
1157 Words
Maya's POV I am not sure how Joe knew I needed that push, but I was glad he had. I walked out to see lots of people milling around. Going outside, I saw Elder Braun come up to greet me, Jewel hugged me and ran back into the house. "One pm seems to be when they will get here." Elder Braun informed me. " So we have some time before it begins," I started looking around. "Is anyone hungry?" I asked. Alpha Gene, his men, and Elder Braun raised their hands. I noticed none of the others did. They had sectioned off forming their groups. "Let me get some breakfast started and I will see you guys in a bit." Grams always told me that busy hands make the time go faster. It's not wanting it to go faster as I wish it to be over and done with and know the fate of today. Heading back inside, I met Joe in the doorway. Our bodies touched and instantly our eyes connected. Staring, and sharing heat. Leaning down to my ear he whispered gently, "Later will show you off as mine." he whispered. Inhaling my scent he then picked me up and moved me farther into the house with a chuckle. By eleven, I had fed everyone who wanted something and by noon, I was done with dishes. Joe came back inside, walking up behind me his breath hitting the spot he marked temporarily, it tingled. " less than an hour to go, for my good luck kiss," He reminded me then was gone again. Damn that man, he was still annoying but now in a hot under-collar kinda way. Ugh! Athens came in with a box next. "Alright Soul sister, time for you to look the part," He winked. " Go grab a quick shower and I will be here for your make-up and hair." Flipping me around, and putting me in the shower. Once, clean he flopped me in a chair, added some light makeup, and started work on my hair. Once he had done an awesome fishtail braid, he helped me shimmy into the dress that was in the box. It was a violet color. He took a black scarf and black sandals to finish it off. "Now that nasty mutt can see what he lost." A huge smile ran across his face. "You gonna turn a lot of heads girl!" He kissed both sides of my face. Grabbing my hand, we walked out the front. the black scarf covering my mark, waiting for Joe to show it. ***** Joe's POV ***** 12:45 pm I was standing out with the rest of the group, in my violet-colored tank and black sweats. This matching outfit idea was Athens Idea. I was not sure why I let him do this. That was until I saw Maya come out at just after, 12:50 pm. She looked edible in that violet sundress, with black sandals and the scarf carefully covering my mark. You could see the training she was doing was certainly toning an already yummy body. Athens walked her to me like the princess she was. Handing her over, he said "Your lady sir," He wiggled his eyebrows at us both. Maya laughed, and I smiled. I knew he was doing this to keep the positive atmosphere. Alpha Gene announced what was to happen with his guard. Jewel came out with her brother in tow. Hawk happily played on the iPad in front of him. 1 pm on the dot, we heard the cars coming down the road. They pulled in and parked in a semi-circle in front of us. I watched some pretty big wolves come out. I knew it wasn't Mario until I heard Maya's breath sucked in after one of the guards let out a slightly less thick version of me. About my height, though with a shiny bald head and a goatee. Gold earrings added to the genie look he had. A Latin-looking woman and the little girl I had seen at the laundry mat just behind him. The little girl said, "That is the big red wolf." Pointing to me. I let my Alpha Aura out, using one hand I grabbed Maya's waist and hauled her into my side. She leaned gladly in. "Mario I presume?" I growled. His eyes instantly turned black. "MINE!" He snarled. Though shortly after behind him he heard, "Mine!" followed by another "Mine!" Several more after that were heard through his ranks as one-third of his team charged toward us. He sliced every one of his men who howled it. He littered his ranks dead. "Little known fact," Elder Braun chuckled behind us, "Sweet Luna Maya can only have mated males near." He chuckled as Mario realized he had just killed a good portion of what he brought. "No matter, I will get what I want." His eyes raked down Maya's dress and body. "I can see you have been taking care of yourself." He sounded slightly taken aback. "It happens, to be helpful when you have people who care for you." She snapped back. Wrapping an arm around me. Mario's eyes went black again. Looking directly at me. "I don't see your mark. "He growled. I smiled mischievously, staring at his eyes, I reached up with my finger and pulled the scarf off her neck slowly. Once the last bit of fabric slipped off, he looked from me to her shoulder. There stood the black and blue mark. The scrapes looked like punctures. It looked like a true solid mark. I was pretty proud of it. I draped her scarf over my shoulder. "That proof enough?" I growled. A low growl started to slowly build in his chest. "You let him mark you!" He thundered. "I did," her voice stayed strong. His growl deepened. I could see his men, backing. The woman and girl, both backed too. I took that moment to lean down, keeping an eye on him "Can I have that good luck kiss darling?" I noticed Mortou and Athens had stepped forward. Athens was dangling a glowing object on a string. "don't disturb the love birds," He tsked. Shaking his finger like he was looking at a naughty child. Letting my eyes fall on just her alone, I raised my brow. She leaned up and I leaned down, my hand capturing her head and neck while my other arm grabbed her waist. I yanked her tightly against me. There was a smile in her eyes and on her face as I lowered my lips to hers. I was only going to give a small chaste kiss. That damn jolt knocked us into a sparring match with our tongues. Parting breathlessly I leaned down to kiss her mark. I watched her shudder at my touch. I nodded to Athens and Mortou who followed her to the sidelines. She had taken the scarf with her.
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