Brandon moves his hand to reassure there’s no magic being used within this room but that backfires. “ What type of wizard are you? That’s black dust. Bulshit, you are letting him use black magic and saying it is all good? It doesn’t make sense!” The boy who’s clearly named Alvyn shouts as it follows the girl in purple hair. “With all respect, you don’t look like an Alpha. You act more like one Omega than an Alpha. Plus if school has educated me right, why are you saying you're the Alpha and Governor, that’s a fine you might have to pay.” She’s right, if only James wasn’t an Omega then that would be true but I’m this world there’s still rules to follow, in order to protect his mate and pups he has to be the Governor and Alpha. “Those are true facts, we are using black magic by my family member, to assure this goes as planned and I am an Omega. But I am your Alpha, my Luna along with the past Alpha family of mine agreed on having me take this position, just because my status is of lower birth doesn’t mean I don’t know how to do my job. Actitud is a very strong character of the one being directed, you should work on that, other Alphas would have put you in the dungeon or killed you for overstepping the line.” Leave it to James to educate but also remain the environment in a stable peaceful way. As Alvyn stays quiet, he starts to open and close his mouth to try and say anything but he is s**t off when his Delta answers. “A title doesn’t define the person, it’s results and dedication to the position is what shows a good leader.” James adds with a bit more direction as to his teaching and I allow my Alpha aura out to put the boy under some submission, it made Alvyn take some steps backwards. As they kids feel there is power of an Alpha, they all look around and the Delta gets his humor in for a bit as he knows Alvyn better than I do. “Pretty sure school and pack members like myself show it daily, your glasses prescription up to date there kid?” Everyone chuckles at his response. I look at the Delta. He seems like a good guy, looks more an Alpha then a Delta, let’s see how they all react to the following progress. ‘This Jose comes from our family, he is mated to our family member. I believe her wolf’s name is Joya.’ Says Byron my wolf and that is true, but I didn’t hear Elin tell me that maybe it’s because he just knows her wolf’s name. ‘Joya, who’s her human?’ I ask my wolf who stays quiet, I am curious to learn who she is, I’m having a gut feeling here. I mind linking Brandon to get to the bottom of this. Brandon, turns to see me, while we mind link, it’s a bit weird with him because it’s more of a spell. ‘Yes?’ ‘Do excuse my stepping in but add James to this he might want in this too, do you know of the mate of this Delta named Jose?’ I turn to look at who the guy is. ‘’If I can recall, she is a doctor of some kind. Let me add him to this link.’ He snaps his fingers to get him in the link. ‘Jose?’ I ask to make sure he is in the link. ‘Yes? Who is this?’ He replies and Brandon nods at me keeping tabs. ‘It’s Alpha Liam. Listen, I'm curious about something my wolf reminded me. My mate has a big family and I was wondering. Who is your mate?’ I am hoping to learn about his mate. ‘My mate is Doctor Marisol Soza Rosado. She is the head Doctor of the pack hospital back at Cotorra Pack. Is everything alright with the family or is there something wrong?’ He asks a bit more worried than I wanted him to be. Brandon who was looking at his shoes and James who was laying with his hands looking straight at him with the same eyes as I have on him, shocked. We are all shocked, surprised and filled with pure joy. ‘I think August is home. We will get things in a way better perspective sooner than we thought.’ James said through the mind link. ‘Beers on me tonight Liam.’ Brandon and I chuckle while James is simply smiling ear to ear, Jose is without a doubt confused. ‘I assure you we will have a good time after this meeting, Jose you in?’ I ask him with a grin and he nods. ‘Well now give me a sec to help Teddy with something else regarding your mate Jose.’ Brandon snaps his fingers with a smirk, my eyebrows go up with a playful face of “stop it” and I get shocked again, I giggle while I walk next to Brandon. Once in front of Jose and next to my Teddy I speak to him more fluidly so that we can get a better understanding of each other. “Jose, un placer poder conocerte ahora, entiendo que no nos hemos visto por 14 años?” (José? Pleasure to finally meet ya old timer, we haven’t seen each other in 14 years?) I start with my hand out to shake his. “Hey. Ni idea se quien eres. Recuérdame.” (Hey, not a clue who you are. Remind me again?) He says with a confused expression but friendly. “Can’t you speak English? It would be easier to understand one another.” Brandon says but I brush him off, there’s stuff one can’t say the same when translated things get lost thru that. “Me llamó Liam, tu esposa es la hija de la hija de la hermana de mi esposa.” Names Liam, your mate is the daughter of the daughter of my sister in law.)I inform him while I see Brandon rolling his eyes in the corner of my eye. “Mary es familia tuya?! Embuste….. mi Marisol es familia tuya?.” (Mary is your family?! You're kidding… My Marisol is your family?) His eyes grew twice their normal size from processing my information. “Claro que si chulo, ella es de el último Rey Alpha de las Islas del Borinken.” (Heck yea cutie, she is the last of the King Alpha of the Borinken islands) I say with pride and joy in my tone and he smiles wide at that. “Tacho si eso es cierto esas matas mías son de la realeza no chaves.” (If that’s true then I got a real royal beaten for years man.) He says as he starts to massage his face and head over while we laugh at his comments. “Eso ya es cultura viejo. Estamos mejor?” (That's a cutler old timer. Are we good?) I tell him with a hearty smile but his son Mario de idea to involve himself in the conversation. “Eso suena muy fácil, quien es mi abuela entonces si somos familia?” (That sounds way too easy, who’s my grandma then if we are family?) He asks with suspicion written in his eyes, my smile stays, this kid is as stubborn as Yaya Roja. “Yaya Roja, Amapola Florenso Gothel, quien se casó con Hemanuel Soza Rosado. Yo estuve en esa boda nene.” (Yaya Roja, Amapola Florenso Gothel, married Hemanuel Soza Rosado. I was at that wedding) His dad is thinking back to it and takes out a picture of the event and I show him where Bea, Elli and I were standing. He zooms in the picture to see it up close and realizes that I was there the entire time. “No me hace sentido, porque ma es Soza Rosado, no Soza Gothel?” (It doesn’t make any sense, why would May, be a Soza Rosado, not Soza Gothel?”) His face becomes slightly annoyed and slightly confused. “Eso es porque cuando tu ma nació le cambiamos el nombre. Ya vas a saber pero tienes que confiar, si podríamos hablarlo entre nosotros pues hace rato lo supieran pero no, estamos en la misma página?” (That’s because when ya ma was born we changed her last name. You will all know soon enough but we need to keep things usher, we can’t mind linking so we kinda have to stay quiet, get it?) I direct him to accept my demands to minimize the confusion, one of his eyebrows go up and the other one becomes a line as he responds. “Um. okay?” He agreed with caution and I’m starting to think this is a part of his mate not him, I never remembered if he was always like this now that I’m trying to remember better the time of Yaya. “Mera hasta la Mary le dirá, dale?” (Heck even Mary will tell ya, how about it?) I reassure him with a fact only a woman can stamp with. “Dale viejo.” (You got it, old timer.) Jose responds to me with laughter and a side hug. Jose is going to get the snack of the lifetime for his mate, Mario closes his eyes just to end up laughing in a low key. I don’t pay attention to the fact that Brandon has been over hearing me “Tranquilitos que el osito nos tiene en buenas manos.”(Easy cause Teddy has us in his good hands) Brandon hits the back of my neck. “Achoooo. Esa si dolió canto de brujo” (Eeeeeyyyy. That really hurt you Wizard) I started to massage the back of my neck. “Me emocione un poco.” (I got too excited) He smiles at me with that last act. “Acho que emoción, ñeta.” (Dang that’s a lot of emotions bro.) Was my biggest complaining answer ever. They laugh at my pain and I can see we now understand more as to why all the ushed secrets and why we keep more to ourselves at least on a general basis. But I’m impressed and offended that Teddy would be as sneaky as to learn Spanish and act like an ass in the end. I feel like he used me to get his small annoyance out, if I would have known he knew what Osito meant I would have used my other nicknames like Koala, panda or my favorite polar bear. He hates the polar bear nickname I gave him years ago. It even gave Eda ideas but he put his foot down so hard I forgot to breathe from the laughter he gave me, he became a red bear which did not help him at all. Best part of that day was when his daughter came home with a bear called “Care Bears” . I lost all sanity that night with the countless nicknames he was given by all fourteen of his kids. Beatrice almost died of laughter with me as they even explained what each one does, Brandon considered doing a spell for it, others from using that nickname all but his mate, Eda still uses it in a nice romantic way with him but it’s too easy to get under his skin with it. “You better not be thinking of other bear names to throw because if you are I will curse you into one you Sato (mix breaded dog)” Spats Brandon and my laughter hit so hard to the room I made James jump. ‘What in the world has gotten into you Liam?’ James' mind links me and all I can do is try and breathe. ‘Thinking about something hilarious that Brandon might curse me for.’ I eye Brandon knowing he has no idea what I’m doing because he is not in my mind linked with James. “Do it! Serves him right for calling us Sato.’ My wolf Byron barks at me, not a bad idea. ‘James you know I love Teddy right?’ James smiles his line to me knowing where I’m heading. ‘Oh gods I'm going to die from curiosity but I need to know, you laughing means it’s a real thing.’ James' answer is my definite answer. ‘I remembered a day I was at his house with Eda, Beatrice, Elliotte and the fourteen kids. Well Frida, his eldest, came home with a Care Bear.’ As soon as the last two words came out James started laughing uncontrollably and I saw how pissed Brandon became from that one thing. “James, what's so funny?” He shoots daggers at James and Johanne growls at him. “Nothing, just remembered your birthday is near and I wanted to get a good group present for you. I think Liam and I have plans to do it soon.” I laughed so hard at that, while Brandon was breathing heavily. ‘I promise we will get all the different Care Bears and give them to him with so much love.’ James tells me and then I feel him letting someone else in the mind link. ‘Jo my love you there?’ James asks in the link. Priceless. ‘Why are you two laughing like two crazy dogs?’ Johanne asks and I start answering as James cries from laughing. ‘We are planning to buy all the different types of Care Bears for Brandon’s birthday. The little bears each have different little symbols on their bellies and they are all different colors.’ I explain to Jo but knowing how much of a Tomboy she is, it would be rare to know if she knows what they are. Till James shows her a picture, ‘these are like the little mini versions of Brandon to our happy hearts.’ Then she starts laughing out loud. ‘You guys are asking for a death wish with him, oh my gods he actually looks like them too, changing his mood and being constantly so informative. It fits, my lungs hurt from this.’ I stop laughing and feel Brandon is trying to place a sale. ‘Okay okay, let's change the subject to something funny but not that.’ I say quickly and Jo does not disappoint. ‘What will we do as a present to Daniele’s twins?’ I laugh so hard and allow Brandon in the mind link. ‘Bro you really want to be a part of this conversation?’ I ask him and he nods at me. ‘Alright then, Jo, I think getting all the different kinds of Care Bears for Daniele’s twins is a perfect group plan.’ Just like that Brandon leaves the mind link and we all die laughing from him walking away from us. “Seriously?! To them? It was something of me and now it’s of the twins? Are you all planning against me or something?” He declares. “Never Brandon, we were thinking of your birthday and then I remembered a very funny day with Frida and your other kids with the Care Bears and since the twins' birthday comes up first well we switched it. Nothing bad about that.” If looks could kill me I would have been six feet under. “You better not lie to you Sato or you will feel my wrath.” Answers Brandon with his own Wizard aura and I calm down from my jokes of his nickname. “We wouldn’t dare do anything without Edas approval, you know that Brandon.” Jo counters him and he rubs his temples, he knows Eda will be in favor which pisses him off a bit more. “Also we wanted to know what to really get you but thinking better on it, it would be best to get Eda in this so that the surprise is heartfelt.” James adds and I can feel his eyes on me waiting for me to spark his annoyance again, and boy do I deliver. “Pretty sure Eda will help on picking the cutest Teddies ever, heck she might even pick some for herself. I hear there’s a lot of magenta tone ones.” And did the trick. He’s the world's most powerful wizard, but he will always be our Teddy.
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