Chapter 55 Actual Combat Comes First, Practice Comes Later

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"You are free, I have no opinion." Of course, Deng Wei would not give up the video recording even without Xu Tui's expression. Because these days, when there are pictures and videos, it is called the truth.   The protective gear Xu Tui wore very carefully. After wearing it, Xu Tui turned it over in the protective gear box again. This needle operation made Deng Wei a little impatient.    "What are you looking for?" Teacher Wen Shao asked.    Xu Tui asked, "Teacher Wen, only a helmet, no face shield or face shield?"   Wen Shao was stunned, "What do you need a face care for?"    Xu Tui gestured, "Mr. Wen, I'm so handsome." The classmates in the audience immediately fell for him, making many students laugh. Immediately, the serious atmosphere faded a lot.    "Get ready."    The next moment, Deng Wei and Xu Tui stood still on the performance stage, still ten meters apart. At this moment, Xu Hui's eyes became extremely sharp, and his attention became highly concentrated.    "Start!" As soon as Teacher Wen's voice landed, Deng Wei, like a leopard out of the cage, ran over a distance of more than three meters in one step and attacked Xu Tui. But at the moment when Deng Wei landed on the second step and shortened the distance to less than three meters, he was able to launch an attack on Xu Tui immediately. Xu Xu's eyes narrowed! Almost at the same moment, an indescribable feeling appeared in Deng Wei's heart. He could feel that there was something more in the empty space in front of him. But Deng Wei couldn't see anything.   boom! Deng Wei, who was rushing, fell to the ground inexplicably, as if his head hit some obstacle, and fell directly to the ground. Then Xu Tui was also shocked, and took a small half-step back in place. Just now, Xu Tui used his mental power to condense a triangular mental cone, and placed it exactly in front of Deng Wei's head. This mental cone is a little trick that Xu Tui has discovered after the low-level manifestation of mental power these days.    In the case of low-level manifestations, Xu Tui's mental power can have a materialized effect. For example, press the toilet switch, board the faucet. But this kind of low-level manifested mental power can only be manifested at a certain point, and cannot be accelerated or moved at will. This approach is a bit like an idle game.    Xu Tui placed an invisible spiritual cone on the forehead of Deng Wei, who was rushing over quickly. Then, Deng Wei slammed into the spirit cone head-on. At the same time, the mental cone shattered in an instant under the action of external force, which slightly shook Xu Tui's spirit. However, Deng Wei was directly bumped into a big somersault by this spiritual cone. If you are good at physics, you will know how fast Deng Wei is rushing, and how powerful this mental cone is.    Beside, teacher Wen Shaowen, who sensed the spirit cone, suddenly became extremely strange. He looked at Xu Tui with an incredible look. In the eyes of everyone, Deng Wei's head quickly swelled up with a big red envelope. However, Deng Wei's reaction speed is very fast, and his combat awareness is also very strong. He must have received similar training. At the moment when    fell to the ground, he approached Xu Zui with a roll on the ground, with both hands on the ground and his legs spirally strangling towards Xu Zui. Within a distance of three meters, Deng Wei, who had already activated two speed gene abilities, was definitely not something that Xu Hui could dodge. Even if Xu Tui's mental sensing can clearly sense Deng Wei's attack path, he knows how to avoid it, but he just can't dodge it. Xu Hui's body's speed and comprehensive reaction couldn't keep up with the feedback of his mental power.   boom! Xu Tui was strangled to the ground by Deng Wei's screw feet. Deng Wei kicked Xu Tui's waist with one kick, and the other kicked directly on Xu Tui's left neck and face. Xu Tui rolled 180 degrees on the spot and fell to the ground with a heavy face.    Under the stage, there was an exclamation of mysticism classmates. Standing still, Deng Wei touched the swollen bag in the middle of his forehead, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes. What is this ability? If this ability just now is aimed at his vitals, what about him?    These two kicks were a bit ruthless, and Xu Tui was a little bit out of breath after being kicked. His head and neck felt like he had been hit with a sledgehammer, and his ears were buzzing. After breathing heavily, Xu Tui sat up with some difficulty. He felt a little warm on his face. When you touch it, it is blood. see blood. The pungent b****y smell made Xu Tui suddenly remember the scene of the transformation man, A Hu, attacking and killing him.    He had no fear, but had an inexplicable sense of urgency. This is the taste of war! Deng Wei's attack was obviously very ruthless. He had just fought against Deng Wei at the Auto Show, and was kicked down twice without getting hurt. But Xu retreated here and met once. Xu Tui felt that his left big tooth was a little loose. Seeing Xu Tui's b****y face, the classmates in the mystery department immediately boiled over.    