The Challenge concluded

1104 Words
Joe's POV That scream from Maya did exactly what I wanted. As soon as Mario turned to look at her, I leaped. My mouth landed perfectly on his neck. Snapping my jaws closed around his neck I swung him down to the ground. Hearing him whimper I closed my jaws harder. I felt blood touch my mouth, I finished my bite and yanked. A chunk of flesh dangled from my mouth. Dropping the chunk, I looked to see the black wolf morph back to a now nude Mario. His throat missing and blood poured onto the ground. Every single wolf present went into action. I started fighting with other wolves appearing trying to attack. I felt the earth vibrate and a massive bear stood before Maya and the rest of them. Athens stood in front of them behind the bear. I realized it was Mortou. My first time seeing his change. Elder Braun's sun-colored wolf leaping toward and over me into the fight. I followed his path and noticed he was going to another odd crystal blue-colored wolf who was fighting as well. I felt a bite on my shoulder realizing I wasn't paying attention, I jerked my head to the wolf. My teeth sank into the soft flesh of the wolf's neck. Ripping, the wolf fell with a whistled whine. Mortou was demolishing several wolves at the same time. I glanced to see that Elder Braun and the other strange colored wolf had cornered the woman and child. The woman had turned into a chocolate-colored wolf. Using her body to cover the child. I looked around to see, no other wolves attacking. I saw Mortou run off toward where his family had gone. I suspected he wasn't done fighting yet. I watched Athens as he nodded his head and move with flare. I eyed Maya and the kids to make sure they were ok. "You ok?" I mind-linked. "I am," She nodded. "Good," I licked her face. "I will be back for that victory kiss," I replied. Turning with a wink I went to where Elder Braun was. "What do you want to do with her?" Elder Braun asked me. "I dislike killing women and kids," I grunted. "Me too," Agreed Elder Braun. Everyone's attention had turned to us talking. There was a sudden scream. Our attention back to the woman and child. Mortou, still in a bear form stood in front of the woman's brown wolf and that of a similar shade wolf hung dead in his massive mouth. He dropped their bodies on the ground, chuffing and grunting into the trees. We watched Athens walk over to those trees and throw him some shorts. Elder Braun and I shared a look. Walking to the same trees, we too were thrown shorts. The other odd-colored wolf who shimmered like ice also appeared with shorts. Walking out of the trees, Maya ran right to me. Looking me over and then looking Elder Braun over. "Thank Leto," She breathed. She had her hand on my chest. "Leto?" I asked. I was not familiar with that person. "My goddess," She shrugged a weak smile in place. I looked at Elder Braun and the man with light blue eyes and silver-grey hair. "She is the goddess we follow, from our old land of Lyica." the silver-haired man said. "Ben I presume?" I asked him. My hand covering Maya's on my chest. I did not want her to remove it. "Yes, I am Ben," I could see his eyes trailed to Maya. Kneeling on one knee, he looked at her with admiration and pride. "Princess, I am at your service once again." He bowed his head. Athens came up to us looking at Ben on his knee, "Damn Soul sister, another beefcake to add to your list?" He laughed, "At least leave me something!" His laughter getting uncontrollable. "Oh stop it," Maya hissed at him. A small smack to his shoulder. "Athens?" Ben asked eyeing the familiar-looking vampire. "In the flesh" Athens winked. "Then perhaps it has come full circle." Ben looked back at Maya. Looking to Elder Braun he asked. "You think she could be the one?" He breathed. "It is possible," Elder Braun nodded. Slapping a hand to Ben's shoulder, "Let's go chat and fill you in on some things." Athens wiggled his brows and grabbed Maya's hand. As I was still attached to her, I blinked in time to see we were in a different location. "I shall be back in a few," Athens grinned then blinked out. "Where are we?" Maya asked. "I do not know?" I looked at the grey stone, there was a musky scent mixed with wet earth. "There," She pointed to the light just behind my shoulder. Turning I saw what looked like an opening. "Let's go see where he put us." I held her hand as we walked toward the light. We stood looking down toward a valley, littered with trees and small clearings. The ruins of what looked to be an ancient building dotted the section near the entrance to the cave. "I forgot to tell you," Athens suddenly voices again. "I dropped you off near the castle grounds where I picked up Princess Myra. There is an old wolf here. He will find you if you are indeed chosen ones." Athens flashed a big smile exposing his fangs. "You two will have until the moon is high." He blew us both a kiss and disappeared again. I was a bit taken aback, looking down at Maya, I saw a shocked expression. I squeezed her hand. "Well, it appears we have a new mission." I glanced up at the scenery. Taking in the smell of our place at the door. Looking down, I saw Maya's grey eyes giving me a look of eagerness and wonder. "But, first things first." Pulling her to me. Sliding my hand to her head and neck, my other hand holding her waist. I pressed her against me. "I am gonna get that victory kiss from you," I leaned down nipping the side of her jaw. Placing feather-light kisses along her jaw to her chin. Looking back into her gray eyes, I have seen want, lust, and fieriness. I lightly pressed my lips to hers. I felt her hands wrap around my neck instantly. I bit her bottom lip, she instantly opened for my tongue. Again the jolt sending shock waves through my body. Her taste and scent assaulted my senses clouding anything else around us. Needing air we gasped, breaking contact to get ourselves collected. That is when we noticed the wolf.
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