Chapter 57 Disability And Video

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Xu Tui only stayed in the emergency center for two hours. At his strong request, Dr. He from the emergency center asked Xu Tui to sign before letting Xu Tui leave.    These two hours are two quiet hours. But in the meantime, Xu Tui thought a lot and reflected a lot. Whether it was Wen Shao or the doctors in the emergency center, they all mentioned a time limit—three months! The three-month period for freshmen is a period of rapid growth and a period of protection. It sounds a bit like a newbie protection period in the game. During this period the school allows relatively little competition. But after three months, the competition among the trainees was completely let go. As long as it is within the rules and both parties voluntarily, let alone be injured or disabled, or die because of it, it is allowed. Whether it is Huaxia Gene Evolution University or other Gene Evolution universities, competition is encouraged. Those students who have the upper hand in this kind of competition will receive a lot of cultivation resources. The most famous of these competitions is the Dragon Tiger List of all ages.    The freshman dragon and tiger list, the sophomore dragon and tiger list, the junior dragon and tiger list, but the senior year there is no dragon and tiger list. On the one hand, many seniors were not in the school when they were in their senior year, especially the capable and powerful seniors who left the school long ago. It is meaningless to list the senior rankings alone. In addition, there is also a general list of dragons and tigers for the whole school. Whether it is the dragon and tiger rankings of each grade or the general dragon and tiger rankings, each has a top 100 ranking. The first is the dragon, then the top ten is the tiger! That is, one dragon and nine tigers! The rest of the people belong to the common people.    For the students, honor is one aspect, and the other aspect is that they can get the benefits of real materials. For example, the first dragon on the dragon list of each grade, as long as he has accumulated three days on the list, he can receive four bottles of E-level energy supplements from the school every three days. This is just one of the benefits. If students make it to the top ten and enter the tiger list, only E-level energy supplements can receive three bottles every three days. The second place on the Dragon Tiger List, that is, the first tiger in each grade, has additional benefits. The eleventh to fortieth place can receive two bottles of E-level energy supplements every three days. The 41st to 70th place can receive a bottle of E-level energy supplement every three days. The 71st to 100th place can receive 30 F-level energy supplement pills every three days, or, after accumulating, receive a bottle of E-level energy supplement pills every six days.    What made Xu Tui even more excited was the fact that the school's Dragon Tiger General Ranking, the rewarded energy supplement potion has become a more precious D-level! You must know that this is a D-level energy supplement. A bottle is worth $50,000!    Of course some people will ask is this Dragon Tiger List dangerous? Have! According to Dr. He from the admission center, because of the Dragon Tiger Ranking, every year some students are seriously injured, disabled, drop out, or even die. And death is not uncommon. Therefore, the insurance that students signed when they entered the school played a little role at this time. In the words of Dr. He, Uncle He, since you want to compete for the list, you must have the awareness of being seriously injured or even dying. If you want to get more resources, you have to give something.   Otherwise, why would the school and the government invest tens of millions of dollars in one of your students? If the dragon head of the freshman dragon and tiger list can sit firmly for one year, the total value of the E-level energy potion in one year will be as high as 2.4 million. If it is a wealth of 2.4 million, it means that Xu Jianguo has to work hard and not eat or drink for 40 years in order to save such a huge sum of money.    Of course, you can also choose not to fight. You choose to graduate smoothly and become an ordinary genetically new human. Students who graduate from Huaxia Gene Evolution University in this way should be able to find a stable job, get married and have children, and live a life without any surprises. As long as Blue Star's extraterrestrial situation is stable, it doesn't matter what extraterrestrial battlefield, extraterrestrial invaders, the latest genetic technology, or even genetic weapons.    Then would you be willing to be one of these students? Xu Tujue, he must not be reconciled! At that time, Xu Tui will definitely have to fight for this dragon and tiger list. It was from this starting point that Xu Tui felt that today's actual combat exercise with Deng Wei was a reminder to Xu Tui.    If the actual combat drill in class today is done again, Xu Tui may be able to protect himself better, but he will never hit Deng Wei hard in the first or second fight. He was even less likely to directly burst Deng Wei's eyeballs. First of all, it is essentially a practical exercise among students. There may be a problem with Deng Wei's starting point, but as soon as he shot it, Deng Wei's eyeballs exploded and he was disabled for life. Xu Tui is just a high school student from a normal family. Although he is a little bad, a little skinny, and a little cunning, he is definitely not cruel! More importantly, the rules for freshmen of Huaxia Gene Evolution University are not decorations.   Deng Wei's eyeballs would explode if he played against Xu Tui for the first time. Then tomorrow, those who are waiting for Xu to withdraw will be ordered to withdraw from school, and there will be corresponding legal liabilities and financial compensation. Xu Tui remembered the lesson An Xiaoxue taught Xu Tui very well - learn to use the rules to protect yourself! Xu Tui extended it a little further, using the rules to attack the enemy!    In the second fight, Deng Wei deliberately hurt Xu Tui. Although he didn't mean to kill Xu Tui, he was already an enemy. Because now there is the result of the third fight, but Deng Wei's injury is a little heavier than Xu Tui imagined. Xu Tui actually maimed Deng Wei.    In this, Xu Tui has his own calculations. However, even if he maimed Deng Wei and Xu Tuijue's, it would not have a fatal change to his future. This is part of using the rules to fight the enemy!    Today's battle, the wake-up call to Xu Tui, is at the level of personal strength. Before that, Xu Tui had always believed in one sentence-professionalism is the most powerful. He should be specializing in the same way, and constantly strengthening his specialization will become stronger and stronger. If he wants to be proficient at everything, it turns out that he is only loose at everything. This is what Xu Tui used to understand.    