Slave To The Demoi

1560 Words
I was reluctant, standing there outside the door of the imprisoned human weapon known to this dystopian world as the White Siren. "You alright, Casimir?" I heard my right hand speaking to me, but my mind played catch up in terms of an answer. From the outside looking in, it may have seemed that I was afraid-that this lethal weapon of the human race intimidated me-the king of the Demoi race. However, that wasn't it at all. The truth of the matter is, it all felt surreal to me. Could it be? Could this really be the moment that I had been waiting for over the last eight and a half years? I found it hard to believe-too good to be true.  "Is it really her, Leonis?" I found myself asking as I watched the closed door. It was the only thing that could come to mind, aside the various other questions that I had-this one being far more important than any of the others.  I heard my long-time friend sigh before he placed his hand to my shoulder. "With assurance, my king." He reassured me. I turned and looked at him to see a small smile upon his face.  I believed him. I believed that he assuredly believed that he had brought in the right one. But there had been too many times-entirely too many where we hadn't.  Having only heard rumors of the siren, I didn't know much in the way that she looked; and as typical as it may sounded, those of us that had, never survived to tell the description of this wretch of a beast. However, judging by her horrific crimes, I judged her to be just as foul as her transgressions toward our people.  I turned the knob of the large and heavy metal prison door, cracking it open, though pausing for a moment before completely pulling the door ajar.  As I stepped into the darkness of the room, a sweet scent danced around my nostrils, one that I seemed unable to escape. What was this intoxicating scent, I wondered. I did not ask however, my mind to full of my own thoughts to gather a verbal question.  My eyes began to glow as they adjusted to the darkness in the room. I didn't say anything-only watched as the bound wretched weapon of the human resistance knelt there, saddled in chains. Her head, bowed and her body slumped, I could only see the wild and curly golden, strawberry blonde mass of hair that fell to the floor, covering her face. All the while that I watched her, I wondered what she was thinking. It was in my silence that I finally heard her speak, though barely above a whisper. "You must be...the head honcho." She said.  I could hear in her voice that she had been severely weakened. I could also sense that she had not too long ago been...been...I couldn't see or tell what it was, but I knew that it was something as foul as she was.  I had little time to speak before I saw her finally lift her head slightly-only far up enough for her to reveal shockingly pale pink set of eyes that were hued in exuberant specs of blue. "You know...I can see you too." She whispered. Her smug tone was simultaneously annoying and amusing. "Light, Leonis." I sad of my right hand. He switched on a light and stalked over to the bonded albino, whose gaze was, once again to the floor.  Leonis grabbed the White Siren by her hair and yanked her head up and from her face, practically forcing her stare into my eyes. It  wasn't until that moment that I saw the White Siren in full view. The dark did not do justice to what I saw in the light. Where I thought those eyes were just pink with specs of blue, I now noticed that there were also flakes of green in them and she barely had a pupil; and what she did have was not shaped as it normally should be. Nevertheless, the gaze of the siren fit perfectly with her heart-shaped face and thick and pouty pink lips. Her skin was extremely pale-as the albinos of the human race usually were, barely holding any sort of pigment. And on her, no doubt, sensitive skin were tattooed markings adorning her arms as well as her waistline. Her form was immaculate-perfect in its thickness. She was toned and voluptuous. She was the most beautiful human that I had ever seen. "Are you going to kill me? Or stand the coward you are." "I really hate to harm that beautiful form of yours." Leonis said. "But I will for my king." I could sense only a very slight bit of fear from this astonishingly young girl. She had seemed to come to terms with her death and judging by the steady heave of her ample breast, she was trying to mentally prepare herself for it by taking deep breaths to calm her anxiety. "I must say." I finally broke my silence as I watched her, wordlessly gesturing for Leonis to leave her be. "I did not expect the human's lethal weapon to be so..." "Sexy?" Leonis said with a grin. "Young." I corrected. Though, while I did not agree with such terms concerning the human race, she was quite bountiful in her beauty. "How old are you, girl?" I found myself asking out of curiosity. "Why...why does that matter?" She hissed at me. "Do...what you're going to do...already." She was quite the fire ball, she was. And I could see on Leonis's expression that he was very much taken by her. There was a look of growing obsession in his gaze as his eyes never left her; and when Leonis had that look in his eyes, it did not bode well. When he was obsessed with something, he'd have a tendency to become a little erratic in his thinking. If this were what I had to look forward to in keeping her alive, then surely it would be best to kill her now. However, I could see that she was prepared for death. That she wanted it-that she longed for it. I couldn't help but wonder why. Sure, she'd seen war and killed her fair share. In fact, I am quite surprised that we even won. Then again, I guess the morale of any army of soldiers would go down when their general dies. Regardless, I just wanted her to suffer for what she had done to my people. To my wife and to my child. I couldn't help thinking, however, that death would grant her peace-a peace that I did not have. "You beg for death." I said as I neared her closely. I gazed into her eyes, reading every bit of her emotions as I did. I could not see why, but there was only a semblance of fight to live-one not even large enough to outweigh her desire to end. "It would be...a kindness to you, yes?" She did not speak, only glared at me before jerking her head away from my gaze. I scoffed and walked away from her. " do not deserve kindness." I growled, as the memory of my wife and son being laid across the mansion gate, tortured, bruised and burned, seared itself within my brain. Before I could stop myself I found myself in front of her. I struck her so hard, her body was forced back, dislocating the arms as they jerked viciously against the chains.  An ear-piercing scream was let from her before she collapsed to the floor. Her arms-both of them misplaced as she kneeled on the stone floor in weakness.  I watched as the subtle wave of her cry emanated the room. There was still power even in her weakness; she just didn't seem to know how to fully access it. "I thought-I thought you placed the dampener on her." I said, my head a little discombobulated from her weak and yet effective sonic cry. "I did." Leonis answered. "In fact, I didn't think she had that kind of power left." He scoffed. "Such an intriguing little thing she is." Frustrated, I ignored Leonis and his not so subtle lust towards the little siren. I watched her painfully thrust her arms back into place, a feminine and yet pained throaty grunt escaping her with every snap made to place her arms back in their proper place. She then spit what blood was left in her mouth onto the floor along with a tooth. She licked the rest from her lips as she looked at me. I yanked her head back so that she could look into my eyes. "I will not offer you the peace of death, little siren." I said. "You think you wish it now; but I will make you beg for it soon, yet."  Just before I waved my hand across her face to will her to sleep, I witnessed the subtle alarm. When she fell unconscious, I stood. "Leonis." I called to my right hand. "Yes, sire." "Make that collar stronger and...more presentable." I added. "She'll have to look pleasing to the eye if she is going to be slave to the Demoi." I could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke. "Yes, King Casimir."
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