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Joe's POV I am not gonna lie, that rush of saying "MINE" felt awesome! Getting to use an Alpha tone on someone during questioning. Another f*****g rush. I did tell her going into it we would use a lie if we needed to get what we want. I know what she heard was awful, but having her cling to me was nothing short of fantastic. I wasn't sure how she was gonna handle the answers, the reason I brought her to me. But I was glad I did. That was some rough stuff in there for anyone to hear. Knowing everything she has had to process when I pulled her out I kinda had the inkling that she was gonna break down. Mortou mind links me that he was gonna dispose of the body. Athens mentioned drinking his heart dry first. Once they disposed they came in to sit. Just to be around when she was done. Also to chat with me via mind link while she cried. "How do you want to play it?" Mortou asked. "I think we should egg the son of a b***h on. Make him challenge you." Athens stated. "She knows he killed men for less. It may play to our advantage." I was liking the egging-on plan. "I have a couple more elder vampires coming," Athens stated. "All like the taste of Southern wolf." You could hear the yuck in his voice. "I have several of my descendants coming. They should be well matched for those wolves." Mortou grunted. "If he does a challenge then only he and I would fight," I mentioned. "Question is what advantages does he have." I wondered. "Ben will know," Athens added. "We will have Braun ask." "You think Ben will tell?" I countered. My trust is not fully sealed. "For Myra's bloodline. I have no doubts." Athens sounded solid in this. "He was the Royal guard who snuck her out to me. He risked his life to keep her safe and was cursed for it." Athens sent a flash of pictures for Mortou and me to see. "Then it is set, I will make him mad enough to issue the challenge. But you will have to help me with Elder Braun. He is worried it will cause issues when Maya meets her true mate." I added. "He has already mentioned it with the fight over fruit loops." Shaking my head. "I can see something between you two as well. But it is not my place to say what Braun said." Mortou smiled wickedly. "If you make her happy then so be it. Nobody knows her true mate and you my friend are one helluva fighter." Mortou slapped me on my back. Maya stirred from her sobs. She was regaining her composure. Standing, her eyes red and puffy. Tear stains down her face. She looked delectable. Her pups took that moment to come in. Her daughter and son appeared giving her a hug. Her daughter managed an Alpha tone on all of us. Not very strong but there. That surprised us. We shared a look but said nothing. They went back to their rooms and we bent our heads together forming a plan. "If it's a plan you guys are poking together at least let me in on it." All three of us heard Maya say it low in the kitchen. Athens was the one to respond. "We are but I am not sure you want to know what it is soul sister." "I had my cry, I am good for the next day or so." I heard her say. Strength appearing in her words. Mortou was the one to vomit our newly laid plan. "We are gonna keep up with the pretense you and Joe are mated. Get Mario mad enough to issue a challenge. Have him fight one on one. That way it doesn't result in war." Looking at me and back to her, he added, "Do you have any idea of his strengths? Magic or?" He asked gently. We watched her stop and think a moment. You could see she was flashing back and forth. She shook her head, "No none I could think of." she whispered but we still heard it. "His necklace. Has a leather cord and a black-looking stone." We heard Jewel speak from behind us. She was staring at her mother, "Every time daddy would beat her it would glow." She looked at us, her eyes hard for her tender age. "I do not want to see him beat her ever again." There was a bit of a growl to her words. "I know he is my father, yet I have hated what he did to her. I love my mom more." We watched a tear escape. Maya rushed to her and they hugged. "How did you see that?" She whispered hugging her daughter for all she was worth. "I was little, when have I ever listened to go to sleep? " They hugged a few moments longer. "I am sorry baby girl." I heard Maya whisper. "Don't be sorry momma. This has to end. These guys are the ones to do it." Seeming so sure of her little self. Jewel's eyes looked at me. "I will help with this plan, Dad." She winked with a wicked smile. Oh, this kid was way smarter than she let on. I glanced around to see I wasn't the only one surprised. Athens chuckled. "Jewel, you are one of a kind. I expect to see great things from you. I will train you as well." He nodded pride puffing from his chest. "Thank you" she smiled. Looking back at me quickly like she had a sudden thought, "I watched my father fight his men in practice a few times when I was little. He always had a surprise for his strongest opponents." She warned. "Thank you" I nodded with a smile. "That is a smart pup," Ravi yipped in my head. "I agree, she will help seal this plan I think," I said to him. "The Moon Goddess will let her wolf surface sooner." Ravi danced with excitement. "Without a marking?" I asked him. "Yes!" his excitement still bouncing around. "Why are you so excited?" I grunted. "You'll see, " He gave me a doggy smile. "Way to be cryptic," I snapped. "You haven't talked in weeks why now?" "Because things are gonna get way more fun!" he howled. Pleasure coursed through him. I shook his head. This suddenly seemed like things were gonna take a turn. But, it seemed the plan was taking off as Mortou had called Elder Braun and Alpha Gene. Letting them both know tomorrow at six pm when the call would come in again we would light the match on this plan.
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