Play Marks

1294 Words
Maya's POV Three days into it and I was mentally and physically exhausted. The phone call, hearing Mario's voice, and Elder Braun reminded me my future all took a toll. I sat in Joe's lap until well into the evening. Watching him play video games with Mortou. I got up stretched, nodded to both of them yawned, and crawled into my bed fully dressed. Sleep hitting me as my head landed on the pillow. I sat on the porch, allowing myself time before tomorrow to come up with what I should feel so I didn't stall out tomorrow when Mario did arrive for the challenge. I sipped on my coffee, a dash of rum to help me stay steady. Knowing he had said nothing of who or what he was, not allowing me to know meant I was nothing more than a breeder. Hell, you would still be protective of a breeder as you can get what you need. But, to fake your death and knowing how his family had thought of me I needed to cut the toxic out of my life. This would be the final bit. I stood, hearing Mortou and Joe inside again playing video games. Not one of these people hid anything about themselves. Not to mention, willingly going into a fight just to keep me safe. I had found a spot to call home finally. Something about what was said on the call worried me. I needed to ask Mortou and Joe. Grabbing my cup, I slid open the door and stepped into the kitchen. "Hey guys," I said closing the door. "Hi," They said in unison as I heard one of them growl when the other died on the screen. Mortou laughing as he looked back at me "Third time he has lost in an hour." "I gotta question about that call the other day," I figured I would just get to the point. "What's the question princess?" Mortou still chuckling. Looking at Mortou directly I dug deep, nerves making it harder. "Joe told Mario he marked and mated me." I glanced at Joe whose green eyes showed surprise. "What if he sees no mark? He will know it's a lie." I looked back at Mortou. "You are correct about this. However, do you know anything about what was said?" He leaned back on the couch looking from Joe to me. "No nothing." I sighed leaning back in the chair to sip my rum and coffee. "Well," Mortou paused to look at Joe, "Marking is done by both wolves usually. They extend their canines and sink them into the soft part of the neck and shoulder. Did you see a scar/tattoo-looking thing on Mario's neck?" He asked still eyeing Joe. "Yes," I said absently. "That was from the she-wolf." Mortou nodded. "Typically, when they mark the pleasure is so intense they can't stop but mate. Usually, what gets them that far is the mate bond pull." Mortou paused again to look at Joe. His amber eyes turned back to me, "But like Elder Braun got upset about being marked by not your true mate, it will cause issues when he does find you." "Can you fake a mark?" I asked. Mortou snickered, "I think you two need to work this out without me." Grabbing the rest of the beer, "I will take these and see you bright and early tomorrow." Laughing out the front door. I watched Joe look up at me, I wasn't sure what the emotion was in his eyes. "Can we fake one?" I asked him. I watched his shoulders fall, "I hadn't planned on that. I know you have a future mate and I don't want to make life more difficult." You could feel the defeated look that pressed his features. "So it can't be faked." I sighed. Feeling my shoulders fall as well. We sat like that for a few minutes Neither saying a word. Letting thoughts pass by. ****** Joe's POV ****** I was still slightly stunned that Maya had come in and asked what she had about being marked and mated. Mortou had answered as most would. But she was still human until her wolf was called. She had a point, Mario would know we had not marked and mated if he saw nothing on her. Could I put a mark on her that would fade? I thought for a bit. "Hey stupid," I heard Ravi say in my head. "What mutt?" I grumped. "Mutt?" Ravi sneezed "Luna Carolina has a bruise-looking bite on her shoulder. Most humans end up with what looks like a constant hickey. Just give her a hickey and graze your teeth across so it looks like a mark tomorrow. Dumb ass." He huffed. "You are a smart son of a b***h sometimes," I laughed. "Yeah, yeah. whatever." he sniffed curling up to sleep. "Maya, Ravi my wolf said Luna Carolina being human had a bruised mark on her shoulder. He suspects that a hickey with a scrape of my teeth might mimic that." I looked at her. She raised her eyes from her mug to look at me. I saw a half-smile on her lips and something close to anticipation in her eyes. "If you think it will mimic it then sure. I don't want to be what causes this plan to fall apart." I could hear the pain and worry in her words. I stood up, reaching my hand out to hers, she placed her mug down and grabbed my hand. "Let us do this outside." I smiled as I lead her out on the back porch. I looked around and figured this was about as private as it should be. I saw the workbench and turned quickly scooping her into my hands, spinning I placed her on the bench. She still only came up to my collar bone but it would work. Pushing her legs open with a tap, I settled between them. Looking down into her grey eyes, the moon highlighting their hints of silver. "How bad will it hurt?" She murmured her gaze meeting mine. "If I do this properly it won't hurt much at all," I said huskier than I should have. But, damn did this woman smell good. "Hold on to me darling," I whispered near her ear. I slid my tongue lightly across the line of her neck to her shoulder. Placing feather-light kisses along with it back up to her ear. I placed one hand behind her head and neck supporting it as worked to nibble and lick both sides. Kissing her mouth softly, the jolt hit both of us as we began to fight for dominance with our tongues. The passion this little woman had could make my toes curl in my shoes. Breaking the heated kiss to breathe, I heard her panting as I went to nibble and suck along her shoulder. I nipped the spot where her neck meets her shoulder. The place she-wolves would proudly show their marks off. "Here darling is where I will place my mark," I breathed against her skin. She moaned slightly like she did last time we were like this. "Careful darling, don't go exciting the wolf," I smiled. My tongue began to lick and suck the spot. I felt her hands grip the shirt on my chest. Her nails dug into my skin through the shirt. That immediately had my fangs drop. I was still licking and sucking on that spot as it began to intoxicate me with her fruity taste and scent. I felt her hips wiggle a little as she scooted closer to mine own. I had kept us farther apart so I could keep control. My control with that wiggle did a huge slip.
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