The Challenge

1056 Words
Maya's POV That kiss rattled me. I still felt breathless when I heard Elder Braun's mind link me. "You let him mark you?" He growled. "It's a hickey. He scraped his teeth over it. "I gave him a quick glare. "We remembered Luna Carolina's looked similar to a hickey. So we figured he would ask which he did." My eyes went back to the scene before me. Nothing else was said, as I watched the scene I noticed as did the rest of us that even though Mario was angry he was keeping it controlled. My son Hawk took that moment to put his iPad down. Getting up with his slow stiff gait, everyone stopped. Mortou rose but Jewel put a hand to his chest and shook her head. "I will get him it is safer that way." She smiled as she walked quickly to catch up to her brother. "Come on," She grabbed his hand. He jerked it out of her hand and kept walking toward Joe and Mario. Once next to Joe, he stopped. I saw him look at Mario and then back at Joe. Placing a stiff hand on Joe's arm he announced "Dad!" He turned his face to Mario who I noticed instantly started to vibrate. His eyes black with rage. I heard a growl come from my son. The air around him vibrated and the sand at his feet began to quake. Jewel ran up to him, touching his shoulder I inhaled a quick breath when I saw his eyes glowing amber. His wolf was on the surface. Was he protecting Joe? He looked at his sister. I saw her nod. Clearing her throat she placed her other hand on Joe. "My brother wants to tell you he doesn't like you for how you treated mom" She growled looking at Mario. "He has claimed Joe as his dad over you." I was in utter shock. "Doesn't matter, I will breed more wolves and have a male heir!" Roared Mario with anger making the vein on his neck pulse. "I will kill any heir you try to place," Jewel hissed. I watched Mario's expression go to shock. I could not see what was happening but what I heard next chilled me. "I have had your mind-link to the pack in my head since I was six! I know every disgusting thing you have done!" I noticed some of the wolves around on his side was bowing to show their neck. "I will take my rightful spot when I am of age. You were right to think my mom had the power to birth a strong wolf." Her voice boomed like a cannon. "But you were wrong to think it would be male!" she hissed. Looking at me she smiled. I gasped, her eyes were black but the violet irises showed similar to me. "Mom I will always protect you, but this man here I claim as my father." Looking back to Mario, "You did nothing more than give me your pack!" She snapped. She gave a shocked Joe a quick hug, taking her brother by the hand she towed him back to us. I hugged them tightly. Tears flowed down my face. "I never knew. " I cupped her face in my hands. "I know momma, you are protected now." She hugged me back. Mortou roared with laughter, "We have two princesses and a prince!" He grabbed all three of us in a bear hug. I looked back up to see, Mario staring viciously at the three of us. "You let another man touch your mate?" He snapped at Joe. "Hell, I would watch but instead I am standing in front of you," I heard him say with a snicker. I watched Mario snap his attention to Joe. Pulling off his gold chain and his white tank. He left his arm extended waiting for someone to grab it. I watched Joe, just rip his tank in half and let it fall to the ground. He gave me a glance with a wink. I giggled. Mario charged, his canines down and his clawed fingers. Joe stepped to the side, he waggled his finger. "Now, now little wolf play nice." He tsked. "You're a useless pack wolf," Mario snarled, circling for another jump. "Are you sure?" Joe raised a brow, as he winked at me again. "Of course I am!" Mario snapped. His chest vibrated with anger. "I would beg to differ, I have killed three Royal line mutts of yours and 4 of your lackeys." Joe laughed. Mario growling intensified. He lunged, swiping his claws but drew nothing at their tips. Mario howled with anger. His body started to vibrate. I was not sure what was happening. "He is about to wolf out," giggled Athens. I stood transfixed as he did just that. A huge black wolf stood where he was. Red eyes glared between Joe and me. "Awww, what a cute little mutt you are." Joe snickered. Mario leaped instantly at Joe, the snarl ripping through the air. Joe swung his clawed hand sending Mario's wolf to land elsewhere. You could see angry red lines along the side that was hit. Snarling, drool dripping from the sides of the black wolf's mouth. Joe stood to his full height, cracking his neck, He shook his body as he shuddered with pleasure. "I am ancient line Lyican like Maya." A deadly tone to his voice, "I however, have my wolf and was raised to fight." He slowly let his body begin to vibrate. He transformed into the huge dark-red wolf I had seen before. I did note that he was slightly larger than the black one. They circled each other, as they gauged each other's weaknesses. Mario's wolf leaped, Joe's wolf waited until the last second using his butt he knocked the black wolf toward the dirt with a thud. There was a bright red scratch on Joe's hip. The dark red wolf snarled, flattening his ears he leaned down to snarl. Mario's onyx-colored wolf leaped again, this time aiming for his hips. Again Joe's wolf knocked him back against the dirt. A larger red line, blood dripping appeared on the other hip. Joe lifted his leg, limping he gave a small whimper. "No!" I heard myself shout. Clutching my chest with my arms.
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