Chapter 4: When a loved one hides something

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-Amelie-   I was falling asleep again when Lolo came back with a doctor and the nice nurse from last night. I guess it was last night…   He was Dr. Owen Smith, and she was Betty Stevens.   Dr. Owen explained that in a couple of days I will be able to talk. Since I am better, they are going to reduce the painkillers increasing my time awake.   I am told that I will have to learn to manage the pain without drugs, step by step. That is good, I cannot afford an expensive drug addiction, anyways.   He was going to say something else, but Lolo stepped in. The good doctor blushed and told us he had to leave to check on other patients. I do not have much experience with this kind of thing, but that was odd.   “Meli, your head got hit very bad…” I know! It still hurts, my whole body hurts, especially my side. I am told now that a couple of ribs are broken. I guess I landed very badly from the fall.   “We almost lost you…” There is so much pain in her voice. “I was so scared that you might never wake up…” She is almost in tears and her eyes are so sad.   Lorraine took my good hand; I wish I can tell her I am alright. I was lucky!   “Your body is human, Meli.” I nodded; I know that. If I were a werewolf my wounds would heal fast and without more complications.   “But you will be fine.” She smiled at me.   “Of course, she will.” Nurse Betty said, and I tried to smile. It hurts!   “Meli, you have forgotten some things, but you don't need to remember them.” I looked at her confused. She said what?   “It is being a long time since we left Dark River pack, we jumped off that cliff and then… we… we walked to this territory. This is neutral territory; it is named Saint Isabella town. It is a beautiful place, Meli. There is so much sun, and we can go to the beach…” She was excited but suddenly got sad.   I know my sister, her face smiles at me but her eyes tell a different story.   “This is not a pack; it is a place where almost every species comes for commerce. There is a big port. And it is protected by all Kingdoms, the major changes every five years and this can be of a different species every time. It is so…” She was excited again.   Wow! It sounds amazing!   “There is so much to tell you Meli. I am so glad you woke up.”   I pointed to my head, and then her… how to ask her? I want to know everything that I forgot and how long was I sleep… And why she is not looking to join a werewolf pack? Lorraine cannot be alone; she will become a rogue with red scary eyes!   “What did I forget?” I wrote in the notebook she gave me before. I feel like it was yesterday when we jumped off that cliff running away from Dark River trackers and Bruno.   She stopped talking about the beautiful spots and legends of this territory to look at the notebook.   “The doctor said that your head needs time to heal, but you might never remember anything, and it will be fine… just fine. You will be fine.”   Oh! “Or she can remember everything one day.” Nurse Betty said crossing her arms over her chest.   Lolo looked at Betty irritated.   “Some memories are unnecessary,” Lolo said to the nurse with tight lips, and then again to me but with tenderness.   Betty huffed and left us alone.   Then, Lolo told me that we are part of a pack that is ruled by a Luna, that the werewolf Kingdom has gone thru large changes I could not believe. She promised to tell me more once I felt better.   She talked about Moon House. Lolo is working at an ice cream parlor with that name. It belongs to our pack, and we will be able to live on the second floor of the building until I turn eighteen. She does not want to go back to our pack’s territory, yet.   Since I do not have a wolf, she told me that I can move to human territory. She said that she will support me in any decision I take.   I began to cry like a child, and it was painful.   Why does she want me to go to human territory? Did she give up on me? I still hope to have a wolf when I turn eighteen, why is she assuming I no longer have a wolf? Even if I do not have a wolf, I want to be with her! She is my family, my only family. Why is she rejecting me now?   Lolo tried to console me without understanding why I was crying. Betty rushed in and gave me more medication.   “It is not good for her health to get this anxious.” The medicine helped me. Lolo cleaned my face being careful with my wounds. I noticed that nurse Betty glared at my Lolo.   I was calmer but still worried, so I wrote down my concerns to my sister.   “Oh, no! Meli… I did not mean… I… You are my sister. I would never abandon you; I am just trying to protect you. Meli, do not cry! It is just that werewolves can be dangerous for humans, and you…” I sobbed a little more and it seemed like she was about to cry, too.   “You better be careful with your words, Miss Lorraine. Your sister is very vulnerable right now.” Betty is nice. Very nice.   She glared at Lorraine once more before leaving us alone.   “Once you are better, we will talk, okay?” I nodded to Lorraine. My sister caressed my good hand once more.   Lolo started again with her stories about Moon House, but I was no longer invested in them. I was tired from crying and the medication made me sleepier.   She decided to leave me, but not before promising to come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and on… until she would pick me up from this Clinic.   I smiled but I wrote her something for her to consider.   “I do not want secrets between us.”   “Just trust me, okay? Trust your bigger sister.” Lolo told me.   “Okay,” I wrote down for her.   Later, at night, nurse Betty came to check on me, but when she finished, she did not leave me this time. She took a seat and started to tell me her story.   She is originally from Blood Moon, a powerful pack, even I know that!   Dark River hates them because they cannot take their position in the ranking. That was all Bruno used to talk about. The third-place sucked for him, and most of the high-rank werewolves in that pack. It feels good to refer to them like that… I am no longer part of that pack.   Nurse Betty came for vacations to Saint Isabella, but since she met her mate here, they both agreed to stay. They live happily here, and I dreamed again about being a werewolf and have a fated mate… One can dream, one can pray… Moon Goddess might respond one day.   “You know your sister is hiding something from your, right?”   “Yes. But I trust her.” I wrote it down.   “Do you want to know what it is?” She asked me after reading my notebook.   When a loved one hides something from you is because they are afraid. They can be afraid of your reaction, the consequences of you knowing, either for themselves or you.   There is always a reason, valid or not for you, they are valid enough for your loved one.   My sister is hiding something. But I also understand that she is doing it to protect me.    So, I answered to nurse Betty, no.  
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