The Games

1096 Words
Elder Brauns POV I knew everyone minus Beta Stan had seen the vision. There was only one game she was talking about. I knew that. I suspected she was from the Royal line but didn't want to cement it until now. More than ever now we need to get the situation with her husband out of the way. I would make a point to ask Athens and Mortou for help in training her. I looked at all three, only Maya was visibly shaken. She leaned back licking her wound on instinct. Laying back in the bed. Her silence had me worried. I sensed she was processing. We had to finish sealing the bond. I lifted my lips to the bowl, handing it to Alpha Gene, as he did the same. "Maya," I spoke to gain her attention. Her eyes suddenly focused again and she looked at me with a ton of questions. "Take the bowl from Alpha Gene and drink." I coaxed. She turned took the bowl, sipped, and then looked back at me. "Hand it to Joe." I smiled. She absently handed him the bowl and laid back against the bed. Joe drank and then handed the bowl to Beta Stan. I noticed he was watching her reaction as well. Interesting, I had a feeling I was watching something bloom. The question was what was it? I went back to the chair on the other side of the room, settled back in it. Reaching up and taking ahold of the hand still gripping the side railing I asked, "Would you like to see your babies?" Her eyes immediately snapped to me. A smile and tears in her eyes. "Yes if they are here?" she laced her words with excitement and hope. Alpha Gene spoke then " I am going to head out with Beta Stan. I will send them in." He nodded to Joe and me. They exited the room, shortly after the door burst open and Jewel towed her brother's arm as she squealed "Momma!" Leaping without a second thought she landed on top of the bed. Having let go of her brother's hand. The mention of mom her son turned slowly and suddenly rushed to her side. He didn't leap but was yanked up by his sister. Jewel hugged her for all she was worth her son quietly leaned alongside her and snuggled. I had missed seeing stuff like this. Suddenly Jewel shot up glancing at me she asked, "Was it him?" She pointed at Joe. I could see a surprised but confused look on his face. "It was." I nodded knowing she asked who had saved her mom. Jumping down, she made her way to Joe who was sitting in the other chair now. Extending out a hand she spoke with confidence "Thank you for saving my mom." She smiled big. Joe's big hand completely covered her tiny one and they shook hands. "Your welcome young lady." He glanced at me with some surprise. "I explained to them what happened. Including that they were her Uncle and Grandma." I leaned back. Shock and pain filtered across Maya. Understanding I noted in Joe. "It's ok momma," she crawled back up and cuddled the opposite side of her brother. "I know they have been mean to you just like how daddy use to be mean sometimes." She sighed next to her. "now they can't hurt you. I hated when they hurt you." With that, she snuggled and said no more. "They would hurt you?" This question came from a concerned-looking Joe. Maya's face was a mix of worry, embarrassment, and pain. She only nodded yes, holding back the tears in her eyes. "A lot of it was words more so than actions," she whispered. She grabbed onto both of her babies and held them for all she was worth. I could smell the tears but, looking at Joe we both said nothing. This little group had been in a silent hell. To look at her you could not tell it at all. Surprisingly considered most have some sort of telltale sign. She appeared to have none. I settled in the chair as I noted Joe did the same. He was taking the job we offered seriously it seemed. Every once in a while I would note he flared his nostrils. I could tell he was scenting. Though I wondered if he was checking on her tears or something else. "What are the games she spoke about?" I heard Maya ask out of the blue. "It is called the Tournament of the Wolf," I explained. A shocking look on Joe's face. "It is leftover from the Ancient games. A way to see which packs in the world have the best fighters." I looked at her surprised face. "But I have no wolf." She sighed, "How would I survive something like that?" Shock apparent in her words. "You do though she is dormant." I leaned forward placing my hand on hers. "I think the reason you weren't seriously hurt by the Southern Wolves was because of her." I leaned back releasing her hand. "Games consist of three parts, jousting, mounted archery, There is fighting in sword and hand to hand. Though the last two have dwindled in use." I shrugged. I liked those events as well. "How will she take a hit with the joust or sword?" Joe asked, concern evident in his eyes and words. "We will work out those bits, for now, she needs to heal and we need to sort the last bits of this current mess." I looked at her, "All will be well. Athens should be here this evening and Mortou shortly after. I will have them do some training with you once you have healed. We will wait to see when the last tormentor of yours shows up." I stood and kissed her forehead. Then ruffled her hair. "I will need a warhorse," she mumbled. "Momma you can use that buckskin stallion no one likes." Jewel shot up. "He is near the school. There are signs letting everyone know he is dangerous." Looking at me she added, "You and I can go to the house and get him. I know momma can fix him and he will do that well." This child gave off self-assured confidence not many had. "Then I guess we shall go look at this stallion. " I smiled and added, "When Athens gets here we will go there and check it out." I smiled at her. Ruffling her hair while she sent me a quick glare.
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