Chapter 56 Pearl Powder

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"Is the school emergency center? This is the No. 2 multi-functional teaching hall of the Mystery Academy. There are students here who have suffered serious injuries and need first aid." Teacher Wen Shao just glanced at Deng Wei and immediately called the emergency number.    The emergency room doctor asked, "Trauma? Burns? Large lacerations or what? Do you need large life support?"    "Injury, no large life support equipment is needed, and emergency surgery is likely to be required." Wen Shao glanced at Deng Wei's abdominal injury, who was already curled up on the phone. He sighed that Xu Tui was really a bit ruthless.    The doctor in the emergency room asked:   "How many people?"   Wen Shao just wanted to say just one, but Xu Tui suddenly said, "Teacher, I need it too."    "Two people." Wen Shao took a deep look at Xu Tui.    The applause was subsiding. Although the classmates in the audience were a little shocked by Deng Wei's injury, after all, according to what Teacher Wen said, Deng Wei's trauma looked a little serious. However, no one in the classroom sympathized with Deng Wei. How to say, most people think he is asking for it.    The main reason is that Deng Wei is too arrogant, and this guy is too self-aware. On the contrary, the classmates were concerned about Xu Tui's injury one by one. There are even caring female classmates who have already sent tissues. In the distance, the auto show under the stage gave Xu Rei a thumbs up.           Xu Tui held the last one remaining pearl in his hand, which felt round and round. Xu Tui looked at Deng Wei who fell to the ground and screamed in pain again, a trace of sympathy flashed in his eyes, but then he became determined.    The accident was caused by Deng Wei himself, and Xu Tui had already given Deng Wei a chance. But Deng Wei, not only did he strike very hard, but he specially kicked Xu Tui where he didn't have protective gear, and he managed to hurt Xu Tui  and didn't save his energy at all. Now Deng Wei can only say that he deserves it.    But Xu Tui still thought kindly, "He shouldn't have any serious sequelae, right?" Because Deng Wei just avoided Xu Tui's mental cone that was about to burst his eyes, but he did not avoid Xu Tui's magic power. A total of two pearls hit Deng Wei, and one accurately hit Deng Wei's left knee joint from the side, directly interrupting Deng Wei's offensive. Another pearl slammed into the vital spot of Deng Wei's lower abdomen male. But Xu Tui didn't know how much the two pearls hurt Deng Wei. But Xu Tui felt that it should definitely not be light. Because two minutes passed, Deng Wei was still screaming, unable to get up by himself.    Teacher Wen Shao, who was always smiling, became more and more gloomy while waiting for the first aid to arrive. How can he continue this lesson?            In less than three minutes, the medical staff of the emergency center of Huaxia Gene Evolution University rushed over, two emergency carts. Xu retreat lay down on his own and got into the emergency cart. The medical staff first checked Deng Wei's injury to see if emergency treatment was needed. But the medical staff just glanced at it, and the face became very shocked. "Mr. Wen, how did you do it, so cruel? It hasn't been three months, hasn't it?"    "Go all out for treatment, I will issue an incident report at the party." Wen Shao had a headache.   The ambulance left, leaving a pool of blood on the temporary martial arts stage, and a little bit of blood. The gloomy teacher Wen Shao continued to lecture. "Classmates, there was a little accident in the actual combat exercise in this class today. However, it is more educational. The auto show's battle with Deng Wei is still a drill. The battle between Xu Tui and Deng Wei is closer to actual combat. Although the behavior of both of them is a bit extreme, they are closer to actual combat. However, what I want to tell you is that the result of today's battle is nothing at all. Because you are freshmen, you have a period of rapid growth for three months. So, During these three months, you are protected. After three months, injuries, serious injuries, these situations will become your daily routine, and even death! Of course, the medical center and emergency center of our school are very Professional. Its professional level is one of the best in the entire Kyoto Prefecture. In this regard, students can rest assured."         Having said this, Wen Shao paused, "Next, assign today's homework. On the precautions of the mystery department in actual combat, two parts, the first part, analyzes today's actual combat drill. The second part, you must combine your own position. The professional and ability analysis of practical precautions will be handed in two days later, and I will read them one by one."    "Now you can get out of class!" Wen Shao left, but the classmates in the Mystery Department did not leave in a blast as usual, but gathered to discuss today's affairs.   Many classmates have already started to retweet this accident on the circle of friends.    "A classmate from the Extreme Department failed to kick the gym in the Mystery Department and was re-injured!"    "The students from the extreme department came to the mystery department to perform martial arts. They were invincible and exploded!"   Various titles came one after another, but most of them set up a special viewing group. Because they know that the genetic code of conduct for the new human is not false. Just over 20 days after the school opened, many new students received tickets from the Special Intelligence Agency, and in serious cases, they were called to the education department to write a review. It is said that a daring person directly posted a video of the principal snapping his finger at Lei Ting to the public circle of friends, and then he was directly fined 10,000 by the Special Intelligence Agency and reprimanded for a day. Then when the dude went back to school, he was also asked to write a 10,000-word review, and his personal rank was dropped by one level. So this time everyone learned to behave.   