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"A stupid charmer like her would do that purposefully," exclaimed Addison. "Who hums while entering the staff room?" While covering his ears, Zack complained, "Don't get that loud! It's annoying." Exhausted by these unruly emotions, Addison couldn't speak anymore. She just stared outside the window. Watching her battling her grief, Zack asked, "Have you ever thought of giving up? There's plenty of other hot, younger guys around." Addison eventually glanced at him as his remarks grabbed her attention.  Since the guy feared she'd misunderstand, he clarified, "When I say other guys, I don't mean me or anything." Without giving him any response, the girl only mumbled to herself, "My wavering feelings become a strong whirlpool and melt together." "What? Are you a poet now?" asked Zack while mocking her buffoonery. Finally letting her tears fall on her face, Addison let out, "Nowadays, it's a struggle to even exist in the same room as Mister Silas. I'll never be a woman enough for him." "Don't cry," cajoled Zack while caressing the girl's forehead. Finally settling in a fetal position beside Zack, Addison bit her lower lip as she asked, "You get it, don't you? You're in the same situation as I am. You understand that it's not a matter of giving up on the other person or moving on. How do I say it?” Zack looked at her swollen eyes as she confessed, "Once you fall for someone, it has to be them who you end up with. Other people don’t suffice." "I get it," spoke Zack gently.  After grasping Addison's interest, the guy too discussed his inner turmoil, "While loving someone, there are several things that you keep speculating on. Like, why did I fall for them? Why don't they ever see me? Would I be enough for them if I were to propose?” He then turned towards her for assurance, “Isn't it like this for you too, Addison? But--" After sipping water from his water bottle, the guy explained, "Although it's a hassle, I can't bring myself to believe that I'd be happier if I hadn't met her." Just by recollecting all the moments spent with Miss Natalie, Zack felt a familiar hurt striking again. He gently began stroking Addison's head with his hand as he pushed her down on the bed.  "What?" asked a clueless Addison. While gazing into her big, bright eyes, Zack commanded, "Stick your tongue out, my good girl." Addison opened her mouth hesitantly, stuck her tongue out just a little. Zack got above her and sucked her tongue while pressing his lips against hers.  With the tips of his fingers, he touched Addison's skin, but he saw Natalie in her, who seemed to be telling him to love her. Suddenly, the image of Miss Natalie smiling with Mister Silas made him contort his face.  Watching him freeze in the middle, Addison asked, "Zack?" "No," responded Zack while brushing Addison's hairs behind her ears. "It's Mister Silas for you." With a nod, Addison agreed, "You're right." She then placed her hand on his cheek. While gently caressing his face, the passion building inside him helped transform Addison into Miss Natalie.  Without wasting a moment, their bodies expressed the tenderness that they felt in their heart.  That day, Addison ended up spending the night inside Zack's apartment, warming his bed and her heart. The next day, Addison met with Everlyn in the morning while heading towards the school.  While observing the change in her complexion, Everlyn was quick to notify, "What's wrong, Addison? Your face is bright red." While glimmering with a timid smile, Addison came up with a perfect excuse, "I overslept." Though Everlyn doubted it, she refrained from asking about it as she didn’t wish to upset her. As they walked through the hallway to get to their respective class, Everlyn gradually tried to get closer to her friend. As they walked into the classroom, their arms brushed one another. Though Addison didn't think much of it, Evrelyn's face was bright red. Embarrassed by the sudden touch, Everlyn calmed herself and went inside the room without looking at Addison.  Throughout the first four classes, Everlyn couldn't deter herself from taking small peeks at Addison.  As she observed her, she felt a bit worried. Though Addison seemed to smile, an uncanny sadness could be seen on her face when nobody was around.  "Maybe, Zack's using her," deduced Everlyn, but she chose to approach the topic only after gathering substantial proof regarding it. During the lunch break, Everlyn requested Addison to join her for lunch. As they sat in a secluded corner inside the caféteria, Addison asked her friend, "Hey, do you have a crush on anyone?" Coughing up the drink that was inside her mouth, Everlyn got shaken to her core as she feared that Addison might have found out the truth about her. The truth that she loved her. "Where's this coming from?" asked Everlyn while wiping the mess she made with the tissue. While munching on her sandwich, Addison concluded, "From the apprehension quite visible on your face, it is discernible that you do have someone special in your heart." From her tone, Everlyn could make out that Addison didn't know that she had feelings for her. Anyway, Addison further asked, "You didn't fall for them because of their looks or anything, right?" "Huh?" asked Everlyn, unsure of what Addison wanted to know.  