
1354 Words
I sat there in the chair of a spare room...watching the unconscious little human tyrant as she lay there unconscious.  After awakening from the sleeping spell that I placed her under, she had become most volatile and quite vicious, trying hard to get free of her bonds. Ironic for one so willing to die at first. Then again maybe she figured that since I'd decided to make her suffer in life, that she'd make it hell on me as well. She'd lost her will eventually, however. Sooner than later-this, I know. I found myself standing and approaching her unconscious form. She lie there on the cold floor, chained like a rare and unique animal caught in the wild and suddenly made to be a prize pet. I hated to admit that she cleaned up quite well by the servants, her pale skin holding a near glow as her thick, tattooed thighs boldly shown through the sheer black harem bottoms that were split from the ankle to the near waistline. The wrap around top that she had on stopped only an inch or two below her breast and revealed almost every intricate detail of the tattoos that adorned her. However, tattoos weren't the only thing that I noticed. This one-she was heavily scarred-deep wounds that I am sure no normal human should have survived. I looked at her unconscious face and saw an almost peace on her perfect face as she lie there, her hair still wild and long in its wavy, curly wonder. I told the servants not to change that-maybe wash and clean it a little but don't change it. There was something about how the mass of strawberry golden hair framed her face. I found that I was torturing myself by watching her This being-this...female killed my wife and my child and yet there was something about her that was so enchanting that I just could not take my mind away from it. I felt like I was betraying the memory of my wife and son by just keeping her alive and I hated myself for it. I hated her even more. But I still couldn't look away. Why? As I kneeled there, questioning myself, I hadn't even realize that my gaze had suddenly become distant and out of focus. It was only when I felt the tug at my holster did I realize the little siren had my weapon in her hand. Just as my gaze switched over to her, she sliced at my throat.  She got me; but I was quick enough, fortunately, to dodge the attack before she went too deep. No doubt had she gone a little deeper, she would have severed an artery. I touched the part of my throat where I felt the sting against my neck. Of course, there was quite a bit of blood but that wasn't my main concern. I watched as her body began to shake violently against the searing pain that surged through her body. She then fell to the ground in what I could assume to be agonizing pain. "Close one." He said. "Though, I'm sure you do realize that slitting my throat will not kill me." He said. "Course you know that, taking into consideration all of our kind that you have killed." As I said this, the anguish in me made itself to the forefront. I lifted my hand and telekinetically forced her to point the same knife that she had just attacked me with, on herself. As she realized what I was doing, her eyes widened and there was a suddenly sense of bewilderment upon her face. Or at least I guessed it to be as much because I was almost certain that it wasn't fear. The knife gradually forced its way to her thigh, and settled on its tip. I watched breast anxiously heave up and down as she realized what was about to happen. As I said before, however, she wasn't afraid. She was angry. "Am I...supposed to feel guilty for killing the likes of you." She said to me, a grimace upon her face as she spoke. "Just as much guilt as any decent being would feel." I sarcastically replied and as I did, I willed her to start carving. "Aaahhh!" The scream that she let out surprised me and simultaneously rendered me happy. When the first letter was done, I could see her hands shaking and her gaze glaring me down. "Why...why would I feel guilty about killing monsters?" "Bold." I rolled my eyes as I forced her to carve two more letters into her skin. This time she fought to hold in the cry that must have been warring to escape from her lungs. I could hear it though, trying had to push its way through her lips as she groaned and grunted in pain. "I find it funny that you humans assume that we are the monsters." After she was finished with her carving, she tried catching her breath from the pain, her skin starting to build up a sweat as she endured the torture that I was suffering upon her. " kill people-eat them to live!" She screamed. "How do you think that you are not..." Her voice trailed off as she had obviously begun to weaken from the blood that she was starting to lose. "You were always at the top of the food chain." I said to her. "Always assuming that your life means more-that it is worth more. That your way is the most logical way that there is." I scoffed and walked away from her and looked out into the land that separated the Demoi from those wretched humans. "You kill and eat innocent sustain yourselves." I turn to face her. "I do not judge of this practice in particular as we do the same-" "You do far worse." She hissed. After she said this, I forced her to carve another three words into her thigh, the blood that was beginning to pool on the floor beneath her calling my name.  "That is where I disagree." I commented. "You see, humans have always been above the food chain-always the top of the hierarchy." I turned around and looked at her weakening form. She blinked and before she could open her eyes again, I was standing there right in front of her, face to face, gaze to gaze. "Now you're not." I simply clarified. "Humans eat their cattle and the Demoi eat theirs." I related to her. "'re saying that...humans are nothing...nothing but cattle" By this time her breath was haggard and short from the pain, I can only assume. "As you are saying that the Demoi are but mere monsters to you." I said. "Have you ever even bothered to really see or know one of my kind?" I asked, already knowing full well what the answer would be. Of course she hadn't. The white siren was nothing but a mindless weapon, killing all that stood in her way. Though, I'm sure that she could, I found it hard to believe that she could feel anything. "No more than you have with mine." The little siren finally forced herself to say through her pain.  I didn't allow her to catch a breath before forcing her to carve ten more letters into her, now raw thigh. By this time, she could not speak anymore-nor could she hold in the excruciating pain that I caused her as her lips could not longer hold the gasps of agony being self-inflicted. When she was finished, she collapsed onto the floor, the blood from the forced self-mutilation spreading. She could barely open her eyes as she looked at me. "" She said, a tear running down her odd colored eyes as she looked at me. "Why should I grant you such mercy?" I said. "When you've taken everything from me?" I whispered to her. I'm not sure what point in my reply that she lost conscious, but I only hoped that she heard every word that I said. And that she realized...that I wasn't through with her yet.
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