That took a turn...

1069 Words
Maya's POV. I legged the young horse forward and started toward the valley along the boundary. A good place to work this one without worrying about hills and drops. We made it to the valley in short order, and I began to work on various things. I was so embedded in my work with the horse I didn't catch the scent of rotten eggs and decay until it was completely overpowering and my horse took that moment to drop me like a rock in the sandy dirt. I looked around to see four wolves ranging in size from runt to almost dire wolf status. "Elder Braun?" I called out in my head. "Yes?" I heard. "I have a bit of a situation currently. The horse dropped me on the ground and now I have four rogues staring at me." I grumbled. "For goddess sake woman! How close?!" I closed my eyes with the power he let off in my head. "Ummm They have me surrounded," I shrugged. I felt the snarl in my head and shrunk back. I knew I f****d up... But that snarl let me know he had known I did too. When I opened my eyes, I saw a man late forties some basketball shorts in place staring at me with an evil smirk. I could see age lines and his dark brown eyes gave nothing away to his thoughts. "What do we have here? A human on pack lands. How interesting?" He glanced around two others had taken human form. One was a woman and the other was a younger-looking man who looked like the older one who spoke. "I smell wolf on her." The younger version snarled. "I smell pack wolf," the female with long black hair and glowing amber eyes growled. "If you must know," I stood while dusting myself off, "I am a member of the Dry Gulch pack." I shrugged. I would not show my fear to them. Oddly I felt rather calm at this moment. Hence the snarky comment that came from my lips next. "I would think you should take your nasty asses off our pack lands." I smiled sweetly adding a glare to the old wolf in front of me. I saw a look of shock filter across his face for a brief moment. Then something flipped in his eyes. They turned black, filling with rage and growing cold. "Stupid human, you realize I will enjoy ripping you apart with my teeth right?" I watched as those said teeth slid down from his mouth. Claws appeared in exchange for fingers. "I may even f**k you first before I start ripping. Just to let your soul know of terror." He growled. He was edging closer and closer. Yep, I f****d up... I said to myself. Damn my pride. I remembered my gun, pulling it I managed to surprise him. I pulled the trigger, I watched the bullet slam into his chest and the surprised expression. He fell back, clutching his chest as the man and woman ran straight to him. I started to run and was stopped by the other smaller wolf. I shot that one watching it drop with a snarl and whine. The woman's head snapped my way, "You b***h!" She let out a deep-throated growl. Running toward me I watched as she ripped her clothes turning into a wolf. I raised my hand to shoot when a massive tawny-colored wolf with red tips slammed into her. ***** Elder Braun's POV After dropping the link from Maya, my snarl making made everyone around me drop, I took off at speed. My form changing to the sun-colored wolf I was. Trees and ground blended as I charged toward her scent. The damn woman I growled. Maybe it was a gift I never had a mate. Dealing with stupid stuff like this was irritating. I heard the gunshots. and knew she was fighting. I pushed harder. Knowing it was a matter of time before her blood spilled. I saw the she-wolf charge her. noted that two were already down. "Good girl" I mentioned to her. Dropping the mind link I smacked her hard with my paw. What surprised me was she wolf bit my leg! I lost it. I ripped her throat quickly and whipped around to see the young male stalking toward me with a low growl. Suddenly his head whipped to Maya. Scenting the air with his nose, he ran right at her. Shit... That must have been his mate... I leaped to intercept. Just as I went in the air I saw a large red male jump between using his body to block the oncoming rogue. He used his butt to knock the rogue past Maya. Glancing at her he went straight to the threat. They lifted to fight and in short order, the rogue fell missing his throat. He stood, looking at me he nodded and took off back to the ranch. It was interesting that Youngblood would follow. Also, his wolf form was far bigger than Alpha Gene's. He seemed to be able to control himself around her too. Shifting back toward Maya, "Where is the horse?" I growled. "Ray said he found him at the back fence." She looked at the ground. "Sorry." "Climb on, I will take you back," I grunted walking to her. I could see the look of surprise which made me chuckle. "Ok," was all I heard as she waited for me to lower my back so she could climb on. I ran back not as fast knowing her human form could not withstand that speed. Dropping her at the barn, I shifted back. Clothes were handed to me. Also, it was mentioned that Alpha Gene had been informed. He was sending a tracker team out there to make sure there were no others. Walking up to the mechanic Youngblood I said, "Thanks for the backup." I mentioned off handily. He just nodded and got back to working on the tractor. "How long do you have here?" I asked looking at the tractor. "Couple hour's worth of work here. Need to tune this up, and change the oil in the others. Beta Stan mentioned an issue with the diesel generator near the house." He mentioned with a shrug. "You know there is a rule that no unmated males are supposed to be near Maya," I smirked. I was curious.
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