But today, Xu Tui suddenly began to doubt this understanding. One-on-one, the theory of winning and losing is correct. But what if survival is the premise? What if it was a melee? What if it's a one-to-many melee? Another example is when Xu Tui and Deng Wei fought for the second time today, Xu Tui's mental feedback had already seen Deng Wei's attack trajectory and made an evasion plan. As long as he can execute it, he can dodge Deng Wei's attack. However, Xu Tui's comprehensive physical response couldn't keep up with the mental feedback, so he could only be beaten.    During the two hours in the emergency center, Xu Tui kept thinking about this question. In the future, how will his cultivation direction develop? He should continue to specialize in one item, specializing in mental power, just like An Xiaoxue, using powerful mental power to control the attack. Or should he change his plan and develop cultivation based on his own comprehensive needs? This choice is important. It can be said that Xu Tui's choice will determine his future.    But it turned out that even after thinking for two hours, Xu Tui still had no answer. But Xu Tui understands that in the next two months, Xu Tui must make a choice! In the afternoon, Xu Tui returned to the classroom with his injuries. Because the teacher has been teaching basic theory courses recently, he thinks these contents are very important. So Xu Tui didn't want to miss class.   In the morning's actual combat training class, Xu Tui has become a celebrity. It wasn't just Deng Wei who made a name for himself by attacking and humiliating Xu Tui, many of his classmates recorded it. These videos were posted to specific social circles and immediately became a popular viewpoint of Huaxia University of Genetics. The click-through rate of these videos has skyrocketed, and most of the students who support Xu Tui are among them.    After the first class in the afternoon, Xu Tui received a call from the school ethics department. The school ethics department asked him to explain the serious injury and disability of Deng Wei in today's actual combat training class. According to the phone call from the Ethics and Discipline Department, Deng Wei has completed emergency surgery.    Originally, the plan of the emergency center was to replace Deng Wei with a new bionic artificial knee joint. After the replacement, Deng Wei's movements would not be affected in any way. But it will become the biggest problem for Deng Wei's ultimate cultivation in the future. Because the consequence of such an operation is that the genetic competence chain involving the knee joint will not be turned on. Deng Wei's ultimate ability can continuously improve other parts of the body, but the knee joint is always a strength.    It can be said that after replacing the knee joint, Deng Wei's leg function will not be affected, but the cultivation of the ultimate ability will be abolished. Deng Wei, one of the geniuses among the freshmen of the extreme department, is a strong contender for the future freshman dragon and tiger list. It was abandoned like this, and Deng Wei himself was very unwilling.    In the end, Deng Wei chose to keep the existing knee joint at the cost of losing some knee joint function and pain. In this way, Deng Wei can continue to practice the limit system ability. In the future, if he has the opportunity to reach the genetic evolution realm, or the genetic evolution realm, it is possible to use the powerful evolutionary force to repair the physical disability. But for a long time from now to the future, Deng Wei will become a lame, lame.   The emergency surgery has been completed, and the consultation results of many experts are consistent. Deng Wei was disabled during the actual combat exercise. The teachers and classmates of the Extreme Academy were very angry and asked the school to investigate, which led to the intervention of the Ethics and Discipline Department.    Not long after Xu Tui received the call from the Ethics and Discipline Department, the news that Deng Wei was disabled due to actual combat drills spread throughout the Huaxia University of Genetic Evolution in a very short period of time. The freshman was disabled during the actual combat exercise before the three-month growth period had passed. This is something that Huaxia University of Genetic Evolution has never done before. Outside of the three-month protection period, competition is encouraged and there is no fuss about disability. However, if such an event occurs during the three-month protection period of the newborn, it becomes a malignant event. Soon, another hot video pushed this matter to the extreme.    A hot information producer with the online name of "Shoot is Eternity" posted a video. You know it's the kind of video that goes head to head. The producer only released the video of Xu Tui and Deng Wei fighting for the third time. In the video, the audience can clearly see Xu exiting his hand and Deng Wei being seriously injured.    "Mutilate! The overlord who once hanged the freshmen of the extreme department, made a brutal attack again, and maimed the freshmen of the extreme department!" As soon as this video came out, it immediately became the number one hot video in the school. A large number of students who did not know the truth began to shout and kill Xu Tui in the comment area. Rong Youyang, the academic committee member of Huixin Department, immediately found Xu Tui and informed him of the discovery. If this continues, public opinion may be very unfavorable for Xu Tui.    "Look for the contact information of this information publisher. Let me send him an urgent email first." After speaking, Xu Tui sent an email to the information publisher named 'Shoot is Eternity'. Explained the incompleteness of his video, and attached a complete video, asking him to revise it as soon as possible. It's just that, half an hour later, he didn't hear back.    But the information producer named 'Shoot is Eternity' republished and edited the video of Xu Tui's last fight with Yuan Shu and others during this period. "Freshmen, they are cruel, and they will be disabled if they shoot!" This clip video quickly became a hot topic. After all, the producer of hot campus information named Shot is Eternal. He has 40,000 fans in Huaxia Gene Evolution University! Don't look at the number of 40,000 fans, but these 40,000 fans are all genetically new humans from Huaxia University of Genetic Evolution. In other words, nearly 80% of the teachers and students of the entire Huaxia Gene Evolution University have followed his hot video account. How influential will he be when he publishes such a head-to-head video?    Xu Tui was eager to contact him. It's just that the students of the mystery department just entered the campus not long ago, and they don't know who this person's true identity is.    At the critical moment, it was Chai Xiao who did his best. Soon Xu Tui sent a set of phone numbers and information. "Brother, this hot video publisher called 'Shoot is Eternity' is a junior. This is his information. You can contact him and talk about it. I have a holiday with him, so it is not convenient to come forward."
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