The screen cuts to the emergency center. Xu Tui's injury was dealt with quickly. He had a slight concussion, edema of the eardrum, hyperemia of the fundus, severe soft tissue contusion, loose teeth on the left side, and a slight bone fracture. The doctor gave Xu back a shot. "Observe for a long time, you can go back to the dormitory to rest if you have nothing to do. You have been injected with a bone growth-promoting agent, and your bone fracture will recover in three or four days. Pay attention these days."    After finishing these sentences, the doctor who gave Xu Tui the injection suddenly asked, "That kid, are you injured?"  Xu Tui nodded.    The medical staff smiled and said, "Hey, that's amazing."    Xu Tui continued to ask: "How is he, is he serious?"           The medical staff explained: "First of all, Deng Wei suffered severe contusion of the reproductive organs, accompanied by edema and bleeding, and has undergone emergency treatment, but the situation is still not optimistic. The consequences are a little serious."    Xu Tui asked: "It won't affect him in the future, will it?"   The medical staff continued: "It will definitely affect, but it will not affect the male ability too much. After all, the other one is good. But the real trouble is the injury on his knee." The medical staff said.    "Knee? What's wrong with the knee? That pearl might pierce his clothes, but it definitely won't penetrate his kneecap, right?" Xu Tui was stunned.           "It's true that the kneecap can't be penetrated, but the angle is from the side, so the pearl just hit the inside of Deng Wei's knee joint. Of course, this is not a problem, even if the ligament in the joint is broken, it can be cured. Deng Wei The classmate's ligament is indeed damaged, but the trouble is this pearl."    "Pearl is poisonous? It's unlikely, right?" This was the first possibility Xu Tui thought of.   The medical staff continued to explain: "This pearl is not poisonous. And it is a real and relatively rare pure natural pearl."    Xu Tui asked blankly, "What's going on?"           The medical staff looked at Xu Tui with some helplessness, "Pure natural pearls are not too strong. They shattered as soon as they penetrated into the knee joint. As a result, the pearl shattered into countless small dots, um, it was like Beaten to pearl powder."    "Pearl powder?" Xu Tui imagined a somewhat terrifying situation in an instant.           The medical staff seemed to know what Xu Tui was thinking, "That's right, as you might think, the tiny pearl powder has now penetrated into his knee joint, sputtering. Ligaments, meniscus, synovium, articular cartilage, all this pearl powder, There are different depths, and the corresponding operation is very difficult! And there may be sequelae!"    "I don't know this, I didn't do it on purpose." Xu Tui said.    "When you're done, write an explanatory report. If such a serious incident occurs within three months of entering a freshman, the school will definitely investigate it." The medical staff are very kind.    Xu Tui thanked: "Thank you."    According to the medical staff, Deng Wei's injury was more serious than Xu Tui imagined. He may have to replace part of his artificial knee. This has a greater impact on Deng Wei, especially Deng Wei is a student of the limit department. Such an injury made Deng Wei's left leg a pain point and weakness forever. Because after the replacement of the artificial knee joint, the improvement of the body part by the opening of the gene base point cannot be realized on the knee joint. It can be said that in this battle, this injury, Xu Tui directly destroyed most of Deng Wei's future, and the consequences were quite serious.    Do you regret Xu Tui? He has no regrets! And he doesn't regret it at all. If it were to do it again, Xu Tui might be a little more ruthless. Today, Xu Tui is educated again. Xu Tui has already started to reflect. It's just that he is just a pity for Deng Wei now! This dude was blinded by some rhythmic people, and took the initiative to come to Xu Tui for trouble. All I can say is - deserve it! Of course, Deng Wei is not simply because he was blinded by the rhythm, there may be other influences - such as utility, such as fame! Otherwise, Deng Wei would not have deliberately recorded a video before the war. He had to hang Xu Tui early to restore the reputation of the limit department. Then Deng Wei's prestige in the extreme department will reach a very high level, and he will be able to take up some student positions to a large extent. In a top-notch institution like Huaxia Gene Evolution University, any position that a student can hold is of great value! And that's just one of the benefits         "Wen Shao, what's going on in your class? The medical center just called, that Deng Wei may have to have a knee replacement. Do you know what this means for a student of the extreme department? You asked the student to go over this matter. , you have to give me an explanation!" In the office, Wen Shao received a reprimanding call. This is the phone call of Zhou Wenxuan, deputy dean of the Extreme Academy.    "Vice President Zhou, this is an accident." Wen Shao's mouth was full of bitterness.           "It's almost abolishing a student, you told me it was an accident! How did your teacher preside over it? Also, who is the student who hurt people, how can you be so cruel? How can you be so cruel to your classmates? Hand? It's not been three months. After three months, is this guy going to kill?" Vice President Zhou was very angry when he heard the voice.    "This matter, your Mystery Academy must give us an explanation, and the student who hurt others will also be severely punished!" Wen Shao wanted to say something, but the vice-president Zhou hung up the phone with a bang!
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