Hidden things

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Joe's POV I walked out of the house after telling both Elder Braun and Maya that I was just trying to distract her feelings. That was true. I had also said she smelt like true fruit loops. About feeling the mate pull, that part I was on the fence about. I still wasn't sure it had something to do with the Blood Bond we had done. Part of me was convinced that it was just the Blood bond f*****g with me. Hell, I knew my dad married my mom because he had accidentally ingested a mixture of wolfsbane and lupine flower which sent him on a killing spree. He had killed his true mate. He did not know until it had happened and he woke up covered in blood and found her on the ground ripped apart by his hand. The moon goddess had cursed him with no mate and no second chances. He would have to find a woman who loved him. On my sixteenth birthday, I had a dream where my dad sat next to me and explained what happened and that I could also be affected. Ravi told me it was partially true. Never really giving me more information than that. I gave up waiting after turning twenty. I slept with who I wanted when I wanted. No attachments no drama. It made life simple. That is what I liked. How I got into this crazy still baffles me. But, oddly I don't seem to mind as much. Hell Ravi and I are not fighting like we used to. He reminds me I am a wolf every ten seconds. So, maybe this is what I was meant to do. Realizing I am standing in front of the garage, I open the bay doors. Turning around I wave to Elder Braun after seeing him leave. My nose picks up the fruit loop smell and I realize I am still holding the box she slammed at me. I laugh. She had made a point of handing these to me. To get me to stop sniffing her. But, it felt like she was training me to like the smell more. As for the sparks people say when you touch your true mate. I can't say I have. We had touched three times that I know of, once in the kitchen when I picked her up the night I saved her, and then when she grabbed my arm to say she would patch me up. Two of those three times I had adrenaline pumping through my system. I would have thought it would make me zone in on her. So, perhaps it was just the Blood Bond that was affecting me. I smelt Fruit loops heavy suddenly, sniffing the box I turned around to see Maya standing just next to the bay door. Her head down looking at the ground. I watched her look up, her gray eyes staring at mine, "I am sorry you are cursed." You could hear the sadness in her voice, lowering her head back to the ground. I smiled, taking the tip of my finger I placed it under her chin. I felt tingles. No sparks. Odd I thought. "It's ok darling, if I wasn't I wouldn't be here enjoying a good brawl now and again." I smiled big, letting her know I was ok with the way my life went. I saw her give me a weak smile, "I am sorry," she breathed quietly. I couldn't take the look in her eyes. Grabbing her wrist with my free hand, I yanked her to me. The tingles ran along the side she was on. I wrapped my arm from her shoulder to her waist. Leaning my head down I whispered next to her ear "Everything happens for a reason." I held her a bit longer then let her go. She said no more, as she wandered off to the barn. I watched her leave and saw that Mortou had been watching us with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and got started on the car I had on the rack. ******** Unknown POV ******** My job was to sit in this dusty old hunting blind and watch the ranch down below. once a day I would get a call to chat about the latest developments and if the security had gotten slack. Right on time, the phone rang. "Hello," I answered. "What is the latest?" Came the voice on the other end. "Security is the same, they are continuing to train. A bunch of what looked like ranked wolves had a meeting with Maya." I answered. I was not sure I should say the other tidbit. I knew he would get mad. "Anything else?" The voice snapped. "No sir," I mentioned. "Not really, sounds like something. What was it?" The voice growled. That tone he used always made me spill. "I caught a glimpse of the Alpha hugging Maya," I grunted knowing it would be chaos shortly. The growl that ripped through the phone and the word "MINE" that was shouted over it had me shaking. "I know sir," my voice trembled. "Call me immediately if you see more of that shit." the voice raged out. "Yes sir." I heard the call click shortly after that. Great I thought, now I was stuck in this hell hole for another f*****g night. Yay me. ******* Maya's POV ******* I am not sure why Joe's mention of possibly being cursed made me so sad. Hell, half the time he annoyed me worse than anything else. I was making progress with the stallion. Sitting next to his pen daily while he ate seemed to be letting him get to know me. I would wait another few days and try sitting on the fence and seeing if he would eat next to me. I had nothing but time for him. The other young horses were coming along. Some of the horses had gotten used to the wolves that worked around here. I was walking back from the barn, Athens had yet to come back from his meeting and the sun was starting to set. I caught a flicker of light on a high hill. I stood c*****g my head to the side when I felt a presence next to me. "What is it?" Mortou's voice shook my distraction. "That," I threw my head in the direction. He said nothing. "Go in the house like you think it's nothing. I am not sure how I missed that." Mortou smiled at me brilliantly. I shrugged and headed off to the house. I needed to start dinner. Joe came in the back door. A look of worry and bewilderment on his face. "What did you see?" He asked. "Just something shiny on the hill to the back." I shrugged. "I wonder how long someone has been watching us." There was anger, in his voice. I had a stab of fear until he looked lifting his nostrils, "that smells amazing," he hummed. "I have captured the one who has been watching us. He says he has been here two months." Mortou slammed a link into our heads. "Smells like it too. I am bringing him down. He has a phone that calls him once a day." He snarled. Both of our eyes met I turned off the stove. I was gonna meet this person who had been watching me. I wanted to know who it was. "Oh no, you're not." Joe shook his head. "Oh yes, I am," I shot right back. "He has been reporting my movements. I have every right to know who he is." I stood on my tiptoes to poke his chest. "Alright, but remember you wanted to go," He raised his hand in surrender.
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