The Truth

1113 Words
Maya POV I followed Joe as he walked to the barn. I noticed he pulled a hatch near the tack room door. "Ladies first," he winked at me. Uh! This man drives me nuts. I want to strangle him most times. I shimmied down the hatch, waiting for him at the bottom. "Follow me, darling," he chuckled. "If you get scared just grab on." With that comment, I couldn't help but smack his back. "Annoying spiteful wolf." I snapped. Joe only laughed harder. We got to a wooden door. His laughter stopped. He turned in the dim light leaning down, "Remember anything said in here is either truth or a lie to get the truth." I could see this was important and took his words to heart. He reached down and grabbed my hand. Pushing the door open he strolled inside. I looked around the room it was crude but seemed to be a form of prison. I laid eyes on the man who sat there. Dirt walls and floor, chairs, and a table were pretty much all that was here. Rob was sitting there slightly bruised and wide-eyed seeing me. "Maya" He whispered my name. Joe stood in front of me suddenly releasing a deep thunderous growl. "MINE." He spoke with authority. "Yes, Alpha!" Rob whined and winced all at once. "Why are you here?!" I was beginning to notice when he used his Alpha tone. Though it did nothing for me. "I was told to watch and report." His whine still there. "How long?" Joe snarled. "two months give or take a couple of days I was blacked out." Rob was visibly shaken. "Why did you blackout?" Joe asked with amusement. "I forgot to drink water." Rob gave a sheepish grin. "Wow," I heard Mortou say as he came forward. Handing a phone to Joe, he eyed me a moment with a smirk. "This phone was the only thing on him. I suspect that is how he reports in." Dropping a cell phone in Joe's hand. Joe flipped it open and checked the call logs and other bits. Closing it, Joe eyed me a second before narrowing his eyes to Rob. "How do you know her?" His Alpha tone in place. "Sh... Sh... she is married to my boss." He stammered not wanting to say that. Looking back at me to see if I had a question. Any questions you want me to ask? He linked me. "Why two women?" I asked. "I am curious, why would your boss want two women? He did not mark this one. So wouldn't she be fair game?" The Alpha tone there while a bit of mockery surrounded. "Sshe is human, she would not have withstood a mark from him." He ground out. You could see he hated answering. "That didn't answer the question of why two?" Joe snarled. Grabbing me by the waist he held me close. "He... He... Could sense she had power. He could smell wolf, he hoped she would produce him a son. His true mate could not have children after the female child." He hissed at Joe. I closed my eyes and hid them in Joe's side. Trying to fight back the tears. I heard Joe rumble low, "How could any wolf mark two women?" The Alpha tone still working. "My... My.. boss is Royal Line Southern Wolf they can mark however many they want and mate. Including more than just true mates. Southern wolves don't have the limits you pack wolves have." He hissed. I would have meant nothing to him but a breeder. I heard a scuffle and saw Mortou take a hand across Rob's face. I watched blood flying across the room. "Don't disrespect the Alpha," Mortou growled. It vibrated the walls. Looking at me, his face changed and he gave me a warm smile. "Alpha I think your mate needs some care." Looking at Joe, he raised a hand to submit slightly. "I need to take care of this piece of trash first." He growls back. "Ma... Maatee," Rob stuttered. Looking from me to Joe. "Did you miss the word MINE" Joe snarled. "Ooo.. ooo... He will not like that.." Rob started to shiver in fear as he looked from Joe to me. I took that moment to wrap my arms around Joe. His face turned deathly pale. "Handle this trash," grunted Joe. "I need to care of MY MATE." He stressed the last two words. "Yes sir" Mortou nodded with a wicked smile. The door closed, behind us. In the underground hall, he looked down at me. "You ok?" his voice held some worry. "Yes and no," I mumbled. Still holding on to him for dear life. "What's wrong?" He asked. Worry still in his voice. "Mario killed several men I know. He said that they had wanted me and also beat and killed some of his men for acting nice to me as well. Rob was the only one that could be near me." I was shaking with raw emotion. I had already been dealing with a lot. This broke the camel's back so to speak. "I was just a breeder to him." The tears clouded my eyes. The limit of my emotional dam had been reached. It was starting to slosh over. I clung to Joe's side as the tears went in free fall. Joe quickly picked me up bridal style and held me close. Using one hand he climbed the latter through the hatch. "What happened?" I heard Athens's voice ask worriedly. "She just found out where she ranked on Mario's list," muttered Joe. Still holding me close, he walked fast to the house. Getting me inside he sat down in the chair and just held me until I was done. Realizing I had blubbered like a baby, both Athens and Mortou staring at me when I stood. I wiped my face and straightened my shirt. "Momma," I heard behind me. I turned to see Jewel and Hawk standing there. They rushed to hug me. "you're not hurt?" Jewel mumbled into my shirt. "Not physically, just processing a lot at the moment. " I hugged both of them back. "Ok," She looked at the men. "You make sure momma doesn't get hurt anymore." She commanded. Grabbing her brother's hand they headed off to their rooms. I gave all of them a weak smile and shrugged. I walked to the kitchen and started the process of dinner once again. I saw all three guys with their heads together chatting. "If it's a plan you guys are poking together at least let me in on it," I muttered. I knew they could hear me.
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