Many students pointed at Deng Wei and cursed on the spot. "Xu Tui has been merciful, why are you still ruthless? If Xu Tui's spiritual power is aimed at your vitals, such as your eyes, you would be blind so early. The outcome is already divided, you still pursue . Can you still have a face? Why do you want to hit the door and bully our mystery department with such a heavy hand?"   After all, the students of the mystery department have good knowledge. Many people immediately realized that the scene just now was caused by Xu Tui's manifestation of spiritual power. Just now, Xu Tui did keep a little hand. Of course, this is not because Xu Tui keeps his hands, it is because he is kind. If the spirit cone is aimed at the eyes, then at the speed at which Deng Wei hits, the eyeballs will definitely burst.    It was just an actual combat exercise, and Deng Wei's one eye was directly abolished, which was too much for Xu Tui. That's why Xu Tui placed the spirit cone on Deng Wei's forehead. Deng Wei, who was scolded, was also a little scared. If he had just aimed at his eyes, the consequences would be unimaginable. However, Deng Wei has no regrets. But on the battlefield, no one can control so much.    "Xu Tui, how are you, do you want to see the school doctor?" Teacher Wen Shao asked hurriedly. Xu Tui waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.   Deng Wei was eager to try, pointed at Xu Tui and said, "Are you still coming?" Now, Deng Wei wants to do it again.    Xu Tui looked at Deng Wei's provocative eyes, wiped a nosebleed, and stood up slowly. "Come again!"    "Okay!" Deng Wei pointed his thumb at Xu Tui, "Be careful, this time, I will go all out to avoid your attack and bring you down!"    "Come on!" In the next instant, Deng Wei rushed out again as Teacher Wen started.    Deng Wei, who jumped out this time, immediately came a series of fancy tumbling jumps. Just like avoiding a sniper rifle, he quickly approached Xu Xu while avoiding Xu Xu's invisible spiritual cone. I have to say that Deng Wei's tactical moves are still somewhat useful. Deng Wei even put his hands in front of his eyes deliberately to prevent them from being blown out. However, even if Deng Wei's tactical moves were more fancy, Xu Tui's mental sense still keenly captured his movement trajectory.   Because of the placement of the spirit cone, it only needs to be withdrawn and thought, and this thing can be completed in an instant. Moreover, for the sake of sight, Deng Wei still left a space between his hands and eyes to protect his eyes. Xu Tui could completely rotate the mental cone between Deng Wei's hand and his eyes, which directly exploded his eyes. But the kindness in his bones made Xu Tui not do this. The    eye-popping incident is still too brutal for Xu Tui at this stage. Even with the medical technology of the era of genetics, once the eyeball bursts, it cannot be repaired, and only prosthetic eyes can be installed. Xu Tui placed the mental cone on the throat of Deng Wei who was rushing forward in an instant. It seems that he sensed a little abnormality, and Deng Wei, who fluttered forward, shook his body slightly. Then, the side of Deng Wei's neck slammed into the mental cone. Of course, as fast as Deng Wei is, the impact of this mental cone is so powerful. Deng Wei was hit and stumbled, but he still relied on his excellent balance ability, turned over and jumped up, kicking his feet in a row towards Xu Zui.    This series of kicks is powerful and heavy. With the first kick, Xu Tui was kicked to the ground. The second kick kicked Xu Tui, and its target turned out to be Xu Tui's face without protective gear. The classmates from the Mystery Department under the stage suddenly exclaimed. At the critical moment, Xu retreated to protect his face with his hands. Deng Wei kicked Xu Tui's forehead fiercely. Big foot kick in the face! boom! The back of Xu Tui's head was kicked to the floor and bounced back. Even though Xu Tui was wearing protective gear, he was still dizzy after being hit. There was an inexplicable amount of blood in his eyes. He knew it should have been a blow to the face and bloodshot eyes.    "Too much, Deng Wei, you are too much!"    "This is a drill, not an actual battle!"    "This is not for you to a***e people!"    The students of the Mystery Department under the stage shouted.    Gong Ling and other classmates from Hui Xin's department were even more nervous to run to the stage to see how Xu Tui was doing.    Suddenly, Xu Rei, lying on the ground, raised a hand. "I'm fine!" After saying these three words with difficulty, Xu Tui sat up slowly again.   Wen Shao, as a lecturer, also ran in front of Xu Tui at this time, "Xu Tui, I'll call you a school doctor. The school is responsible for the medical expenses for injuries sustained during actual combat drills."    "Don't scream, I'm fine." Xu Tui's tone was firm.   Wen Shao was a little helpless. Seeing that the entire first-year classmates of the mystery department looked at Xu Tui eagerly, at this time it was not good to forcibly suppress Xu Tui, they could only watch Xu Tui stand up nervously.    