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Elder Braun POV "Yeah, I heard that. That's why I was surprised when you asked me here." He turned to give me a raised eyebrow. This boy was cheeky! "There are no mated ones who can do this task. Plus I am here for the duration." I shrugged leaning against the wall. "You were the one who left me with the old pack in Japan." He said going back to work. "I am." I agreed surprised he remembered me. "I have never seen another wolf your color. It was burned in my memory." He spoke softly this time. "I do have an odd one." changing the subject. "How is it you can control yourself with her scent?" I was beyond curious. "It is not overpowering." He grunted while using a wrench to tighten a bolt. That made me raise an eyebrow. "How did you know where I went?" "She was riding, you took off in wolf form after a mind link and there were gunshots. Plus she is female." He shrugged. Still putting the parts to the tractor back on. I had to admit he had some good observations. What I was curious though was where his tension came from. I could see it coiling in his back. ********* Maya's POV Alpha Gene had mind-linked me to let me know he would be at the ranch around dinner time. Damn it... I knew I was gonna get an ear full. I started making dinner, the hands left the homestead leaving only Elder Braun and that huge mechanic with tree trunk legs. I started dinner shortly after and added a Black Magic cake into the oven. Repayment for saving my arse today. Forty-five minutes later I had the cake out cooling, plates for both Elder Braun and the mechanic ready to go. I figured Alpha Gene would be there fairly soon. Taking the plates, I headed toward the garage. I figured some homemade gnocchi with bacon and peas with butter sauce and some homemade sourdough bread would hit the spot. "Elder Braun," I voiced to get his attention while he leaned with his back to me on the door of the garage. He turned around with a smile "Ah dinner." Taking both plates from me to hand one to the giant wolf tree dude. "Just wanted to thank you both for saving my hide today." I nodded and smiled at both men. "I have more in the house if you guys are hungry." I started to head to the house when I got a tickle of mind link. "Maya I will be there in three minutes meet me at the front gate." Alpha Gene instructed. "Yes, Alpha." Turning on my heel mid-step past the door "Alpha will at the gate now." I muttered like a teenager about to be grounded. "I will be right behind you kiddo." Elder Braun snickered. I got to the gate, opened it, and stood at one corner waiting for his work truck. I heard it coming up just before I saw it. He pulled in and turned around. Rolling down the window I felt his steel gaze on me. "So, what happened on your end?" He raised a brow at me. I then explained from meeting Elder Braun, the decision to ride in that little valley, the horse spooking leaving me in the dirt, and the events up until Elder Brain showed up. By then Elder Braun proceeded to take over as say how he dispatched the other two rogues. I just nodded and played along. Knowing he had a reason for not saying anything about the mechanic jumping in. "Alright Maya, I will find you a guard as soon as I can." Alpha Gene nodded. "I need to get home." I smiled and waved, closing the gate and turning back toward the house. "Would you guys like another plate?" I offered since I was headed that way. "Yes!" Came out of their mouths at the same time. Giggling to myself I took both plates and headed back to the house. I filled their plates up and just as I went to the back door I saw Elder Braun and the wolf tree dude walking up on the porch. I handed them their plates. "I will have the cake frosted shortly." I looked to Elder Braun. "We are talking about the Black magic one?!" Elder Braun started looking like a Cheshire cat. "Yes, that one." I laughed outright shaking my head. "Fantastic!" He looked to the mechanic "Son you're in for a treat tonight!" As Elder Braun started to shovel the rest of the meal into his mouth. I went in finally to eat myself and get the cake ready. Cutting some huge slices and putting them on different plates I handed them to both men. Elder Braun looked like a kid on Christmas morning as he scooped a big bite and smiled. I went back in and started the dishes. I heard someone come in behind me. Turning around I got a good look at the mechanic. He had dark red almost an auburn shade of red hair, a good-sized beard with shaved sides, and dreadlocks on the one Mohawk section of hair. He had hazel eyes leading to a fleck of brown. Freckles dotted the bridge of his nose giving the whole look a little boy charm. The grin he had wrinkled his eyes in the corner. Holy hell, though he filled up my little kitchen like a Sherman tank. My five-foot half frame came to just the lower end of his chest. His hands held both plates easily. I was in a little bit of awe. Had Mario been alive he would have dwarfed him in girth and sheer size. "Thank you for the meal," The giant wolf tree said. Shaking the shock from my head I muttered "your welcome." As I took the plates and turned to put them in the sink. Not meaning to brush the side of his arm with my elbow. "Sorry," I murmured as I caught an image of his dark red wolf in my head. He said nothing, just turned around, and headed back onto the porch. Elder Braun came in shortly after. "Well, we are headed out for the night. Thank you for the food, always fabulous." He winked and ruffled my hair. "Thanks," I laughed as I flung some dishwater at him. "Hey, I will melt!" He squealed like a big kid. We had another second or two of fun before he gave me a quick squeeze. I noticed the wolf tree was watching from the sliding door. I needed to start doing better with new people's names I told myself. I heard the car start shortly knowing Elder Braun would close the gate on his way out.
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