Fated Path

1132 Words
Maya's POV Damn that man could kiss. My chest was still heaving and I felt like there were butterflies all around my skin. That is when my eyes caught the odd color. My attention snapped to the Silver wolf with black tips. His eyes were completely silver. He sat, Transforming into a dark-haired man with silver streaks. His eyes remained the silver color. Joe immediately stood in front of me. "Who are you?" I could feel him release his aura out. "I mean no harm wolf," he stated in a neutral tone. Stepping back a couple of steps. "You are her champion?" He asked. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." Joe slid his hand to my waist. Pulling me closer to him. "My name is." "Stop." The man held up his hand. " I know who you both are. "Your name is Joe Youngblood. The woman next to you is Maya." He nodded to each of us. He looks at us and what felt like through us. "There will come a time when that mark is permanent. But not yet." His silver gaze settled on me. "You, my dear have much to learn in the meantime." Stepping back and turning slightly. "Follow me, there is much to discuss." Joe helped me navigate the rocks until we got to the bottom where we met the grass. "My name is Shaman." He answered the question Joe had started with. "I have been here for thousands of years. I will be here thousands more." He started walking toward the stones that lead to the ancient building fallen in some areas and overgrown in others. "I asked Athens when he took our last princess to bring the Royal blood back when it was found again." His voice was wistful. "Myra was beautiful. Every magical being wished to be close to her. Wars broke out, many began to die. I was told by the fates if she stayed she would be killed. I could not let her die. Even I loved her. Ben risked his true mate, and Braun risked his true mate for her safety." He sighed, "will work to clear their curses." Shaman stopped looking at the building, his magic began to rebuild its walls. Floors changed from grass to stone. Carpets, walls, windows, and paintings came to life. "This was how it looked when we were invincible," The walls fell and the grass came back. Looking directly at me, "Myra told you to compete in the games, for you to find your mate," He paused laughing a little, and then continued, "I don't think she noticed that your mate found you." "What does that mean?" I asked. "It means you, have your mate." Shaman glanced at Joe. "But, here is the catch." He sighed. "You have to still compete." Looking to Joe. "You will need to wait to fight her until she is trained." Pausing again, he looked at the mark on my neck. "Then you can truly mark her. She will be ready for her wolf then." "I can wait," Joe huffed. Shaman threw his head back and laughed. Full, bodied, and with tears. "No full-body wolf can wait to mark their mate. " He looked Joe over. "You must have just finished your second battle to protect her." He eyed him. "Yes," Joe agreed. "You have three more battles for her. Each steadily more difficult. Each more deadly." Shaman's smile was gone. "You were fated for this because of your father's transgressions. To prove yourself to the moon goddess you must save Leto's line." Looking back to me, "Your line was hidden in plain sight. You have magic in your blood. you will help him on the last two battles." He looked around, "Follow me," he sighed. We followed Shaman through trees and to a large pool. A small waterfall and a rocky inlet lay near the base. "This pool will heal, and rejuvenate you." He paused, "When she gets in the water your mark will be gone." He looked to Joe. My hand went to touch my neck where he placed the mark. "Why?" I breathed. "As I have said, he will mark you again. But, until you fight and he wins you can bear no mark. It is the will of the moon goddess as payment for the past." He looked at Joe and nodded. "I see that you understand." Looking back to me, "Do not think this is your punishment. This is for you to learn your true feelings. To be sure of what you want." Stepping back he eyed us both. "I give you till the sunsets before I call Athens back to get you." He smiled and winked, "Use that time wisely." He laughed, "We are wolves after all." Changed to his wolf and bounded off into the trees with a howl. Joe looked up at the sun, "We have a few hours before sunset." He said. "Does your wolf have a name?" I heard myself ask. Joe turned with a bit of surprise on his face. "Ravi." He smiled walking closer to me. I could feel the heat of his body near mine. "Ravi," I repeated quietly. Letting his name roll off my tongue. "Would you like to meet him?" Joe brought me out of my stupor. I felt a huge smile slide across my face, my eyes going to his green ones. "Yes," I breathed with elation. "Close your eyes darling," he said close to my ear, causing a cascade of those tingles down my skin. I obediently closed my eyes. I felt a huge tongue slide up my face, snapping my eyes open I saw the dark red wolf I had seen before. He was sitting before me a doggy smile on his face. I reached out and lightly touched his muzzle. He stepped into the touch, standing and leaning into me, I could hear him hum. He rubbed both sides of himself against me. I had an idea. That vision of Myra running in human form with the wolves. "Tag! Your it!" I shouted, with a giggle. Running toward the trees, he leaped over my head stopping my run. I skidded to a stop, turning quickly I ran to the next set of trees in the distance. Again he leaped over my head to stop my movement forward. Aiming for the tree line near the falls I started running again. The closer I got the more I smiled. That was until I was sideswiped and knocked into the water. I sputtered water as I came up for air. Joe's wolf stood on the edge his front end lowered. He yipped and then jumped over my head into the water. Joe's face is what broke the surface of the water when he surfaced.
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