"Chapter 9" purity doesn't matter but loyalty does

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He wants to take her with him, he is fooling us, Aiden said. "Who,?" Carl asks. "This is about Ms. Sana," Aiden said and got into the car. " I think he wanted our attention away from her, so he can have her back, " Aiden said. " I am on your back," Carl said and Aiden got into his car. " I have seen that officer touching you, do you know who it hits me?" He said and she looked down. "I told him, and I... I do... don't know when it happens," Sana let out. "Yes, you don't know but he did, he just wants you bad, don't you see," he said and Sana was hiding her face. " I have... I tried to put him back.... but he gets close... close to me," Sana was shivering and he wanted to make her calm. "Okay okay okay, calm down you know how much I love you and I want to save you from this greedy world, " " Let me show you the surprise", his smile gets wider as well as Sana's eyes. " I... I don't want to...", Sana said and he frowned. " But you know you have to", he said. " Let me show you", he said and Sana's breath was stumbling. "Please.... let me go," She was pleading and he was letting out something from his bag. That was a glass jar and when he put it in front of Sana her heart got out and her breath stopped. " What..... what....?" She was not able to speak. " This is my reward, this is our reward, that girl I killed tonight was pregnant" " he said and Sana's eyes were still on the jar. It has the baby in it, that was dead and kept in the jaw, it was small and not formed rightly. "How does it look?" He asks with a grin and Sana was losing consciousness. "You.... you are a monster," she said and lost her consciousness fast. "Sana.... Sana....," he let out her name but she was not responding to him. " Do not do this come with me," he tried to wake her up but she was completely gone. Suddenly he heard the car sound, his ears stood and he took his steps away from her. " I will be back don't worry my love," he said and kissed her forehead. He leaves, and Aiden breaks into the house, he sees the officers were sleeping, and also the assistant Sana was sleeping but Sana was not there. " Josh, Josh open your eyes," Aiden asked his team member but he was unconscious. "Please let me sleep," he said and slept again. He gets off Josh and runs to see Sana. "Sana ..... Sana" was growling her name and slamming her door. The door was locked from the inside. "Sana........," he breaks the door and sees Sana was not there, but then his eyes fall on the floor, and sees Sana lying there. "Sana....open... open your eyes," she looked miserable she opened her eyes barely and saw his face. " He.... he will kill you..., don't... don't touch me," she said and again got unconscious. " Ms.Sana open your eyes", Aiden takes her into his arms and places her on the bed then he calls the police. Carl came with his team and checked the entire house. "What happened to them?" Aiden asks Carl. "They had inhaled sleeping gas," Carl replied. "And Ms. Sana is in trauma, she had a nervous breakdown because of stress, " " What has she been through, and the thing is that she doesn't want to share it", Aiden said. " She had her mother alive and one sister but she never visits her, and her mother is oblivious that she got kidnapped, " "I got to investigate her house but she wanted to meet her daughter so desperately, so I didn't tell her anything and come back," Carl tells Aiden. "She has a family so why did she never let anyone know about her family?" Aiden said. " Something had happened to her in the past, which we have to find out," Carl said. "What to do with others?" Carl asks. "Don't worry they will get okay till morning", Aiden said. "Did you get any fingerprints?" Aiden asks. "As the same clean is done, nothing, " Carl said, and Aiden nodded. " Sir, she gets comfortable with you, I think she will certainly tell you about her situation," Carl said. "She is strange sometimes she gets calm in my arms and sometimes she is the most uncomfortable one," Aiden was confused. " Are you okay?" Aiden asks. " No...," Carl replied. " I told you she was in some kind of adultery, and look he does it with her because he was not oblivious to these kinds of girls," " Carl....," Aiden wanted to advise him but Carl did not want to hear. "I know purity doesn't matter but loyalty does," Carl makes him speechless. "I feel shocked and heartbroken at the same time," "You can not feel it, Sir That girl whom you love is a virgin, pure completely, That's the reason you are forgiving her again and again cause she deserves it," "deserve love and deserves chat re same time because she is pure and loyal, her