Chapter 6: Aqua Blue

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Veronica picked us up in a fancy shining car with tinted windows. I felt like royalty.   Everyone looks so relaxed on the streets, but I could not enjoy more of the view. The distance from the Clinic to Moon House was short. We could have just walked!   When I stepped out of the car, I saw the most beautiful place ever. My new home. Moon House.   Oh, Moon House! I wanted to shout out the name.   It was a three-story building with a façade of bricks painted in white, big glass windows with frames of wood painted red. The sign had red and white letters that said, “Moon House”. The drawing of a big smiling full moon was on display there, too.   The business was on the first floor. Pack members live on the second and third floors. Training is on the beach very early in the morning, every day. I will join them in a week or so after I gain some weight.   Tank welcomed me and gave me a quick tour of the parlor, the kitchen, and the office she shared with Veronica, the changing area, and the emergency exit.   Lolo told me that the building is property of New Moonlight now, and it was recently renewed to fit us comfortably.   My mouth dropped open when Lolo put a key on my hand. I have my own room on the third floor.   Before opening the door with my name on it, I looked at my sister. I do not need to mind-link her. Lolo always knows what I think just by looking at me; the tears were gathering in my eyes.   I am not sad... I am happy.   Lolo and I will not sleep on a dirty mat on the floor anymore. We are no longer low servants of the packhouse in Dark River.   Veronica looked at me with concern and must have mind-linked my sister because she did not ask me anything. She left us alone instead.   My bedroom was so pretty, with pale walls, my bed had soft pink sheets and a matching quilt. I had a closet with more clothes. Now, I own dresses, shorts, tank tops, shirts, skirts, and so on! I even have make-up. Unbelievable…   I needed a moment to pull myself together before going downstairs. I cannot believe my good luck.   We had lunch in the parlor with the members of New Moonlight there. They closed business for the day to welcome me properly.   My new pack is doing so many nice things for me, and I barely know them. That is why they introduced themselves to me.   Veronica and Tank share the leadership of the pack in this territory under the authority of our Luna.   Lucinda is an omega who comes from Silver Rain. For some reason, Lolo does not like her, and I noticed that Veronica and Tank keep a close eye on everything she does. I could not form a judgment of her. She was nice to me… but that was it.   Then there were Moosic and Kevin. They came from the Polaris pack. I found so interesting the matching tattoos they were wearing in their arms. They are not Moonlight descendants like the rest of us.   New Moonlight is known for taking even rogues and runaways, those who felt unfitted in their own packs found a place there. I am sure there is a bunch of Alphas unhappy about it.   Kevin and Moosic are gammas and fated mates. They could not live in their original pack because no one understood how so Moon Goddess made two guys, mates. The Polaris pack is known for living the way of the wolf, apart from others in the cold of the frozen mountains.   To be honest, I am not sure to understand Kevin and Moosic as mates either. I have never seen anything like that in Dark River.   However, thinking about it... Every werewolf is created by Moon Goddess. She makes us with love in her heart, and because she wants us to be happy, we are paired with our soulmates by her. Therefore... that is it. All werewolves are beloved creatures of Moon Goddess and if paired by her, it is her plan. No questions asked.   It might be a child-like logic, but it is what I think. Nothing more to argue. Simple.   I have lived so much hate and violence just for being human, I do not want others to suffer the same. I want everyone to be happy and feel how I feel now. Free to breathe.   But I want something else... I am praying to Moon Goddess to give me my wolf at eighteen and bless me with a soulmate, too.   There were two more Moonies, but they left the house because they found their soulmates and decided to move to their packs with them. Veronica and Tank are recruiting to fill out those positions, or Luna Clara will send them to us. The Moonies, Moonlight descendants or not, prefer to live in New Moonlight territory, close to Silver Rain and Royal territory. They consider living in Saint Isabella town as a punishment. I wonder why… It is so beautiful here.   Oh! Now that I think more about it, I can take one of those jobs!   Even my economic situation will be solved. I do not have to pay for the clinic bill, but I want to help. I want my new pack to need me.    