A Rare Find

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"You've been comingling with a human." I scoffed, rolling my eyes as I heard such ridiculousness. I walked away from the accused, my stomach turning at the mere thought of his love for female. "The same species that attempted to end us." I could hear the fear and trembling in the lower guard's voice as he kneeled there on his knees, wondering what I was going to do with him. After all, his life was in my hands. "I-she-she's different, my King." He said to me. "I-she would do no harm to a fly, I assure you!"  I scoffed. "You sure about that?" I asked. This ignorant fool had no idea of the part he had played in a large scale loss that the Demoi suffered not too long ago. He needed to see what he had done. "Is that why you gave her sensitive information about the Demoi's defenses? Why you told her our weaknesses?" The soldier's face was turned in an expression of regret. "I-I didn't intend to commit such a transgression, my King. I swear it!" He said. "I just-we were alone-talking. We want4ed to be honest with one another and-" "And so you decided to tell the female human the easiest way to get rid of you?" I could not believe what I was hearing. "How did you think that would play out positively for you, exactly?" I was genuinely curious about why he thought that this was a good idea. "You know how we can get, my liege." He said to me. "How this hunger within us...how it sometimes outweighs good intention." He sighed, bringing his gaze to the floor. "I just-I wanted her to be prepared for that day if ever it came to that." He was right. We did have a hunger; a natural lust for blood and the essence of life. It kept us-sustained us...and yet, sometimes it did overpower us-that need to satiate our hunger for it. I understood where he was coming from on that standpoint. "Had you chosen one of your kind, you'd not have to concern yourself with such matters." As I said those words, with a gesture of my hand, the girl in question was one that had appeared before me.  There she was squealing and frightened. I could feel her fear emanating from her; she had just been suddenly taken from environment and into another. One more hostile-unknown. She looked into my eyes as I looked at her and immediately began to soil herself as she realized who, or what the humans said, what, I was.  As she screamed in terror, I looked on at the soldier. His name Sylo. He was a talented soldier-one I'd like to have considered to be among the best. Yet, here we were, having him trial based on a decision made that was incredibly naïve. I looked into his gaze and saw the horror within them as he looked at the girl in my clutch. "My-my liege, please!" He said. "I-I beg of you! Please don't do this!"  How pathetic of him. "You still believe that she had ill-intent? Even with the death of so many of your comrades?"  I watched him gaze her, his expression doubtful for but a moment before he looked at me again. "Please let her go, sire! I'll do anything." At this point I was becoming bored of the situation. Surely, I had better things to do. "Even if...your reasoning behind giving up sensitive intel on us were true...did it ever occur to you to ask why she told anyone else about such an intimate conversation that was supposed to be between the two of you?" I asked, a smirk of amusement upon my lips as I asked this. "Sylo! Sylo, please believe that I didn't-" "I didn't say that you could speak." I countered, yanking the girl by her hair and forcing her to look into my eyes. "Do it again, and I'll tear your tongue out...in front of him, of course." I said, nodding toward Sylo. "Though, I am sure after this, he will not care so much." As I said this, the girl looked at me curiously. I didn't clarify myself. She didn't deserve it. "You are so blinded by the beauty of this thing, you cannot see truth." I said. "It's not-it's not just her beauty, sire." Sylo said, as my gaze stay on the silent and terrified girl. "I-I love her!"  This was...unsurprisingly not a shock to me. I looked at him with pity and walked over to him, with the girl in hand. As I did this, I noticed my second in command entering the room. We made eye-contact and he bowed to me before I turned away and dragged the girl over to Sylo bound form. "And you really think that she reciprocates that love?" I watched him as he stared at her longingly.  One thing about the Demoi-that no one outside of our race would know, was that when we fell...we fell hard. When we loved, we loved even harder. Our lives were freely given to the ones that we found love with because it was hard for Demoi to find love. At one point it was thought to be impossible to even fall in love. And because it took so much to find such a rarity-such a feeling of trust and adoration-we'd usually do just about anything to keep it. I could clearly see that feeling in Sylo's gaze as he looked at this human girl. What an i***t.   I threw the girl over to him. "Show him the truth, girl." I demanded.  The human girl looked at me with confusion and so did Sylo. They both seemed confused about what was being said. Sylo in all of his idiocy, I understood; but this girl...oh, she was good. "Sy-Sylo, I don't know-I don't know what he's talking-" Before she could finish her sentence, I touched my palm to the back of her head and closed my eyes, connecting myself to her mind. As I did this, I felt myself  filling with her thoughts and her memories. As I reached what I was looking for, I outreached my other hand into the clearing where no one stood and projected the memory into the air. As I did this, Sylo watched as the girl that he so fell in love with was seen with yet another-a male human. They had not so long ago made love, it seemed; and Sylo was the last thing on her mind. At least her love for him was. In the memory she bragged to her human lover about the victory that they had just accrued over the information that Sylo had given the little w***e. Still in a trance, the girl didn't see the painful shock suddenly on Sylo's face. It was only when I let go did she groggily return back to her mental state. I watched as she touched her hand to her forehead, no doubt experiencing the pain and discomfort that was suddenly there. "Sy-Sylo?" She said in a weakened voice. "What happened, baby-" Her words were cut off as she looked into the eyes of the Demoi that she'd been lying to all of this time. "You, see, girl." I said as I realized what was about to happen. "I am sure that Sylo told you about how hard the Demoi love." I