Addison further explained, "I mean, do you consider their features as the main reason for you to be attracted to them?" "Well, I mean the physical features are a part of them. Since I admire everything about them, the features matter as well," responded Everlyn. Since her words could get misinterpreted, Everlyn chose to clarify, "But I didn't fall for this person because they're talented, and I would get something out of it or anything." Swooned by her sentimental talk, Addison embraced the girl as she spoke, "Oh, Everlyn! That's why I love you so much! I feel the same way." As Addison let go of her, she explained, "Admiring a person's face and calling it love isn't right. That's not what love is." Everlyn then intervened as she pointed out, "Yeah, you must know as you do have a boyfriend after all." Watching Everlyn get quieter, Addison asked, "Hey, Everlyn?" "What?" responded the girl while looking at Addison's innocent face.  The young girl proposed, "Do you want to come to spend the night at my house today?" Everlyn readily agreed, and then they went back to the class. The day ended pleasantly for Evelyn as she hadn't anticipated the awkwardness that awaited her.  After reaching her home, she went through her cupboard, tossed her clothes around and looked around to find a suitable cloth. After settling on the cold floor, Everlyn smacked her head as she wondered, "Why? Why the hell am I getting ready for a sleepover?" It was pretty obvious. Everlyn loved Addison. That's why she wanted to appear pleasant before her. As she recollected her conversation with Addison, she rested her head on her bed while pondering, "Are we going to have to sleep on the same mattress or something? It is going to be so awkward for me." To calm herself, she went ahead and took a bath. She then rushed out of the bathroom, wore a pretty dress and put on some cologne before leaving. Meanwhile, Addison waited in her apartment for Everlyn to arrive by conversing with Zack on the phone. "So, Everlyn is the only female friend that you have?" asked Zack. Realising how silly she found other girls to be, Addison tried to dodge the topic, "Shut up. It's none of your business, Zack. She's the only one who understands me. I don't need anyone else besides her." Addison then disconnected the call after hearing her doorbell ring. She then hurried to get the door.  Upon standing awkwardly at the entrance, Everlyn pondered, 'I wonder what it's like when it's between girls.'  Though her own thoughts petrified her, she tried to maintain a calm demeanour.  "Coming," spoke Addison from inside as she got nearer to the door. The moment Addison opened the door, she greeted her friend with a smile and related her feelings, "I am glad you could come. You’re the greatest.” Before entering, Everlyn expressed her gratitude, "Thank you for inviting me." After getting inside, she turned the knob to lock it. Though she wanted to appear kind, her thoughts were pretty absurd.  'It's because we're both girls that sleeping together isn't a big deal,' thought Everlyn while following behind Addison to her room. Elated, Everlyn concluded, "I get to be closer to her than other people because I'm a girl. Maybe, I'll confess if things were to get better between us." Considering herself lucky, Everlyn entered her friend's bedroom. While Addison was away cooking dinner for both of them, Everlyn thought back to the first day she met her.  (FLASHBACK BEGINS) It happened on one winter day. When Everlyn was travelling on a crowded train to her school, she felt someone pressing themselves against her back.  Though she clearly realised that the person behind her was trying to molest her, she lacked the conviction to stand her ground. It was then that an anonymous girl's hand slapped against hers as she asked, "Is he bothering you?" Scared of being hurt, Everlyn barely nodded. In the meantime, the girl beside her took out her phone and fearlessly captured the face of the molester. Scared of being imprisoned, the dreadful guy backed off.  "Thank you. You saved me," responded Everlyn. The girl that saved Everlyn that day was none other than Addison.  Observing her being grateful for the help, Addison held her cold hand and asked, "That was scary. Are you feeling okay?" After receiving her gentle care, Everlyn let her tears fall. On that day, Addison never let go of Everlyn's hand until they arrived at their high school.  (FlASHBACK ENDS) As Addison entered the room while bringing fruit juice for both of them, Everlyn inferred while looking at her, "That was the day I established my first love." Watching Everlyn sit comfortably on the bed, Addison told her, "You look cute in this nightdress." Before meeting Addison, Everlyn believed that she hated romance and the very idea of it. Addison was the one who changed her perception on the subject. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AUTHOR’S NOTE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Add the book to your library to show your love to the author. Thank You.   
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