Ancient Blood

934 Words
Laughter erupted from Elder Braun's chest as he spoke, "You are far more ancient than a werewolf. You have the blood of Lyica the ancient kingdom created by Leto for her humans/wolves. It was her love and magic that blessed people there. Creating a unique place." "What does that mean?" I asked flustered. "It means you are a hidden gem in the supernatural world. Not many can say they are related to a Goddess." Elder Braun chuckled as his eyes took on a fatherly look. "How does this work?" I leaned back in the chair. I didn't need any more crazy. My life had already been a sinking ship with a cold lonely bed every night. "You will become part of the pack. I will find someone who can train you in our ways. As for life, I will be around should something important come up for now." His voice was serious as he added, "You may pick up a different smell. If you do I will assign you some protection." Leaning back in the chair, "I was told you have pups... Er, I mean kids." A sheepish smile formed. "I do, my son is autistic, my daughter" I chuckled thinking of her, "I believe if I leave her too long she will be feral." I chuckled at the thought of her wild antics. "Now I have to meet that one." There was a fatherly look in his eye that surprised me. I felt my heart warm a bit. We had no one. Life had been cruel, as both sides of the family had either walked away choosing to leave me or die. When I said I was alone. I was alone in every sense of the word. This pack introduction I hoped would ease that. I followed Elder Braun toward the sounds of the kids playing. The playroom is sectioned with different things kids would like from toys to video games. Books lined a section as did gym mats and other bits. I saw my son Hawk sitting alone with a book, happily talking to himself while my daughter Jewel was leaping off the only large playhouse-looking gym thing. She landed with a thud as she continued to barrel toward me. "Mom!!!!" she squealed and she slammed her body into me. "I love this place!" She cooed. "I am glad you like it." I smiled at her, then looked to Elder Braun, " Jewel this is Elder Braun. He specifically wanted to make time to greet you and welcome you." I looked at her brown eyes, animation bubbling in them making my heart smile. I noticed the fatherly look in Elder Braun's eyes mixed with sadness and pain. "Hi Jewel," He smiled warmly stretching out his hand to meet hers. I watched Jewel reach out to shake it and stop, a trance-like look passed her face before she shook her head vigorously and smiled. "Hello Elder Braun." Glancing at me to make sure she did it right. I smiled nodding to her and said, "Go get your brother." shuffling her hair she took off toward her brother's secluded spot at the bookshelf. "She has it like you," He affirmed, glancing in her direction, "Though I sense she could have a wolf waiting for her. She is meant for great things." He gave me a bright smile. My heart sank a moment, I had hoped she would not have any gifts and could live without complication. I glanced at Elder Braun to see a frown before I looked to see Jewel towing her brother toward us. "Hawk my boy," I reached out a hand to grab the one his sister was tugging on. Kneeling so I was at his level, "This is Elder Braun He wanted to welcome us here." I smiled at my son. He glanced up, and a boy of few words only said, "Wolf." Surprise etched my face as I looked at Elder Braun. I saw him instantly smile, "I am, may I shake your hand?" He asked kneeling as well. Though still towering over us. I watched in shocked silence as he raised a hand sticking his index finger out he poked Elder Braun's hand. I couldn't hold back my giggle. He poked a second time. On the third poke Elder Braun gently held his finger and like a handshake shook it. I watch in surprise as my son's light brown eyes flickered from his light amber to gold. Immediately I looked to Elder Braun. Surprise etched on his face. "Nice to meet you, Hawk." He nodded. "Thank you for saying hi." "Jewel lead your brother back to his spot. I need to finish a few things." I mentioned with a tone both business-like also a motherly twist. She nodded her head; taking his hand she furrowed her brows and tugged him back to his spot. "Your son has a wolf," Elder Braun breathed. I watched his eyes search my face. The surprise was my only emotion. Perhaps this was meant to be. "I did not know what the fold color was." I looked down, my hands clutching my heart. Worry suddenly coursed through me. "It is good you are in this pack soon, I will look into getting his wolf sorted as well." He nodded with a reassuring smile. Turning he offered me his arm surprising me as only Uncle Tito had done the same when I was young. He was from the era of standing when a lady came into the room and seated her first. The memory swept through my thoughts like a warm but distant hug.
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