Old Ways

1034 Words
Elder Braun's POV I left the garage, listening to the young wolf cuss at the truck on his rack. I couldn't help but laugh. He had told me his name, Joe Youngblood. I knew his story instantly. I had been on this Earth far longer than any wolf should be. I was cursed. Yep, I had pissed off a witch in my young years and that witch made sure I lived long enough to realize my mistake. Either way, I had learned my lesson. Not only did I live 2,000 years but I also would never get to meet my mate. The happiness I watched everyone else was my hell. I didn't surprise easily these days. So when I got the call from Alpha Gene that he had found a Leto worshipper I felt the need to check it out. The Ancient Prophecy that stated a daughter of a Goddess with a beast inside would call forth ancient powerful healing and unite the wolves to form a better more cohesive front. I was not expecting to meet Maya. I could sense the unique power she held. Touching her hand and I was back in the ancient forests of Lyica running with my brothers and sisters. Werewolves emerged as a subspecies of that ancient race. I believed I was the only one left. Her son contained a wolf. Also, her daughter held similar power. So if not Maya, her daughter Jewel perhaps was a link to the prophecy. Either way, I knew I needed to watch over that little pack. They shared a similar connection to my past. I always laughed when new wolves would overlook me. But, like tonight I didn't often step on toes but that was a needed moment. Noting the two males who had lost mates and their reaction to her, I knew that mated males would be the only ones allowed around her. That left the Youngblood fellow. Nothing like his parents and nothing like his ancestors he was a hot mess. His family had been power-hungry until they messed with someone hungrier. I hated how packs and other supernaturals always fought. I didn't like the bloodshed. Perhaps I had seen too much of it. I had taken that boy to a different part of the world and dropped him off there telling them to watch over him and let him grow. Seeing him back in the States made me chuckle. I knew why Alpha Gene had let him stay. He had been good friends with his father years ago. Plus I suspected he was one helluva powerhouse in a fight given his lineage. A lineup of some of the heavy-hitting Alpha's of the past graced that bloodline. Hell, I think he could trace even to my brother if I remembered right. The main reason I had taken him out of the country was to have him grow up without being hunted. Either way, I found it odd that the smell brought him out of his garage at the same time Maya was getting gas. I needed to find that old scroll and see about digging up that ancient prophecy. I planned to sort this out. As well as make sure I could keep an eye on Maya and her family. ******** Maya's POV Six months had passed since I was placed in the pack. The rule was women and mated males only here at the ranch. My ranch was blooming fast. I had places devoted to the animals, a beautiful barn, and other places devoted to growing which included a greenhouse. They had dug a well instead of hauling water as it became too time-consuming. So much going on that I hardly have time for myself. projects abounded. Alpha Gene had even gone so far as to make sure both my kids had horses so they could go from place to place on the ranch. Elder Braun made daily visits and seemed to like how things were progressing here. I was working on one of the new horses when I saw Elder Braun's car coming down the road. I moved to the side to wait for him to come up. Holding the young horse steady, while we waited. "Good morning Elder Braun." I smiled as he pulled to a stop and glanced out his open window. "Morning Maya, I have the mechanic with me today." He nodded to a man seated in the passenger side. I could not see him. Only the massive tree trunks that would be called legs. "Perfect! The garage is open, I believe one of the hands is there." I mentioned off handily. "Are you going for a ride?" Elder Braun asked. I could hear the sudden fatherly tone in it. "I am, this young one needs miles put on her. The only way to do that is to ride." I chuckled. "Where is your guard? Roques is on the edges today. I smelled them coming in." He grunted disapprovingly. "He lost his mate two days ago, Alpha Gene has yet to approve a new one." I shrugged then added, "I have some silver bullets and if you are staying awhile I can mind-link with you." I smiled. "I will have a chat with Gene to speed up the process, I will hang around until you get back." He nodded adding a snorty growl to it. "I will try to be back mid-day. My son has school with the tutor and the feral one," I chuckled. "I believe she is following that young Alpha Sterling around. I laughed. That poor boy had no idea what feelings my daughter had for him. I heard a loud chuckle from Elder Braun, "That feral one has a mind of her own. Fearless like her mother." He nodded to me and headed towards the gate. I headed just off the edge of the pack boundary. I figured with patrols there I should be fine as long as I stayed away from the border. You know those ideas that can go wrong but you don't expect them to yeah that is where my path took a drastic turn. Well, perhaps drastic is the wrong term. Dramatic may be more proper.
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