"Chapter 6" Lose him again

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Aiden calls the doctor his mind was not working at that time, he craved to find that bastard and tore him in two. " Carl, did you find anything?" Aiden asks and Carl moves his head in no. " Detective Jones, where were you when that person, I mean a serial killer who is your responsibility to find, and get him, where he belongs to," that doctor said, his name was Charles, Charles Stevenson, he was a tall handsome and alluring man. His face was perfect, with sharp and straight features, and his eyes were tiny and blue, as well his hair was brown, and his nose was sharp. he has tanned skin and brown sharp lips. He was connected to this case since his sister Maddy got missing, he complained to the police and they find nothing about her. "Who called him?" Aiden whispered into Carl's ear. "I didn't", Carl replied. " Look he comes and does this under your nose, and you did nothing," Charles said and Aiden roll his eyes. " Look, Charles, stop it, we find some dead bodies and they are under observation when we will find your sister's body I will let you know", "But for now, do what you are here for," Aiden said. "How is it easy for you to say that you will let me know about my sister's dead body?" Charles's eyes were filled with cracks. "Charles don't get me wrong, I know this is brutal to hear something about your loved ones, and we don't appreciate letting all this out, you are not the only one, we have found numerous dead bodies they are even younger than your sister", " That was not easy to go through all this, find everyone dead, only that girl, we see alive but caged in that house", Aiden sees him staring at Sana, and he slowly places his hand on Charles's shoulder. " Brother, I can understand.....," Aiden said. "But why he kept her alive?" Charles said and glance into Aiden's eyes, Aiden break the contact and turn his eyes to her. "That's the same thing we are looking for," Aiden replied. " When I heard that one girl has been found alive at that house I was praying that it should be Maddy, but.....," He stopped and desperate tears started to float out. "You need to calm down," Aiden said and Charles clean his eyes. " Is she okay?" Aiden asks. "Yes, she is now, she got scared of something and got into a nervous shutdown, she will open her eyes soon, she is under great stress," Charles said. "You should bring her to the hospital, I think her mental health got altered after seeing those things, you should be aware," Charles said. " I have written some medicines, when she will open her eyes let her take them", Charles said and commenced to leave but Aiden stops him. "Do you want the police to take you home safely?" He asks. " No, I have my car, I just wanted to see that girl, and now I think I am coming to something," Charles gives him a clued smile. " What do you mean?* Aiden squints his eyes. "No, nothing, I should leave", Charles leaves in a hurry. " Carl, did you notice something?" Aiden said but Carl look suspicious. "Carl, what is wrong?" Aiden asks, he gulped his fear and let out. " Audrey is with us, she is a girl, and I think we should send her back to her house," Carl said because he had feelings for her. Aiden smiles and walked slowly to him. "Don't worry buddy, he attacked only those girls who are committed to some adultery", Aiden said. " But she did, we had slept many times, and I don't know how many times she did this before me", Carl said. "What?" Aiden squint his eyes and then frowned. " How could you? Did you remember how many times you slept with other women when you were unfamiliar with her?" Aiden asks and he looked down. Sana open her eyes but when she heard him talking she closes her eyes and pretend that she is sleeping. "Why do always girls have to give the proof? You are not sure that you are demanding a pure girl, Carl just look around your collar first," "That killer scattered that purity thing in this society, even men are not pure but they are looking for a girl who is pure", Aiden went frustrated because he was tired of paying heed to these questions. " I am so sorry," Carl realizes his mistake and apologizes. " I am not saying you have no right to save your love, save her but love her, when you point your finger at someone then remember those four fingers are pointing at you," Aiden said. " Do you find anything?" Aiden asks. " I don't have an idea how he get into her room," Aiden said and Carl comes up with something. "Why this face?" Aiden asks. "Have you noticed this", Carl said. " What?" Aiden asks. " Sir we got his DNA, he scared her neck with his teeth, and now his DNA is on her skin," Carl smiles. Sana was listening to everything, she clutches that sheet, and a sudden long breath passes through her lungs. " Carl, you are a