Prepping for 6pm

1085 Words
Maya POV After dinner, that night, Alpha Gene and Elder Braun were informed of the plan to instigate Mario to challenge Joe. Alpha Gene seemed to like the plan. None of his wolves would have to fight. Elder Braun you could see was not happy but agreed it would possibly save people from a bloody war and loss of life. The next morning Athens trained me harder than before. Adding a lesson in knife fighting and handing me a silver blade with a sheath for me to buckle to my pants. After training, I dragged myself to the house and showered then grabbed some food. Joe, I didn't see him on the training field as Mortou and he had taken off before the sun rose. I went out to the barn. Sitting on the fence this time I watched the movements of the stallion as he eyed me and his breakfast. Slowly his black feather foot and his coffee and cream body got closer. I was happy to see he was getting used to me just being here. I sat for a while just staring at his long black mane and dorsal stripe down his back. He could be anyone's dream horse. He was beautiful. I jumped down and walked into the barn to see Athens flirting with one of the hands. The hand was flirting back. Athens glanced at me with a wink and I rolled my eyes in laughter. Going back to my tasks. At two pm, Mortou and Joe showed back up. They got out and went to shower. I figured I would get them some sandwiches together since they had been gone a while. I set the plate for Joe on the table and grabbed the plate for Mortou leaving it there as well. I mind-linked both of them letting them know the food was there. Joe sauntered out still damp from his shower. I noticed he had a phone in his hand. Grabbing me by my waist he pulled me tightly to him. Kissing the top of my head he took a picture. With a surprised expression, I looked up at him as he smiled devilishly. "Once we are done talking to him, I am gonna send a few pictures to egg him on." I saw his eyes flicker as his wolf surfaced for a moment or two. "Oh," I gulped. Not sure if I liked this sudden physical contact or not. I mean I kinda did but at the same time, I didn't. I was so confused. Nothing in my life seemed to be what it should be. Did I want to deal with another man... Wait why was I even saying that... Damn it, I needed things around here to slow down. Mortou and Joe both grabbed their plates at some point. Eating them they said nothing for a bit. Both disappeared. I walked back out to the barn to get other things done. "Maya," I heard Joe call me. Turning around he was still shirtless exposing that massive chest, the rippling abs, and those damn v-lines at the base of his hips. I gulped, butterflies appearing in my stomach as they punched me in the gut. "Y...Yes." Way to sound in control I chided myself. "I need to do another couple of pictures to send. I have Mortou going to take these." He nodded his head toward Mortou who waved at me with a big grin on his face. "Oh," I sucked in a breath. "What are we doing in these?" Well now that sounded stronger I told myself. Giving me a mental pat on the back. Joe gave me a devilish smile, "Well," he made slow strides to me. Sweet. Baby. Jesus. Those muscles rippled. "we are," I felt his huge hand grab my waist pulling me toward his bare chest. Oh. My. Dear. Lord. He handheld the small of my back. Leaning down he slid his nose along the side of my neck. I felt him take a deep breath. Breathing in my scent sent a sudden intense set of tingles down my spine "Gonna get," he whispered near my ear as he nibbled the side of my neck. "really sexy pictures." Taking his mouth along my skin up to my ear he took my hair from its messy bun with his other hand. Letting it flow down my back. Weaving his hand in it, he whispered "Hold on to me darling," his voice huskier in my ear as he placed feather-light kisses along his earlier trek with his lips. I grabbed him around the waist. My knees had started to say the same, turning to jelly suddenly. It had been a while since I had been touched like this. The tingles and butterflies danced through my body. A soft moan escaped my mouth much to my surprise. I heard him give a husky chuckle as he added "Yes, you are perfect," He murmured still dropping kisses along my jawline. Leaning my head back I gasped a little looking into his glowing green eyes. I knew his wolf was on the surface. His hand resting behind my head and neck as he lowered his lips onto mine. A jolt of lightning shot straight through me as he deepened the kiss. A raw surge of need reared up and I kissed him for all I was worth. My hands left his waist to slide up his chest and around his neck. His kiss became demanding, his grip getting stronger pulling me harder against his chest. My tongue shot towards his as his grip tightened. They battled in our joined mouths, neither giving up for dominance. It was a tie when we broke gasping for air. My chest heaving and his doing something similar. His grip was still solid on me. Our foreheads touching as he breathlessly said, "Damn darling." I did a mental and physical check. I felt the heat of his skin against me, shooting those tingles down my spine. Nope, my knees still couldn't hold me. s**t. I was gonna drop into the dirt when he let me go. Closed my eyes a second to have them snap open in surprise from Athens's words. "Damn Soul sister if I had a chance with that beefcake, I don't know." Athens started laughing so hard he was holding his side as red tears started streaming down his face. "Did you get some good pictures?" I heard Joe ask Mortou. "Hell yeah man!" Roared Mortou with laughter.
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