The Elder

1007 Words
Alpha Gene came in to quietly look around and ask, "You requested me?" His eyes darted to Lady Allison. "I did," she grinned. "Maya is a follower of Leto. We need to request Elder Braun." Her eyes glittered with excitement. "He lives around here. I will request his presence." Looking at me with a raised brow, "I did not know you followed a Goddess." "It is not something I am open about in this area. Not even my children know." I leaned back in the chair. This was a big deal though I had no idea why. "Understandable given the bible area we are in." He nodded and left the room. I looked around this room to see it was some sort of business room. There were books on the shelves, lamps, and chairs. Perhaps it was a reading room. How interesting I had thought. "This is a werewolf history room. We teach our history to the children. So that they know where they came from. It contains lineage on each wolf that is here." The happiness was still dancing in her eyes. "I am curious why you got excited with the mention of Leto?" I leaned back again. Guessing I would be here a bit longer than I thought. "To us, Leto is a sister goddess to the moon goddess." Lady Allison seemed to understand my curiousness. "Humans don't tend to follow her, sticking more to the Norse and Celtic gods and goddesses. So when you mentioned it plus your faint but traceable wolf smell it brought the possibility that perhaps you are from the original bloodline." There was an excitement still laced in her words. "I have no clue, and I am a mixture of Irish, Native, Prussian, and Welsh." I shrugged, having no idea what they looked for. "If you were from her bloodline it would not be traced that way. Elder Braun is older the most any other werewolf. He has studied both Lyican and Lycan lines. If you have a genetic connection to her line he will know. You bear the marks on your hands. But being that everyone works with their hands I need to know for sure." I understood why she was thrilled. Heck, now I was curious. Drinks were bought while we waited. Perhaps twenty minutes later I heard footsteps and muffled talking coming down the hall. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I saw the door open and Alpha Gene came in with another man. He had faded orangeed hair with white hair salted in it. I found his green eyes oddly familiar. However, I could not place it. "Lady Allison," His voice was deep with a hint of an accent I could not place. Turning his gaze to me he smiled brightly, "You must be Maya?" "I am," I nodded getting up from the chair. His hand reached out and I shook it. Suddenly pictures flashed in front of my eyes. I could see wolves and people running together. I could smell the wet earth and cut cedar. Blinking my eyes to focus back on him I could see a bright toothy smile. Releasing my hand, he turned to Lady Allison. "I believe we have found a true Lyican of the ancient blood." Turning to meet my gaze he added over Lady Allison's squeal of delight. "It has been a long time since I have encountered someone with your amount of Lyican blood." I felt like he wanted to say more but did not. "I did not know of this," was all I could say as I shrugged. "Does this mean I can not be introduced into the pack?" I suddenly blurted out. A rumble of a chuckle left Elder Braun and Alpha Gene's mouths. "No," they said at the same time. "It just means we can link you easier to the pack." Lady Allison giggled. Lady Allison looked to Elder Braun. "I would think this means you will be doing the link?" She stood, a small smile on her lips. "Yes, it seems it will be my blood that needs using this night." He looked at me again. Glancing back at Alpha Gene, "Do you have everything ready?" "Yes, all has been set. Only the pack needs to be called into the room." He gave a quick nod. "Excellent!" Elder Braun eyed me closely. "Have the pack ready and make the announcements. I need to get Maya ready." Glancing at Alpha Gene to see that he went on his way. "We will be along shortly." Elder Braun eyed me in unnerving silence until the door closed once again. "I suspect you have questions?" I watched an orange brow raise. "I do," I sighed. "This is all a bit new for my brain. I can hear thoughts and see things but never once imagined this. Hell, I watched and read werewolf stuff as entertainment." I shrugged flopping into the chair like an upset teenager. "Most humans do read and watch werewolf entertainment. It is one of the ways we are trying to adjust humans to our being." Lady Allison paused a moment, then added. "At some point in the future, all supernaturals will be seen. We are hoping these slow introductionary tools will help." She leaned back to gauge my reaction. Just as much as I was gauging hers. "I can see that making sense." I looked around the room, "though I think it will make a difference that will get either groupies or people who want to kill you." I saw what is done to wildlife and how they hinted at the paranormal. So many things we humans have done in mostly bad ways when it comes to new people. "I can only hope there is less of the bad and more of the good." A smirk appeared on Lady Allison's face. "We are good at hiding in plain sight. So hopefully, that will work in our favor." She sighed heavily. I only nodded to her as I was taking this whole thing in.
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