genius", Aiden gives him a glistening smile. " Sir, all we have to do is forbid her to take a bath, I don't think we had to take her this time I think she is tired", Carl said. "What are you saying Carl we need to do this", Aiden said. " But Sir as you see we can't leave our men to hear and also you know in our team there are women, and their protection is our responsibility," Carl said. " Don't worry, you drop them at their houses safely I will take her to the hospital", Aiden said. Aiden locked her windows and door and get outside, to give orders to his team. And when he leaves Sana opens her eyes, she was breathing heavily and her body was shivering horribly. " No...., no," she let out and runs to the bathroom she locked the door and moves out of her clothes. She looked at her neck and found brutal scars. " I will make everything right, I know you are changed," she said to herself into the mirror and turn on the shower. She rubbed her skin so hard as her blood was about to come out. She brushed her skin from everything which she found in the bathroom, she scrubbed herself, and those scars, her blood started to come out and she doesn't stop doing it. Aiden open the door and sees Sana was not on her bed, he look here and there and found no one, then he heard a shower noise coming from the bathroom. " Oh.... no... no... no... no...", he clenched his jaw and runs to stop her he banged that door so hard and suddenly with that voice, Sana's heart started to run faster. " Sana...., Ms. Sana open the door", he growled but she keep rubbing her skin. When her blood started to come out she takes her robe and covers her body with it. "What have you done?" Aiden was so aggressive and Sana open the door. " What is happening to you? You scared me", she said with tears in her eyes. "What have you done you ruined everything," Aiden said and sees her neck. "You.....," he has no words to say and that blood was coming from her neck. "Why did you do that?" Aiden asks and holds her hand he takes her to the bed and makes her sit. " I.... I was feeling just disgusting....," Sana replied and Aiden takes out a first aid box. " You have to ask me, now everything got ruined," Aiden said while cleaning her blood Carls runs to her room and found her neck bleeding. " What just happened," Carl asks. " She had a bath, and we got nothing," Aiden said. " Oh, no we lose him again", Carl said. " What are you guys talking about?" Sana asks. " Can you call Emmy?" She said to Aiden but he was not listening to her. " What have I done?" She asks one more time. He abruptly stop wiping her blood and glared into her eyes. " Look lady you have ruined our last chance to catch that serial killer who is killing young girls and women and also not even forgiving old age women, " "Girls and women are bounded in their houses they got chained because of that one baseborn and you are saying what have you done", "Who told you to take a bath?" Aiden growled and glared into his eyes. " Sir, easy that was our fault that we left her alone, without letting her know", Carl said, and Aiden sees big cracks in her eyes. " Crap.....!" Aiden whispered and slam his foot to the bed's hardwood. "Sir, you need to calm down," Carls said. " Call that Emmy, and guide her not to leave her no matter what happened", Aiden leaves while saying that. Carl sees that scared girl, was shivering because of fear, he winks his eyes and moves to her. " Don't worry, he is frustrated," Carl said. "I know," Sana replied and breathe deeply. " I was unaware of what does he want", Sana said. "Luckily we got his DNA on your skin, but unfortunately, you wash it away," Carl said. " I'm so sorry", Sana was letting out her every word with difficulty. " You need to lean down, I am sending Emmy to you", Carl said because her body was continuously shivering and her breaths were getting uncontrollable. Carl sends Emmy to her room and finds Aiden standing outside having a cigarette in his hand. "You make people quit smoking and look how badly you are obsessed with it, this is your fourth cigarette of the day", Carl said. "So what should I do? Don't you see this situation with no clues no evidence, people are laughing at me, that guy who never misses any culprit who finds all the cases in just days standing so helpless," "I was not validated, I was a junior, but my intelligence take me to this stage and give me this respect, now I am getting a much more salary than those who are just similar to my age," "But nowadays, I think I am losing everything, that man was laughing at me, he wanted me to stay on his money but I choose my passion to become a detective, to serve people", " But now people are laughing at me, I lose him again, Aiden takes a deep breath and then inhaled the smoke again."
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