walked from behind her, not needing her to answer as it was something that I knew he confessed. "But did he also caution you about if you ever betrayed us after we've given you that love?" I asked. "Wh-" The girl whispered as she incredulously looked at Sylo. "Sylo?" She said in a weakened and low voice, her gaze switching from me to him every time she opened her mouth to utter a word. My threat was obviously still on her mind, and while I had not forgotten it by a long shot, I decided to see how this goes. How would she talk her way out of this one? "You lied to me." Sylo said in a deep and dark tone. "You betrayed me." Where his gaze could not even seem to look at her, he finally did, his eyes steadily shifting into darkness. "You used me! You used me for intel on war?!" He already knew the answer. "Sylo I-" She stopped talking as she witnessed his eyes begin to darken, veins spreading from his eyes onto his skin before his teeth began to sharpen. "Sy-Sylo please! No-" Close enough to take a bite out of her, that is exactly what Sylo did before the human could finish her words. " He drained her until her body began to shake and convulse, the light of her life leaving her eyes before she fell to the ground. I watched as Sylo kneeled there, breathing hard, the anger of betrayal filling the room. "Take the body and leave at the doorstep of the enemy. I want them to know that this isn't over." I commanded. "They obviously need to be reminded that the war is won-and that they are on the losing team." "I-I apologize for my reckless infatuation, my King." Sylo said. I stopped in my departing footsteps and looked at him. "I placed our kind at risk over some wretch that meant me no good. I swear to you that this will not happen again." I sighed. "I know that it won't, Sylo." I said with a sympathetic smile. I kneeled to him on my knee and placed my hand on his shoulder. "You were a great soldier." And I meant that, but...he had to go. As I impaled the special blade that could kill a Demoi instantly, into his heart, I sighed. "One of my best. But you would always become undone by a beautiful gaze. I long since noticed your infatuation with the humans; and as long as you satisfied your dark needs without establishing feelings, I would look the other way. No matter how revolting your tastes were. But this time...this time...your reckless actions caused the death of our men and sensitive intel that restart a war as well as turn into the favor of the superhumans." I twisted the knife in his heart as the anger concerning what he had done, a growl even escaped him. "I did not want to do this." I confessed as I saw realization of death on his face. "Goodbye, old friend." I said as the life left his eyes and the essence of his being flowed into me, making me stronger. I stood from the dead body of Sylo and looked at the other guards, wordlessly gesturing for them to take him away before I left the room, Leonis not far behind me. "Finally found out who leaked our intel?" He asked. I nodded a yes as we kept walking. "I knew those cravings of his would get us all in trouble one day." Leonis sighed. "Sad to lose such a talent to something so foolish." "Agreed." I answered my best friend and right hand. "Though your cravings do not differ much from Sylo's, Leo." I reminded him with amusement. "Unlike, our friend, Sylo, I can control my revolting tastes." Leonis chuckled, referencing my words that were earlier said to Sylo. Amused, I smirked. "I just never understood your or Sylo's intrigue." I confessed. "I don't mean judgment, brother." I quickly assured. "But our women are among the most beautiful in this world and are stronger than that of those wicked humans." There was silence between us for a moment before Leonis answered me. "I fear that is it, Cas." He said. "The human form is so...delicate in its ways. So easily, I can take the life one." I could hear the grin on his face without even bothering to stare at him. "Their lives are in my hands and at any moment, I can snuff it out." "You make it sound so easy." I scoffed. "When we both know that it isn't. Those humans are not so defenseless in their ways as you pan it out to be." A grimace appeared upon my face as I thought about one in particular. "Especially with the White Siren at large."  She needed to die. Every single time I thought about the faceless secret weapon of the human race, a shiver would travel up my spine and anger swallowed my heart.  That thing...was the reason for my sudden loneliness- the reason behind why I could never know peace. I kissed the special necklace made in memory of my son and wife and said a silent prayer before allowing to rest upon my chest again. Oh, how I missed Lina and Les. They were my peace and the White Siren had taken that all away from me. And they say the Demoi are monsters. I shook my head at the thought. "You alright?" Leonis asked, taking me from my reverie of thoughts. I recollected that he was walking with me and quickly sobered up from my emotions. "Fine." I answered in a short manner. "What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked, remembering that he summoned me for more than just to talk about Sylo and this crazy infatuation with human women. When I heard Leonis stop walking, I paused. He looked at me with an odd expression of almost...triumph. Before I could ask why this was, he spoke. "I found her."  There was no one as important on my list to find except the White Siren; but I did not want to jump the gun in assuming that 'her' is who he was referring to. "Who, Leonis?" I approached him closer. "Tell me that it is her. Do you mean her?!" Leonis nodded a yes and I tried to contain my shock at his answer. Never had I seen this White Siren. No one had ever laid eyes on the secret weapon of the human race; and here it was, by right hand finally found her. We needed to act! And we needed to act quickly! "Where?! Where is she, Leonis?" I asked. "We cannot stand here wasting time! We need to get to her before she is on the move again." "My sentiments exactly." Leonis said. "Which is the reason that...as soon as I found out her location...I extracted her." "You wh-you what?"  As I backed away from him, unable to believe what I was hearing, Leonis approached me closer.  Standing in front of me, he place his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. "We have her, Casimir. We finally have the White Siren." At that point in the conversation, there was nothing else to be said but; "Take me to her."
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