purity is evidence of her loyalty," "I never thought she was loyal so I want her, I want her because I love her, no matter if she is pure or anything else", Aiden said. Sana abruptly opens her eyes and peeks at Aiden. " Don't.... don't let me go, let go of me," she starts screaming and places her hands over her head. "I don't want to go, let me go let me go", she was screaming and Aiden got frightened while seeing her condition. "Sana relax, relax, "he tried to make her calm but she was not listening to anything. She gets off of the bed and hides behind it, Aiden was shocked and slowly walks behind the bed. " Sir.....", Carl walks in but he stops him. "Stay....", Aiden said. He sees that little girl hiding desperately. " Why are you hiding there?" Aiden asks. " Do.... don't speak, do... don't say my name, if he heard, he will take me," Sana said. "Did he come here?" Aiden asks and she nods her head. "If he sees you he will kill you," Sana said. "Trust me he is not here, he is not here," Noah says and she nods. " He will come, go hide somewhere, he doesn't want you to come near me," Sana said. "Why do you want me to stay away?" He asks. "Do you care for me?" He asks and she nods. "I can't help them, and I will be not able to help you, If he finds you with me he will kill you, and.... and I don't want this," She said. "Trust me, I will never let him come near you", Aiden looks deep into her eyes. "Do you trust me?" He asks and she nods. "Then come, don't worry," he placed his hand in front of her and she placed her hand into his. He pulled her and she hugged him Sana bound her hands around his neck and he pulled her up He placed her on the bed and she kept crying she was not letting him go. " Everything is alright, everything is fine", He caresses her head and she becomes calm. Carl brings water for her and Aiden makes her drink. "Are you alright?" He asks and she nods. "Does he come here again?" He asks and she nods. "What does he want?" Aiden asks. "He wanted.... he wanted to... take me back", Sana said. "Why does he want you?" Aiden asks. " I don't know why?" She replied. "Sir no one got injured, even Emmy is a girl but she is safe and alright, No sting on her", Carl said. "He would never do anything to those who take care of me", she said and Aiden frowned. " Why doesn't he?" Aiden asks. "He wants someone.... someone as his beloved", She said. "And he found you, but why he doesn't do anything to you?" Aiden asks. "I said he will never do anything to me," She said. " I don't mean that, I mean why doesn't he touch you?" Aiden comes clear. " I don't know," She said and Aiden was completely confused. "Can you help us to make his picture, I mean we want his sketch. "Aiden asks. " He wears a mask, "Sana said. "Mask but why he.... he gives you those marks that mean you have seen his face", Aiden said. " No, I didn't," she said. Aiden saw her condition her body was trembling and she was looking side to side her gaze was frequently scanning the room and her face looked extremely frightened. "Everything is clear here, "Aiden said. " I.... I... can... can we talk?" She said and Aiden told Carl to leave the room. "Yes, first relax, and calm down we can talk", Aiden said and sat near her. "Do one thing, if you want to save women and girls" " she said and Aiden squinted his eyes. "What is it?" He asked. " Finish me, If you kill me then you will see him fall, I am the thing that gives him the ambition to kill," Sana said. "What are you saying, never ever think about this again," Aiden said. "No, he will kill every girl who is detonating this world, and trust me he has killed me from the inside, " "He did this with me, he killed every single girl in front of me, I.... I can not endure this, " "Those girls are still living with me, the time you leave me they will come and ask me why did I do this, why don't I help them," "But... but I was caged, he never listens to me, he showed me getting them into pieces but never listened to me," "If you don't do this then I would do this by myself," She said and Aiden had no words in his answer. "Please, you need to understand, and if you don't then he will take me, " "I know I have to die, and I am prepared for this, he is haunting me, he doesn't want to kill me but wants to treat me like his pet," " Kill me before he takes me," Sana said. "But what is the reason for taking you?" Aiden asks. "I don't... I don't know, he wanted me to write he wanted me to write himself," "Write himself, what do you mean?" Aiden asks. "Sana, Sana you need to calm down, just listen to me first", he said and cupped her face. " Nothing to hear, nothing, I am saying kill me,"
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