New information...

1096 Words
Elder Braun's POV I called a meeting out at the ranch. With the new information from Ben, I needed to tell them. I looked around the room to see Alpha Gene, Beta Stan, Joe, Mortou, Athens, and Maya spaced around her living room. "I called, this meeting as I have received new information." I started. "The ancient wolf I called finally got back to me. Seems he was contacted by a Royal line Southern wolf in the hopes of having him join their cause." I stopped and eyed everyone here. I watched Joe get up and walk to the other side of Maya settling back down not far from her. Interesting, I smirked in my head. "This wolf is Ben?" Athens asked me. I nodded, just as I was about to start Maya got up storming to the pantry in the kitchen, grabbed a box, and come back settling in her spot she slapped the box of fruit loops against Joe. He took it with a chuckle and opened the box to dig in. I would need to watch these two closer. "Anyway," my attention back to the rest of the room. "he has decided to join them." I paused hearing a growl come from Joe. Raising an eyebrow at him he stopped and went back to eating the fruity cereal. "He will be our eyes and ears. He will report to me when he can." Looking directly at Maya and Joe. "Mario wants you both dead in the worst way," I grunted. Looking back at the rest, " he is building an army. I suggest if you have allies or favors you call a few in." My voice was serious enough that even a small child could have picked it up. Looking back at Maya and Joe "You both will train harder than in the past." Looking to Athens, "train her in knife fighting. Give her a silver blade." I ordered. Looking at Mortou " teach this boy everything. Including what I taught you," I knew teaching the boy how to use Earth Energy in fighting, would make him very difficult to beat. Knowing it would give him a greater advantage. Athens cleared his throat, "I will call the council together. See who would be willing to help address this issue." Athens stood and suddenly then disappeared from where he was. Mortou got up, "I will make a few calls and see what friends I can get here." He grunted. Looking to Joe, "Be up early we have a lot to cover." Then he walked out the front door. Alpha Gene and Beta Stan put their heads together. I look back to Maya and Joe. Maya was lost in thought. I noticed she leaned a little toward Joe. He, however, was also lost in thought, happily munching on the cereal. Was attraction forming with these two? I would need to talk to both at some point and remind Maya that her true mate would be the one to beat her. Having attachments now would only cause harm later. Joe was strong but I was not sure he was the wolf meant in the vision. I hated to see Maya get her heart broken because of a wrong attachment. We had a long road ahead I wanted to keep it as bump-free as possible. Alpha Gene and Beta Stan left shortly after to make calls to their allies. Maya and Joe still sitting in their spots. Now was a good time to put that reminder out. "Maya, Joe" I gained their eyes' attention. "I am not sure what is going on between you two but as a reminder, Maya has a true mate out there. I don't want any future drama should there be something between you two." I chided. I knew it sounded like a worried dad but there it was. "Other than him annoyingly sniffing me there is no problem" I heard Maya announce as she stood putting a hand on her hip to glare down at Joe. Rolling my eyes I looked at Joe, "Why are you sniffing her?" I asked. "She smells like these," He chuckled holding up the box of fruit loops. Taking another handful into his mouth. "She smells like fruit loops to you?" I was curious. I did my smell check. To me, she did smell fruity but nothing like what he was eating. "How strong is it?" I asked him. "It was faint fruity before the blood bond after it has increased. Now it's stronger." He shrugged grabbing another handful. "Stronger after the blood bond makes sense, do you feel the mate pull?" I asked him. Maya I noticed was looking between the both of us. "Hahahahaha, I doubt I have a mate," he started. "My dad told me once that he mated my mother because the Goddess told him there was no mate for him." He stopped eating and stood. "Something about an event when he was young that made her mad." Looking at the both of us, "Dad told me it was likely the curse would go to me as well. So I find it highly unlikely I will have a mate pull to anyone." He paused a long moment, "For now I just like to annoy her and keep her distracted from everything that wants to hurt her." He stretched up and cracked his neck once. "I would rather her miffed about me than worried about what wants to hurt her." Taking the box with him he nodded to both of us and wandered out the door. I looked at Maya, to see her glare gone, surprise and understanding in her eyes. "What about you kiddo?" I asked gently. "I have so much whirling around in my head, that I haven't had time to think." She shrugged. "I bought a few boxes of fruit loops so he would stop sniffing me." She said matter of fact. "I remember what the woman said, I am still trying to process so much I am confused more times than anything." she finished with a sigh. "I get it, remember please once you compete in the games it is likely you will find your true mate. He will awaken your wolf. You will then take your Royal place among wolves." I reached out hugging her. "Your mate will need to be powerful, likely an Alpha King." I let go to look down at her. "Hopefully after this bit of crazy, you can have some time to process everything." I gave her one more squeeze and turned to head out.
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