Blood Bond

1260 Words
Joe's POV I had just answered the question about Alpha blood when I heard and smelled Alpha Gene, Beta Stan, and Elder Braun. I settled back in the chair. Just as the door to the room opened and they walked in. I saw Beta Stan carrying a bronze bowl and knife set. Much smaller than the normal one used for the pack ritual. I glanced at Maya to see she was looking at the bowl and knife as well. "Portable ritual set," Beta Stan shrugged looking at her. She gave him a nod and went back to eating her soup. "Everything fine here?" Alpha Gene looked at me. "Yes Alpha, Dr. Tanner came in and checked her once she woke up and I snagged the food tray for her," I answered. "Good, what did Dr. Tanner say?" Alpha Gene rallied back. "She knew about the blood bond and said not to upset her. Maya said she believes Dr. Tanner dislikes us." There was laughter in my voice. I glanced at her to see her eyes snap to me and glare. "Maya is correct, Dr. Tanner lost her son, because of an Alpha who did not want him near his daughter." Alpha Gene stated on the matter. "I allow her to snarl all she wants as long as it's in the interest of the people she is caring for." I glanced at Maya to see she looked my way, Eyes shocked, then turned to sadness as she looked at her bowl. Damn it, I didn't want to make her sad that would make Dr. Tanner yell again. "I have informed the vampire and the were-bear. Sent a message to the ancient wolf." Elder Braun threw out into the open. "Perfect, not that I enjoy having a vampire in my territory but with events in motion it will be helpful. Who is the vampire?" Alpha Gene asked. "Athens." Was Elder Braun's only reply. I had heard of Athens, he was an ancient one. Roughly 5,000 years old and could day walk. He was Head of the Vampire Council. I was a bit surprised that an ancient vampire would know Elder Braun. But, I had no idea how old he was. "Then it will be an honor to have him around for a spell." Alpha Gene, I noticed sucking in a breath as he puffed up with pride. "Who is the were-bear?" He glanced at Elder Braun. "Mortou." Elder Braun, I could see puff with his pride. Alpha Gene and Beta Stan's heads snapped to look at Elder Braun. "How?" Alpha Gene breathed. "I am a lot older than most know. I have had a long time on this Earth. I came across him when he was just cursed. He managed to get control of his rage while in my care. He has always been willing to grant me help when I have asked. This would be, only the second in about 1500 years," Elder Braun settled in a chair on the other side of Maya. "I know everyone is dying to hear your story, Elder Braun." I kinda knew but not much. I knew he was an ancient Lyican. But not how it happened. He looked at me with interest. My eyes flicked to Maya and back to him knowing she wanted to know as well. I saw him sigh, I knew he would say it because of Maya. "I am one of two ancient wolves. Both of us are cursed by witches. I can never find my mate." He spoke looking at Maya. Her hands came to her chest as she sucked in a breath. "I am just over 2,000 years old. Both Alpha Gene and you Joe are my closest descendants." He looked at Alpha Gene, "You are from my sister's line." Looking directly at me, "Joe you are my brothers. I chose this place as both of you are the last of my family." He bowed his head a moment. I watched Maya reach out her hand to place it on his. He looked up and smiled at her, "I am not sure how you have this much Lyican blood but I suspect you are meant to be here. You are family with the Lyican blood I share." He smiled at her patting her hand. "I wish I knew who my relatives were." She muttered under her breath. "We should find out today." Elder Braun smiled suddenly. "How?" She asked looking up at him. "The blood bond will link me to your original person." He puffed. Looking to the rest of us. "I told you because you will find out anyway once the bond has been placed." "Beta, let's get this started." Alpha Gene mentioned rolling up his sleeve. Beta Stan pulled another table close. He grabbed a bottle of herbs and poured the contents of it into the bowl. He whispered some words, bringing them closer he stood next to Alpha Gene. Elder Braun came around the bed to stand on his other side. His arms bear, I stood giving my arm over the bowl. "Maya dear, can you place your hand over this bowl?" Beta Stan Smiled at her warmly. I watched her sit up on her knees, Placing her arm between Alpha Gene's and me. "This work?" She asked the Beta. "Yes thank you." He nodded and smiled at her. "I call this bond of family. A pack within a pack. You will aid each other and care for each other as is the case with family. The bond is to remain unbroken. No magic can break it." Finishing that sentence Beta Stan swung the blade wide, slicing all of us at the same time. I heard Maya suck in a hard breath. I glanced at her to see luminous violet instead of her grey. I was a bit surprised. Glancing at Elder Braun. "Does she have a dormant wolf?" I shockingly asked. "I have a feeling she does. There is only one wolf I know with violet-like that. She was the princess of the ancient land." he breathed. As he took on an intense shade of glowing green. I could hear Ravi going wild in my head. Whimpering and then growling and back to whimpering. Pictures flashed, I saw Elder Braun and other uniquely colored wolves running the forest. Their coats shimmering against the sun. A woman small and lithe ran in human form laughing and running with them. Her brown hair with red hues. Her eyes danced with that violet color. Her face is similar to Maya's with slight differences. The pictures changed again as Elder Braun faded and a huge grey and black wolf with icy blue eyes slowly changed to a sandy brown with a steel gaze. Soon I saw my father's wolf mostly red though with accents of black and blond hairs. His wolf turned to mine. Then the woman was back standing there looking at me. Her eyes became a mixture of green and blue. As she morphed into a wolf there stood a dark brown wolf with black highlights. Her violet eyes in place as she morphed into a chestnut color. She was the one to speak, "My mother requests that our descendent Maya become part of the games. You will make sure she competes. Her mate will be the only one able to best her once she is properly trained. Once marked by her true mate she will gain her hidden wolf ." The vision suddenly tunneled out and I was back in the room staring at everyone.
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