Play Marks (2)

1154 Words
Joe's POV. With that hip wiggle, my control slipped. A rumbling growl left my chest, as I grabbed her hips slamming them against my own growing need. I pinned her body against me as I sucked harder on the marking spot. My canines ached as much as the rest of me did. "Reactions like these and it won't be a fake mating we are mentioning." liquid delight melting over the words. She tilted her head back looking into my eyes. I saw lust, enthusiasm, and something I could see that made her unsure. I ground my hips against her core, causing another moan to come from her. I didn't even tell her as I scraped the tips of my canines against her bruised skin. She let out a gasp, lifting quickly I claimed her mouth again. Our tongues battling from the start. I could smell her arousal and it was making me slip even more. I pressed her against me as hard as I could without hurting her. I stepped back my chest heaving, the blood pooling at my need. "I need to gain control," took off running into the trees. I ran for a while. When I came back to the porch, I could still smell Maya and her arousal. I would not take her until she wanted anything more than that. I saw the hesitation in her eyes. I won't do that. Walking into the house, I padded to see her door ajar. I could see she was sleeping. I saw her brows furrow together and she whined a little. She mumbled something and then went back to restful slumber. "She does that," I whipped around to see Jewel yawning at me. "Jewel, what are you doing awake?" I whispered. "I need water, and I always check on Mom." She spoke softly as she showed me her minion's water glass. "Ah, well get some sleep we will be up early. I have no idea when he will show up." I started walking with her. "He will be here just after one." She smiled like it was common knowledge. "How do you know that?" I placed a hand on her shoulder. She tapped the side of her head, "I have their mind-link in my head." She met my eyes, "I have never said anything. Happened when I turned six," She shrugged. "Have you asked anyone about it?" I worriedly questioned. "No, even momma doesn't know." She shrugged like she didn't even care. "We will get this sorted after we are done tomorrow. You heard anything I need to know?" I asked as an afterthought. "Nothing solid, though they may try to grab my brother and me, they don't know the changes Alpha Gene made or if we will be watching or not." There was a sly smile. "I plan to watch and bring the iPad for my brother. Athens and Mortou said I could sit with them," She patted my shoulder like she knew I needed it. As if she forgot something she added over her shoulder "Hide that mark on momma until just before." she giggled and then took off back to her room. I sat back and chuckled. That little girl had alpha blood or would make someone one helluva Luna. The next day both, Jewel and I shared a knowing look as everyone showed up. The council elders and Mortou's family poured in. Ready for battle. Maya still hadn't come outside yet. Alpha Gene and his elite warriors showed up. Elder Braun was late to arrive but said that Ben told them: One pm. I glanced at Jewel, as she cleared her throat. Waiting for everyone to quiet. When they didn't she looked at me. "Hey!" I shouted. Everyone turned to give me an odd look, "Jewel has something to say." They all glanced down to see her waiting quietly. Once she saw they were ready she said. "My father will be surrounding this ranch with hidden people. They will be trying to grab my brother and me and if he starts to lose they will advance and attack everyone here." She looked up at me and smiled. "How do you know this?" Elder Braun stepped forward. "I have a continued mind-link to everyone in my father's pack. No one but, Joe knew." She looked at each one, "Ben does not know. They plan to kill him as well." There was a growl in her small voice. "Well crap, " Elder Braun stuttered. Athens turned to his council members, "I suggest you watch far from the sidelines. When beefcake gets the upper hand wait for them to show themselves." He hissed. Looking back at Jewel he nodded. Mortou looked to his family "Follow the vampire council and fan out and when those wolves show themselves then do what you do best." He growled then nodded to Jewel with a smile. "I will be sitting between you both with my brother." She smiled brightly at Athens and Mortou. Looking up at me she said softly. "Mom needs you in the house she is scared." I nodded, "If you will excuse me a moment I was given my mission," I chuckled to her ruffling her hair like I saw Elder Braun do to Maya many times. I went quietly into the house, to hear Maya talking to herself. "I can do this, I can do this." She was whispering over and over again. I walked to her room to see her standing in front of the mirror. Her hands clutching her chest. "Yes, darling you can," I rumbled from the door. She turned quickly looking at me. Tears in her eyes, her lip quivering. I opened the door the rest of the way, coming inside and shutting it I pulled her into my chest. "It will be fine." I started rubbing circles on her back. She let the tears out until she reined them in pretty quickly this time. "I am worried about it all." She showed every emotion she had in her eyes as she tilted up to look at me. "You keep looking at me like that and I will have to kiss those tears away." I leaned down to murmur in her ear. Looking at her eyes I saw surprise. "You think I won't?" I raised a brow. "You ran last night." She murmured looking away. "I ran because it was not the time for that. I didn't want to be the reason for some of these tears." I used my thumb to wipe them away. I plan on collecting two from you today. One good luck kiss and one victory kiss with maybe a little more," I wiggled my eyebrows at her. She laughed and smacked me. Stepping back, she started to go outside. I noticed then she had covered the mark with two shirts. At least Elder Braun wouldn't skin me alive yet. I laughed to myself.
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