Xu Tui, who stood up, looked a little terrifying. Not only was there blood on his nose and mouth, but his forehead was blue and purple, and his entire left eye was bruised and bruised. Deng Wei, who was scolded by the first-year freshman of the entire mystery department, looked at the angry first-year freshman in the audience and said toughly. "This is an actual combat exercise. The actual combat comes first, and the exercise comes after. Besides, we are a new genetic human being, and the dangers we will face in the future are ten times, a hundred times or even more. If you can't even accept such a little danger , then what are you doing at Huaxia University of Genetic Evolution?"   Deng Wei had a high-spirited tone, and finally looked directly at Wen Shao.    "Mr. Wen, am I right?" Wen Shao nodded solemnly, "That's right."    "That's right, the actual combat drills, the actual combat comes first, and the drills come later, so do you still dare to come?" Xu Tui, who stood up slowly, interrupted Wen Shao's words, and looked at Deng Wei!    "Hmph, as long as you dare, I can accompany me to the end today." Deng Wei is very confident and arrogant!    "Okay!" Xu Tui, whose face was covered in blood, nodded, but looked at Wen Shao again.    "Teacher Wen, since it's an actual combat exercise, can I use all the abilities I have?" Xu Tui asked.    "Of course." Wen Shao nodded.    "Student Deng Wei, I have a very famous ability, you know, can I use it?" Xu Tui asked.    "Soybean Superman?" Naturally, Deng Wei would not refuse. He said that the actual combat was ahead, so how could he slap himself in the face.    "Of course you can." The next moment, Xu Tui wiped a handful of blood from his face, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said to the stage.    "Uh, which classmate brought soybeans, I didn't bring soybeans today?" Under the stage, more than 800 first-year students of the mystery department were absolutely stunned. Who will bring soybeans to class? Even if you bring a snack, wouldn't you bring such cute and cute snacks? Who will bring soybeans! Under the stage, more than 800 first-year freshmen of the mystery department looked at each other. No one brought soybeans.    On the stage, Xu Tui was helpless. It's amazing that none of the students brought soybeans." "Round, as long as it is round, it should not be too big or too small." Xu Tui said again.    The more than 800 students from the mystery department under the stage all found their trouser pockets. Male students can't do it directly. Although the buttons are a bit round, they are flat. Many girl classmates even looked at their own jewelry. Gong Ling was the most anxious. She looked at her whole body, there were no round ornaments, and her eyes suddenly fell on the pearl necklace on her roommate's neck. Because her roommate's pearl necklace is strung with a faint blue pendant, which is very beautiful. Pearls are very round! "Qingqing, take two pearls for emergency use."   Zuo Qingqing was stunned, and instantly understood what his roommate meant. After hesitating for a while, Zuo Qingqing took off the necklace, twisted the loose buckle, took out three round pearls and handed them to Gong Ling. "is that enough?"    "It should be enough!" Gong Ling immediately trotted to the stage, and as soon as he got up, he became imposing. "Xu Tui classmate, this is for you."    "Thank you!" Xu Tui took the pearl and weighed it. This pearl is very textured. She slowly stood ten meters in front of Deng Wei.    "Well, I kept my hands off the previous two times. This time, let's practice the actual combat. Be careful!" Xu Tui's voice was a little hoarse!    "Okay! You are also careful, I will still use all my strength!" Deng Wei nodded.   Three seconds later, Mr. Wen then said 'start', Deng Wei was like a leopard out of the cage and rushed towards Xu Tui again like lightning. With the experience of the first two times, Deng Wei's tactical movements are more varied and secretive. All to avoid that invisible spirit cone! This time, Deng Wei has learned a lot. This buddy understands that the mental cone hurts him because of his fast speed. It took more than a second for Deng Wei to intrude within three meters in front of Xu Hui at a low speed, and then burst out suddenly. Like a flying dragon flying out of the sea, the whole person rose into the air and kicked Xu Tui's head with his legs.    Spirit Cone! The suddenly placed mental cone made Deng Wei, who had just soared into the air, stagger. The location where the spirit cones were placed was originally the eyes. But Deng Wei soared into the air, avoiding his eyes and hitting Deng Wei's chest. As he stumbled and fell, Deng Wei supported his left hand, turned his waist like a dragon, and sprinted on the ground with his arms, strangling his legs towards Xu Tui!    Murderous intent flashed from Xu Hui's eyes. Whoosh whoosh! The sound of breaking the air sounded terribly. Almost at the same moment, Deng Wei let out a groan. The left leg suddenly became weak, and the abdomen shrank suddenly. Deng Wei, who was originally doing the Dragon Climbing Strangulation, suddenly fell to the ground. Almost in an instant, Deng Wei couldn't stop screaming! The audience was stunned! The students were amazed! The next moment, there was a fiery applause from the audience!   Wen Shao's face suddenly turned ugly. "This thing is a little big."
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