Chapter 5: Breath

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-Amelie- “How do you feel, Amelie?” Luna Clara asked me. “I am so much better... and so happy to meet you, Luna,” The Luna of New Moonlight wanted to talk with me! I am so excited. It is such an honor for anyone to be addressed like this! It is a video call, but still, I am so nervous. Luna Clara is so amazing! Lorraine has told me about all those things she has done for rank equality in the Kingdom of werewolves. I cannot believe that I woke up in a new world. No... I woke up to a new, better, safer, and different world for omegas and even humans like me. My Luna is the leader of New Moonlight. And she is the mate of Joshua Duncan, the young Alpha of Silver Rain. The strongest pack in the Kingdom! And not only that… she is also a princess! And not just any princess. The Crown Princess of our Kingdom! She will be the ruling Luna Queen one day! And she is an omega! Luna Clara is the King’s daughter with his true soulmate, Luna Queen Silvia. Also, an omega! All that information blew my mind away. I hyperventilated when Lolo told me I was going to meet her before leaving the Clinic. I was afraid of stepping outside this place, and she wanted to talk with me for a while. I was important to her; she just did not want to interrupt my recovery. Lolo and I will never fear the Dark River pack again because we are under the protection of a powerful and loved Luna. Besides, we are surrounded by allies of our pack. Blue Ribbon, Silver Rain, and Blood Moon werewolves protect us all. And... Our pack has Lycans and witches as friends! How crazy is that? “Oh! Amelie. We have known each other for a while!” Luna Clara said, and I blushed. “Yes… I am sorry, Lolo explained to me that we have met before, but I do not have any memory of that." This is a new experience for me. “Do not worry." She said and stood silent for a moment, thinking in depth. "I respect your sister’s wishes. Lorraine is your guardian now." Her voice was firm. “But I disagree with her on this matter.” Lolo is eighteen now and has decided that I should let go of some memories. If they come, fine, but if not, it is fine too. “Good and bad things that happen in our lives built who we are. We need the memories to learn, to grow.” I guess Luna Clara is right, but above all, I trust my sister. "All I want is to be with my sister, Luna," I answered without being asked. The Luna smiled at me, understanding. "I will do as she says, Luna. I will go wherever she goes." Lolo will not get rid of me now that I can walk and talk. “I know, Amelie. Be patient with Lorraine. She needs some time to heal as well.” I looked at Luna Clara, confused and worried. What does my sister need to heal from? "I see you are confused." The Luna gave me a sad smile, “Once she is ready, Lorraine will tell you. I am sure." I hope so, too. The world is so confusing now. Lorraine talks a lot with me, although she keeps secrets from me. I do not know the reason, but I love her enough to wait for as long as she needs to. “You both just need some time in Saint Isabella before coming home.” My grin grew bigger on my face. Home, I have a home! I belong to the New Moonlight pack! I could live in their territory one day. Lorraine wants us to stay in Saint Isabella for a while so I can experience the diversity in the city and potentially choose to move into human territory instead. She fears that I do not have a wolf, but I am hopeful. And I have help from my Luna for that now. “Thank you, Luna! And thank you for everything you are doing for me.” I felt a knot in my throat. Luna Clara thinks my wolf is dormant and needs to be nurtured, so when I turn eighteen, she will wake up. Therefore, she will pay for the treatment with potions for me. Dear Moon Goddess! If that works out, I will be able to shift into my wolf! I do not remember ever feeling this hopeful, happy, and safe in my life. “Oh! Amelie, there is nothing to thank me for. I owe you. And please, just call me Clara.” How much would someone like her owe me? And I cannot talk to her without her title, I am only human… “I would not dare…” I could not finish saying what I wanted, and Luna Clara would say something else, but her mate showed up. Her babies were crying. I saw them briefly. They are so tiny! Noah and Nathan are newborns, and their lungs were so strong despite their age. They were hungry, and Alpha Joshua could not calm them down. Wait… Was an Alpha taking care of pups? This is a new world! Luna Clara had to excuse herself for feeding them but scheduled another meeting with me on video call next week. His mate greeted me as if we knew each other. Wow! We have the best Luna. Luna Rossana, the Luna of Dark River was horrible to Lorraine and me. Well, she was mean to anyone like her mate, Alpha Monzon. She had so much anger and resentment inside. Whenever Renata was kind to us or anyone, she would slap her. Her mother would hurt her any time she thought Renata was not perfectly obedient. Renata told us she would ignore us to stop the beatings, but Luna Rossana always found reasons to beat us all up. I do not remember my own mother. Still, I am sure no mother is like that towards her children. I am glad Renata fled with her best friend. Even though his mother slapped all the omegas from the packhouse that day. Bruno celebrated instead... How can a brother despise his sister? Bruno... That monster. “Are you ready?” Lorraine asked me, pulling me away from my memories. She came to pack for me. I am fine, but she does not let me do anything. "Yes!" I beamed at her. "I liked our Luna." “I knew you would, sis." Lolo also smiled at me happily, but her smile dropped when she turned her back to me. There is an aura of sadness around Lolo all the time. We have suffered a lot in Dark River, but I have never seen her like this. It is another kind of sadness, and it is not about me. Lolo finished packing my few belongings in my new bag. Luna Clara sent me new clothes with Veronica from her favorite boutique in this town. After weeks and weeks, I can finally go to Moon House! There is no more pain. Well, maybe a little on my right side. Broken ribs take time to heal. Yet I am happy... there are no scars on my face. I can walk, but it was the clinic's policy to leave using a wheelchair. I shrugged my shoulders and just sat down on it for Lolo to push me out. Before leaving the room, I looked longingly at the fresh roses once more. Every day I have spent here, I have received those beautiful flowers. There were always different colors of roses. I never dared to ask about them, fearing they would stop coming. Someone was spending a fortune on them, yet no one complained. I do not know how to explain, but it comforted me every time I looked at them. The smell soothes me. It is like roses are delivering a message of comfort. I must be crazy. I have been locked indoors too long! "Please, can we go to the beach?" I asked Lolo. I used my puppy's eyes on her. And Lolo gave me a heartfelt smile. Finally! “After we install you in your new room in Moon House, Meli. Not before.” She is kind of motherly with me whenever there is a chance. Oh! Moon Goddess, I will live with the Moonies! I am excited to finally be with them. I met Veronica and Tank. They manage Moon House in this town, and I will meet the rest of the pack today. The place is like a little piece of our territory outside of it. Nurse Betty hugged me goodbye at the entrance and then apologized for doing so. How silly! She did not crush me! I found some familiar faces. They were staff of the clinic, too. It must be a tradition here, to gather around to wave goodbyes to those who leave. How odd was that! I gave my number to Betty because I have a phone now. It is modern and pretty. I am not sure how to use it, but I have a new freaking phone! And a bunch of new friends. The outside was beautiful. The green garden, clean streets, and the sky… The sky was so blue, the weather warm and humid but nicely humid. I took a deep breath of fresh air. The sea is close, and the smell is different. I marveled at the beauty of the place. One deep breath, looking up to the sky, the sun blinded me. Wonderful… I can raise my head without fear. No one cares what I do here! I no longer feel the dread I used to feel in Dark River when walking outside the packhouse. I took another breath of air before looking at my sister. There are a lot of things I do not know in this new world and this place. There is a past I do not remember. I am seventeen now, and Lolo got her wolf, Ava... I have missed so much, but Lolo is by my side, and I am part of a good pack. I am so hopeful to fit in with them, and about my new life, my future… Because now there is a future for me! My heart jumped in my chest from happiness, making my head dizzy. I guess... this is what it means to be free. Be able to breathe.
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