Waking up.. (2)

1041 Words
Maya's POV Alpha Gene and Joe looked between Elder Braun and me. "Let me guess, something suddenly clicked," Alpha Gene asked. Holding my tears back, I hand him the crumpled note. He walked forward taking it. Looking at it after reading he looked at me. "I figured something like this." He shrugged. Tears flowing freely, "That is in Mario's hand, which means he IS still alive." I sank into the bed. Letting the sadness take over. I took the blanket and covered my head. Why me... What the hell? I didn't deserve this. I felt big arms wrap around me, "It will be fine kiddo. We will get this sorted. I will call in a few old friends to help." Elder Braun said above my head. He looked at the other two men. "Why did he have two of us?" I sobbed into Elder Braun's chest. "I don't know. Seeing as how you have no marking, I suspect he marked the other Southern she-wolf. He may have recognized your magic and thought he could create a more powerful wolf." Elder Braun wanted to console me that just made me sob harder. I heard the door open, as Dr. Tanner briskly walked inside. "You couldn't be nice." She snapped. Pulling a syringe from her pocket, She inserted it into the tube and placed the contents in my tube. "This will help you relax." She gave me a warm smile. Looking up her eyes glared at all three men, "Let her rest. Not only does she have physical pain now you're causing her mental trauma, Shame on all of you." She snapped, clucking her tongue while storming right back out of the room. I could feel it immediately take effect, I was getting drowsy. My crying was more effort. Something I didn't want to do. I looked at Joe, there was a mix of feelings including worry as my eyes closed they were just too heavy. "We need to do the blood bond. I will Mind-link my Beta telling him to bring the supplies." I could hear Alpha Gene mention. "Blood bond?" I heard Joe ask. "Yes, that way you can Mind-link either of us and her. " Alpha Gene answered. "Do I have to submit?" Joe queried. "No, that way you still keep your power intact. Your gonna need it. If Mario could mark and mate one female and have Maya too, I suspect he is powerful. More so than the ones that attacked her." Alpha Gene informed. "I am going to call in a few favors. Just in case he brings back up I would like to have a few more strong people with us." Elder Braun chimed in. "Who are you calling so I know." Alpha Gene questioned. "A Vampire, a bear shifter, and another ancient wolf. Not sure he will make it but I will request it." Elder Braun stood. "Joe stay around here. I am going to check on her babies and bring them by." There was a pause and a rustling sound. A chair scraped the floor. "Your good right?" I heard Alpha Gene say. "Yes of course." I heard Joe say. "I haven't seen him even try to do what those males had. I suspect he will be fine." I heard a hand pat something. "Let's go get some things sorted. Check her pups and get back here so we can get that bond done." Elder Braun spoke on the matter. More shuffling and then a door closing. About the same time, I fell into the blackness that awaited me. I wasn't sure how long I had been passed out, but I glanced at the chair next to me and saw the wolf tree sleeping. I stared for a long time looking at him. His peacefully sleeping face to the huge shoulders that blended in massive arms and then to his hands. They were the size of dinner plates. I was sure he couldn't even stick one finger into a coffee mug. that he would have to hold it like a glass. I eyed him for what seemed like a while before I heard him clear his throat. Oops... I think I was busted. I looked up to meet his green gaze. There was a smirk that settled on his lips and a touch of mirth in his eyes. "Hi" I squeaked and looked back down to hide the massive blush that ran up my face. "Hi," He rumbled. "Let me call the nurse and let her know that you are up. Did you want to eat something?" He raised a brow at me as he rose to his massive height. "Yes please." I kept my head down. The blush from being busted still in a huge effect. I heard him leave. Flopping back on the bed I raised my pillow to my face and screamed like a stupid teenager during an exciting part of the movie. I was almost thirty, what the hell was I doing acting like this? I yelled at myself. He came back in after I had smoothed the pillow back behind my head. Dr. Tanner was right behind him. "How are you feeling now dear?" She asked. She began checking my vitals to make sure all was well. A nurse brought in a tray and dropped it off quietly to the side. When Dr. Tanner seemed happy, she turned to Joe, "Now I know they are doing a blood bond, make sure she does not get upset. She needs to heal." She snarled. Turning on her heel and leaving. "You're the second Alpha I have seen her snarl at today." I glanced at him. "I have a feeling she doesn't like them." I giggled. "Eh, no biggie. I am not an Alpha just have Alpha blood." He glanced at me. "Ready for your food?" He picked up the tray the nurse left. "Yes please." I glanced down at my lap only to look up and ask "What's the difference between Alpha and Alpha blood?" I didn't know how it all worked. "Alpha is a position while Alpha blood is just my open title. I have no claim to a pack. Nor do I want one." He shrugged his big ole 'shoulders.
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