"Chapter 8" The trophy

1597 Words
" No.....," a whisper escapes from Sana's lips her eyes were on him and he was boring his eyes into her body. " How are you, my love?" He smirked and her breath started to stumble. Her body started to tremble, she closed her eyes and he came close to her, he pulled his chin and straightened her face to her. " Look at me," he said but she didn't dare to look at him. "How many times have I told you, my love, you don't need to be afraid of me, relax", he smiles. She opened her eyes and saw into his c*****e eyes. "What have.... have.... have....," she got stuck and he laughed. " Oh little cupcake," He said and she amassed her courage. " What have.... have you... do... do to others", she asks and he frowns. "What I have taught you, forgot?" He asks and she moves her head in no. "I... I was just... just asking," she said. " Don't worry they are just sleeping," he said and kissed her forehead and then released her hands. He placed his face into her neck curve and inhaled a deep breath. " You are trying to betray me huh?" He said and her eyes got wide. "No... no... I don't... I never," she cried. " Don't cry don't," he cleans her eyes but her tears are uncontrollable. " Sana... Sana... Sana...., I just love your name," he said and she clutched the sheet. She closes her eyes and he keeps placing his face in her neck curve. " Have you ever considered, how hard it was to meet you," Sana's breath dropped. " That was hard, too hard," He smiles and rubs her neck with his hand, Sana places her hand on his and then asks. " What have you done?" All of a sudden he opens his eyes and looks straight into her face. " I have done that was right," He let out. " Michael.....," she let out. " You break... break your promise..... promise, why you would...... would do.... this," she said and he clutched her neck then slowly pressed it. "Yes, I break because promises are made to break," he said and Sana closed her eyes Tears started to drip out. " Why did you leave me, you know it's hard to breathe without you," He said. " Why.... why don't you stop all this.... then we will live our life together.....," Sana said. "I will cage you just the same," he said. "You can, but.... stop it, I am... tired, I can not sleep....," Sana cried and he caressed her hand. " If you...love .... me....me then.... then. Why.... why don't you stop it?" Sana asks. " I can't...., I can't love, I want to clean this world You know I am alone and work is loaded," He smirks. " You scare me,..... I ....I can't live like this... with you,' Sana said. "But you have to because you are mine, and I came here to take you with me," He said and touched her lips. She takes his. finger off and look deep into his eyes. "I.... I am not going with you....," She said. "You will not decide it," he said. " I am... I am human,..... why are you not killing me like others....?" She asks. And he abruptly placed his hand on her mouth his eyes were glaring at her and his hand was pressing her mouth harshly " You speak too much," he said. "Come with me, " he said but she turned her face to the side. " I.... I said I will not until.... ," she stopped. "Until?" He asks. "Until you end all this," she stares at him. " That officer makes you speak," he smirks. " I.... I don't know.... any officer.... I don't know.... anyone, you know that" she said. "I know just wanted to see this rage that pureness", he said and she turned her eyes down. " I know you are just mine that's the reason I am insane for you", he said. "Stop it please.... stop....," she binds her hands in front of him. " No, I would never until I clean it," he said her trembling body got squinted. "I love the way you got scared of me," he smiles. "Now come.....," he held her hand but she took force on it. " They will come back" " she let out. " So who cares, I am taking back my thing," he said. " I am not the thing, let me die or kill me like you killed others," she cried and supported her hand with her other hand. "Sana I said it's enough," he got harsh. "Please.... let me... die," she said and he got frustrated. He pulled her to him and placed his lips on her lips he bit them so hard that they were about to bleed. He was touching her body and holding it so tight to his body. She was trying hard to get him off but he was swallowing greedily all of her lips. " Stop trying stop trying you know me.....," he said and she got calm. " Relax my little innocent lamb", he said while caressing her back. Her heart was coming out and her body was trembling high. " Come with me", and see how all this happens, He said. "I..... I.... will die... but never come with you," she said and his eyes filled with rage, he fisted her hands and quickly raised his hand to slap her, but then he stopped. Her trembling body got more tremble and she placed her hands on her head, which made him amazed and his eyes turned loving again. "Why so adorable?" He said and he got down on the floor with heavy breathing. He sits with her and caresses her head. "You know I am not going to do this," he said but she got scared. " Come with me girl," He places his hand in front of her. Sana places her hands on her ears and sits here. " Let go of me, let go of me," she was saying the same thing at the same time. Aiden was present at his team worker's house, her name was Ms. Audrey Warren, and she was victimized by that same serial killer. Audrey was the same girl who Carl was talking about, she was his girlfriend and soon they were going to marry each other. Carl was sitting on the sofa when Aiden came from the crime scene. Aiden places his hand on his shoulder and sits with him, Carl hugs him unexpectedly and Aiden places his hands on Carl's back. "Calm down," Aiden said and Carl burst into tears, Aiden was trying to hide his tears but he could not. "Calm down, Calm down Instead of this I have nothing to say," Aiden said. "I know..... I know that this case will turn heavy on me, she is killed because of me," Carl said. "No that was not your fault, she was not killed because of you, she was connected to this case that was the reason," Aiden let out. " She was so scared, she was with us but she was so scared, She doesn't want to be part of this, but she was just staying because of me, just because of me," he cried louder. " Carl please.....," Aiden clean his eyes. " Detective Jones?" A man called Aiden. "Wait for a second, I am coming back," Aiden leaves Carl. " Darwin.....," Aiden sat his other member to Carl. " Yes, Brooke," Aiden asks. "This case is just the same as others this is the same victim like others", Brooke said. Brooke was a forensic team doctor, he was tall handsome, and young, he had white skin brown hair blue eyes with sharp nose, and lips. "I was confirmed because of the condition of the body," Aiden said. "He did the same with this body, her head legs, and hands are in supervision, and.....," he hesitates. " And what?" Aiden asks. "She has lost her womb, her womb is missing, and she was pregnant," He let out and Aiden's eyes widened. "What......? She.... she was pregnant," he got broke. "Yes, she was three months pregnant, but why he took her womb with him?" Brooke asks. "He is a serial killer he takes it with him as his trophy as his accomplishment," Aiden said. " What a disgusting man," Brooke said. " Don't let him know about the pregnancy," Aiden halted Brooke. "Don't worry, everything will be confidential," Brooke said and Aiden nodded. "Why did he do that, Whenever he wanted to do a crime he does another one to make everyone's attention about the new one and the specific one is only in his mind," Brooke said and Aiden's eyes widened. "Crime......," Aiden whispered and let out his phone. On the other side, Sana was sitting on the floor and that man was still there. " I have a surprise for you," He said and took her up. " I don't want... anything," Sana was losing consciousness. " You will be so pleased to look at this," He said. He stares into her eyes and he looks extremely excited. Aiden was trying everyone's phone number but no one answered his call. "Damn it," pick up the call he said and try again but then he stopped. "Something is not right," he said and ran to his car. " Sir, where are you going?' Carl asks.
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