It is so great to be part of a pack; when things work the way they should, your pack takes care of you. That is one of many things I love about werewolves.   “Hurry, let’s go!” Lolo yelled at me.   I grabbed my new sunglasses with my new wide brim summer hat and packed a beach towel in my pretty, new, ocean blue bag. I could not believe my eyes when Lolo gave me so many things in my room. My room!   "Ready!" I squealed. Her room was next to mine, while the room of Tank was facing hers and my room faced Veronica's. We all shared a big bathroom on this floor.   Moon House was remodeled to fit more members with this new floor to fit us more comfortably. Luna Clara even worried about it.   I wanted to rush downstairs. I would love to run with Lolo’s wolf by the shore, but I am not ready for it. I felt a pang on my right side, damn ribs!   I better take things slow for my own good.   Lolo packed snacks for us in the kitchen, Kevin carried drinks on a big cooler. Moosic took out a net and a volleyball ball from the administrative office.   Everyone was excited about this day trip to the beach.   They walked there happily; however, Veronica drove me with Lolo by my side.   I was going to the beach for the very first time in my life.   “Feeling welcomed already, Amelie?” Veronica asked me while driving.   “Yes, thank you," I answered her. She had a shining smile on her face.   It felt so natural to be with Veronica. I am usually afraid of people, but Veronica and Tank had visited me before in the clinic and even gave me books. I consider both as friends already.   “Good.” She replied while driving. “However, you should remember our rules. Which are…?” Veronica eyed me after her question.   “One, never walk alone outside Moon House."   New Moonlight does not have warriors, but our allies sent guards for our protection. They rotate in shifts. So, we must be careful with new faces. I have seen them around us trying to merge with the scenery.   “Two, do not talk to strangers,” I am not a kid, but alright.   “Three, run or hide in case of trouble.” I am human, not stupid. I cannot fight, and I do not want to be beaten up again in my life.   Veronica and Lolo laughed. I replied with all the rules. There is more about sharing spaces with others in Moon House, but I am fine with them. I will make it so easy to live with me that they will not even notice me there.   The beach was in front of us when Veronica parked the car.   If I were a puppy, I would have waged my tail. That is how happy I was.   It looks like the sea will never end. The scent of the salty ocean was something out of this world. And the water was crystal clear, reflecting the blue of the sky on it like a mirror.   The white sand under my bare feet felt great and warm. However, it can be extremely hot! I ran to the shelter of a palm tree. Its shadow was cool.   "Change into a bikini, Amelie," Lucinda told me when she saw me tending my towel on the sad. “There are changing rooms over there.” She pointed at some cabins near us. "You can take a shower to take off the salt and get dress again when you are done."   I moved my head negatively. I have too many scars to be showing off my body on a bikini. I am wearing a long light dress with loose sleeves. It is fresh and covers me perfectly. I will only wet my feet, later... When there are fewer people.   Lucinda lost interest in me. She and the others took off their clothes on the spot. Werewolves do not have an issue with nudity, but humans do. I am very human in that aspect.   Lolo probably understood my feelings because she took my hand and squeezed it.   She got her wolf, Ava. Her wolf healed her and almost all scars faded away. Ava healed her. Only a small cut stayed under her chin. It was made with a blade of silver... Bruno and his sick games.   The awful memory poisoned my mind for a moment. Lolo protected me and she got hurt that way.   “We are safe here, Amelie.” She told me and hugged my shoulders with one arm. I nodded at her and swallowed the fear. There are guards around trying to be discreet but knowing they were there, made me feel better.   I know the monster is far away, but I still fear him.   "Wanna play?" Kevin asked me, pointing at the volleyball ball in his hand.   Moosic was setting the net with Tank for the guys to play. Other werewolves joined to play with them. They were from the Blue-Ribbon pack.    Why are they so tall?   I looked around. There were so many people here… Fairies and Witches, Lycans, humans… so many different species. They were playing sports, taking the sun, eating ice cream… Or just being together under this beautiful sun.    “I am sorry, I do not play,” I am afraid of the ball and the crowd. And I am embarrassed about my body.   “And you, Lorraine? We still need a player.” Moosic said, approaching us. His nails were painted black. I did not notice before. Does it have a meaning?   “No. I want to stay with my sister,” Lolo answered.   “Lolo!" I complained. "Go with them!" I told her and pulled out a book from my bag. It was a love story of werewolves. My favorite book, and the first gift Betty gave me.   "I prefer to read," And have some rest, I should add. But I did not want to ruin the fun for them. My right side was hurting, I guess it was too much emotion for a day in the life of a human.   "Come, Lorraine! Please!" The guys insisted. “You never wanna play with us, you go to your sister, or you work, or you study, or you…”   “Alright!” Lolo cut them off.   I giggled. They were funny begging like pups. I cannot believe they are gammas. No one in Dark Moon behaves like that. Especially, not gammas.   "Go! Have some fun." I told her.   I want to see Lolo smile and laugh. Sometimes that aura of sadness on her is overwhelming even to me, and I am just human.   "The guards are watching. No one will harm Amelie… or any of us." Kevin told us and looked around.   "Besides, we are close if something happens. I will jump immediately to protect her, do not worry." Moosic said to Lorraine. He is the tallest of the gammas.   I pushed her towards Kevin and Moosic. Lolo agreed after making me wear a thick layer of sunscreen. It was embarrassing, everyone was looking at me.   I sat down under the palm tree with a bar of chocolate in one hand and my book in the other. Occasionally I would raise my head to see Lolo playing, after a bite.   My sister was doing her best to play with the others, and apparently, she was having fun. I am not into sports… I got bored, so I focused on my book.   Blue-Ribbon werewolves became more competitive and aggressive in the game after New Moonlight won the first set. And New Moonies enjoyed their first victory a little too much. Werewolves! That is the bad part they have.   I stayed focused on my book. The female lead was about to meet the handsome Alpha after so much time longing for him! It was so exciting!   "Pass the ball!" Someone yelled.   Another group of players hit the ball so hard and far from them, that it ended up closer to me. They were speaking to me. One of them yelled again and made a pleading move with his hands towards me.   I guess I should be nice and help them. It is just a ball…   I left the protection of my tree and walked towards the ball.   I picked it up and smiled at them, waving one hand when the tallest guy of them also smiled at me.   I was going to throw the ball to him when his group yelled again, and he looked in another direction. I did not realize that I was on the road for bikes, and someone was coming on my way at full speed. I panicked and froze instead of getting out of the way.   After that, everything happened in slow motion. I only closed my eyes, waiting for the blow. I shook, fearing the pain that would come next.   However, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the way pushing me into a hard broad chest. Strong arms were wrapped around me protectively.   It was a warm embrace, and the scent around me was alluring. I have never felt like this.   "Are you alright?" That voice was something else. My heart skipped a beat before running wild. He was still holding me patting my back. And I stubbornly kept my eyes shut.   “Are you hurt somewhere?” He insisted and pulled away to inspect if I was injured. I sensed it was a werewolf, they make sounds with their noses when looking for blood or other scents… as dogs do.   "You are shaking." He said with concern before hugging me again. I could swear he was sniffing my hair.   I decided to stay in the darkness while he was hugging me. I am confused and comforted at the same time. What if I open my eyes and he disappears?   He is a stranger who smells like coffee and caramel. And he is a werewolf, too… Why am I not afraid of him? Why do I not push him away?   "Open your eyes. You are safe, little girl." He said, and for some odd reason… I believed him.   I am blushing now, I am sure. Even my stomach hurts now from embarrassment. I was very reluctant to open my eyes and face this mess on my first day outside. I could hear Lolo from the distance yelling.   I broke the rules on the very first day. All the rules! Not long after Veronica and Lolo reminded me.   I sensed the man was in front of me. My heart was acting so weird under the influence of his voice and his scent.   The werewolf was still holding me, when I opened my eyes, I found his broad chest covered in a white cotton t-shirt… looking up, I met his eyes.   And I found a pair of very familiar and still mesmerizing eyes. His eyes drawn me, instantly. Yet, they were so much more than their unique color, aqua blue.
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