
1459 Words
The throbbing sting at the back of my neck and head stunned me awake.  Before I could fully open my eyes, I lifted my hand in an attempt to feel the pained back of my head as if that, alone would somehow soothe excruciation that I was feeling. It was when I felt the sudden stiff tug against my movement that I realized I could not budge. Bewildered, I looked to my right and saw my hand outstretched and bound in some form of metal chain that I had never even seen before; and so was my left. My feet, bare and dirty, were chained to the floor-only a little more leeway than what was granted for my arms and hands. They apparently didn't see the need to make it too tight. Wasn't like I could get anywhere anyway-not with all of the restraint placed upon me. "Finally awake, I see." I heard a voice-one painfully familiar and deep say. Quickly, I looked up to see the Demoi general that I was given to by Gary Polson, may he burn in hell.  The significantly larger man stood there in front of me. I couldn't bring myself to look into his eyes-I don't know why. Or maybe I just didn't want to face the reason why. That I was afraid. All my life, I had never bothered to think about fear-even when I was placed in situations similar to this. I always placed my life in harm's way-risking it and even being hurt in doing so. However, the difference between now and those times...I wasn't so powerless. And I don't mean in the way of my actual abilities of sonic manipulation-no, it was more than that.  Dad taught me at an early age not to solely depend on my powers. He always said that there would be situations where I couldn't use them and that I needed to realize that there was more power in me than just that of a sonic cry. "There is more to Kieran Kinkayd than the White Siren." He'd say to me.  He taught me every type of fighting style that I could imagine-taught me how to wield, not only guns but knives and many other blades and bows; and when I couldn't reach a weapon, he taught me how to use my surroundings as one. My father taught me to be a lethal weapon, through my abilities, yes, but also through physical combat. And with all of that training-my whole life's purpose, I was rendered weak. Unable to loose myself from the bindings forced upon me. Every single time I made a move to get out of those chains, they seemed to tighten around me. I hadn't realized that my wrists were starting to turn raw until I felt the subtle scrape against the white meat beneath my skin. I hissed in pain, realizing that it was no use.  "The more you fight against this the worse it'll be." The Demoi general pointed out what I had already gathered but it wouldn't do me any good to point that out. "You cannot get anywhere, so there's no need to try." He said. I could practically feel his gaze burning into me. "Although, I am quite surprised that you are attempting to fight at all, since I was placed under the assumption that you willingly gave yourself up for your people." I heard him walk away, still not wanting to look at him, before he stopped. "In doing so, you have given your word to sacrifice your life for theirs. So if you did, somehow escape, you forfeit all of their lives." I didn't say anything-didn't even gesture to hearing him. When I heard him turn around, I knew that he was facing me again. "Far more quieter than I had initially imagined." He scoffed. "Guess, the white siren is taught to kill first-ask questions never." He said. "Makes sense." I his footsteps sounded toward me, however, not close enough for me to see his feet under my gaze as my eyes stay glued to the floor. "That much was apparent by the impressive way that you opened that humans' throat yesterday."  Normally, I would not think proudly of ending the life anyone-especially a human, but Gary Polson was a different case indeed. "Clean cut-perfectly opened artery." He said. "Even the wound was clean. Hard to do with such a blunt knife as it were." As he said this, I finally saw his large shoes view of my gaze. "You really are a lethal weapon." He said. I still didn't look at him; and he seemed to have had enough of my ignoring his gaze because he suddenly took my neck and forced my eyes to him. "Did not expect to ever meet the white siren. Neither did I expect such a weapon to come in such a pretty little package." He grinned. He tipped my neck over as he spoke to me. "Really outdid ourselves with this power dampener." He muttered. "I was expecting more of a fight from you to be honest." As his hand stay tightly around my neck, I noticed behind him, that there were three other soldiers standing with him. I watched them closely, taking every move that they made. Force of habit, even in knowing that I could not do anything. I did, however, find amusement in the fact that he more than likely brought them along because he assumed that I'd give him trouble. I could not resist the small smirk upon my expression at this thought. Fortunately, he did not see it before it disappeared from my face.  As this Demoi general continued to talk, I studied, I am ashamed to admit, how extremely exquisite these Demoi creatures were. Their was long and dark and their eyes were stark in steel hues of gray. All of them were similar and yet completely different in their beauty while this Demoi general was different altogether. While his hair was indeed dark like the others, it was significantly shorter, stopping a little past the nape of his neck, tousled and slightly curly yet suave in a way; and his eyes were a deep hazel brown. He was just as larger as the others, however not the largest. "What are you up to in that brain of yours?" He suddenly asked, knocking me from my reverie. My gaze slowly reached his for but a moment before I turned away. "If you...are going to kill me...then do it." I hissed in barely a whisper. I could not do or say much more than that as weak as I was.  I dropped my gaze after saying what I said, but I could hear the small bit of surprise when I spoke. Then he chuckled as he replied; "Ah, she speaks."  Tired of the teasing's, I snapped. " it! " I hissed. I just suddenly needed and wanted it to be over. There was silence for a long moment before he spoke again. "Even if I could kill you...I am not sure that I would." He said to me, forcing me to look at him again. "You are just too pretty of a trophy for that to happen." I attempted to snatch away from him but he grabbed my neck even harder. "Don't do that again." He smirked. I averted my gaze from him again, daring not give him the satisfaction of looking into his eyes; it was obvious that this is what he wanted me to do. Why? I had no clue. "I know that I may come off as a king, but unfortunately I am not." I subtly side-glanced him to see the grimace on his face upon admitting this. He must didn't like being the second in command. Pathetic.  "Then show the real charge." I hissed. I rolled my eyes. "You...and your minions...are just...wasting my time." I continued weakly. What was the worst that could happen in my being insubordinate? I was already prepared for death in a sense anyway. "Smart tongue you have." He said with a small grin before it turned into a growl. "I'd hate for you to have to lose it." I glared at him for a moment before rolling my eyes. "The king is otherwise engaged." He pulled away from me. "But you'll be seeing him soon enough." He then gestured for the other soldiers to exit the dungeon in which they'd left me. "You're obviously itching for a Deathwish." He said. "Otherwise, I'd warn you that the King Casimir is the last Demoi you'd want to see." And with that, he exited the room with me still bound in chain, awaiting the arrival of this Demon king that I had never met before.
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