"Chapter 7" No one is like Sana

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People are not laughing at you, but trusting at you, You are the trust of people that women are still doing their jobs, besides having this fear they are trusting you and doing their chores," Carl said. "But I think I am breaking their trust again and again," Aiden said and Carl took a cigarette from his hand. "Sorry, Sir but I can not see you destroying yourself," Carl said. " You are right," Aiden said. " I just messed up, right?" Aiden asks. "Probably, you made a big mistake, No no certainly," Carl said. "She is so innocent, have you seen how badly she was trembling?" Carl said and a smile spread on Aiden's lips. "Yeah, remember," Aiden said. " Does Audrey reach safely?" Aiden asks and he nods. " Yes, she is saved, I am now relaxed, she got to sleep she was tired," Carl said. "You were tired also," Aiden said. " Yes, we will get a good sleep after solving this case," Carl assured him. "I should apologize to her", Aiden said and Carl nodded. " Better come late go hurry," Carl said and Aiden ran to her room. He sees Emmy sitting on the other side of the bed and Sana was sleeping. I.... I am so sorry, I disturbed you, he whispered but Sana heard. "No you didn't," she replied and sat on the bed. "You didn't get in sleep?" He asks and she nods. " I was trying," she replied. " Emmy can you wait.....," Sana was saying but Emmy cut her off. "I should go outside, call me when you need me," Emmy smiled and Sana bestowed her the same smile. " If you are relaxing we can talk later," Aiden said but she allowed him. " No, you can say, I want to say something," Sana said. "I... I am so sorry for doing this, I have no idea, you were losing the proof", She looked guilty. " No, relax you do not have to, I apologize that I talked this way to you," Aiden said. " No, I can understand, you can sit", She smiles and he sits with her. " I have heard you are my fan?" She asked and his throat went dry. " I know you are not", She smiles and he gives her a shy smile. "I know someone is following me, purchasing my every picture no matter how remarkable amount they ask but someone is not interested in my novels," Sana said and he looked down. "Sana, I... I am so sorry, Who is it?" He makes an unknown face. " I don't know the son of the famous billionaire, Mr. Jones," she said and he got out of words. "Emmy was telling me that day when I got kidnapped you put your everything to find me," Aiden's cheeks glow red he has no place to conceal his embarrassment. "Don't be shy, many like you this craze for me," Sana's words make him outrageous. "No, no one is crazy for you, like the way I do", his words make her stunned. " What is your way to express your insanity?" She asks. " To express My insanity this is vital for you to put on me yourself," He said and she had no words to say further. " You scared me, you are an aggressive one," she said and he smiled. " Pardon me, this was because you made me lose the chance to catch the killer," Aiden said. "I am so sorry, again," Sana said. " You haven't eaten anything, why?" Aiden asks. "What do you expect from someone who has eaten human meat? After that she got not hungry anymore," She let out and Aiden's eyes widened. "What?" He made a disgusting face. " No no, don't worry, this is the hypothesis of my new book," she smiled and Aiden got to his senses. "You scared me", Aiden said. " I love doing people with this" " she said. " What is the story of this book?" Aiden asks. "This is the story about the monster in me, that girl was innocent but one day she met a monster, who like humans but had a devil in his heart, from that day she came to know that monsters not only exist in stories", "Some of them are living with us, in this real world," Sana makes him engulfed in her talk. What? Sana let out when she found him staring at her. Nothing, he said and again started staring at her, She turned her eyes down and then clasped her book from the side table. If you want me then you should know me first, Sana said. Want to read? She asks. Why not, Aiden said and Sana gave him the book. Let's both read it, tonight because I am afraid of sleep, she said and he nodded. I will make this fear fade away, Aiden said. I will hope so, Sana replied and they two got into her novel. A girl was taking a bath and suddenly her curtain was pushed off and a hand grabbed her mouth. She was trying hard to resist but his body was strong and his grip was powerful. That man grabbed her out of the bathroom and made her sniff something which has sedation. She closes her eyes and that man chained her with a chair. " Hello, Ms. Warren," A heavily handsome voice enters her ears and that girl opens her eyes. Her mouth was wrapped and she was not able to speak. "You know I have heard numerous things about you, but I was denying that because I trusted you, I thought you were working for the human good because you are a police officer," he smirks. "But I was wrong, completely wrong, never trust anyone so easily", " Look at you how badly you make me insane," He was smirking and circling her. " Letttt.... meee... goo....," that were her words which were heard from her wrapped mouth. "I was oblivious to your real face, but your boyfriend let me know about the truth of your adultery", " And you know what, my heart got went in two," He said. " I thought you are a good girl, but I forgot, no one is pure like my Sana," He said and her eyes widened. "You know what? Now you need to die, This is all because my mission is completing day by day, and for this purpose, you need to die," "And.... and not like ordinary death, you deserve an unprecedented death, which will give another lesson, " he laughs. " And you know another thing, your death will make everyone scared more, they will never forget this incident how a police officer died," He grabbed his bag and let out a big dagger from his bag, Her eyes widened and the last thing was heard was her scream from her wrapped mouth. Aiden was reading a book while sitting in Sana's room, she was also writing something. And suddenly he got a phone call. It grabs Sana's attention, and Aiden takes it in his ear. "What?" He gives a shocked reaction, and Carl runs to his room with bug cracks in his eyes which were not falling from his eyes. Carl and Aiden whispered and they both ran. "Mr. Jone, where.....," Sana tries to stop him and he turns. "Sana, I am coming do not be scared, I am coming, my men are here," he said and ran again. " But where are you going?" She tried to ask but he left without answering him. Sana was sitting in her room waiting for Emmy, but when she didn't come she got to look for her. When she came to the hall she saw everyone was sleeping, She moved forward and saw Emmy was also sleeping. " Emmy.....," She shifted her body but she was not answering her, she was breathing but not responsive. " Emmy....," she said, and suddenly her feet stumble when she takes a deep breath in the air. "What is it?" Her body started to tremble, and before she looked around someone wrapped his hand around her mouth. "Nooooo....., Noooo.....," She got filled with tears, and that strong body grabbed her to her room. " Stop, stop screaming", he whispered into her ear. And then slowly strung her hands and feet with the bed he locked the room and stood in front of her. Sana sees a hyper-muscular man, tall and having golden skin, and wearing black clothes. He was tall and handsome, having a handsome and hard face, he was staring at her with his green eyes and his gaze made a shiver run through her body. He has a sharp high bridge nose, juicy clean lips, and a little bit of facial hair on his chin area. His jawline was remarkable and his gaze was slaying.
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