Healed but Tormented

1191 Words
Joe's POV Yeah yeah I know, throwing her into the water that would take my mark away was dumb. I get it. Not my smartest move. But, then again with that action, I hoped it earned me some brownie points with the Moon Goddess. Leaping into the water, I figured I could let Ravi cannonball. He had always wanted to. So, why not let him? Who was I not to let him act a little crazy? He had been watching me do it for years. Seeing Maya, in the water. Knowing that wet dress clinging to her little body. I swam low and slow. Reaching my arms out I grabbed her and brought her against my body. The tingles hit instantly. The surprise in her eyes and the squeal she made delighted my senses. "You're naked!" she squeaked as she wiggled in my arms. I was suddenly accurately aware of the fact her hard n*****s were rubbing against my chest. I snapped my eyes close. "Your n*****s darling," the growl was an excited one. She instantly stopped. Her chest was heaving, leaving those same n*****s tickling my skin. I opened my eyes to see her surprised face and mouth slightly parted. I couldn't stop myself from placing my lips on hers. There was an instant battle of tongues, we didn't realize we had gone underwater until we broke for air. I pulled her up as we were both coughing water and laughing. I took her hand, As I swam us toward the inlet. As we swam along the side I grabbed my shorts. Placing them in my mouth. At the inlet, I sent her in first. Putting the shorts underwater I slid them on. Then going into the inlet. I sat down across from her. "You know at some point we should talk about us." She gave me a worried glance before going back to the scenery. "Yeah, I guess we should," Sliding across the distance to her. I trapped her in the spot she had been sitting. My hands holding each side of the place that she sat caging her in. Her eyes looked at mine, I could see the shyness, eagerness, lust, and questions. Damn the questions. I reached down and nipped the side of her neck. I noted she tilted her head for me to have better access. I nibbled a bit longer and then used one hand to turn her face to me. "What do you want to chat about?" In one motion I scooped her from her seat to have her on my lap looking at me surprised. "Did Shaman say we were true mates?" The uncertainty of her question suddenly concerned me. "Yes, he did say that." I kissed her quickly and pulled back before the jolt got us. I saw relief wash over her face. " I was worried it was something I wanted but misunderstood." She flashed a shy smile. I gave her a bright smile, " It seems you are stuck with this rangy-looking wolf." I chuckled. "I don't mind," She smiled. A surprise hit my face fast. I used my arms to pull her closer. She leaned in ducking my lips. I felt her take her nose along my collarbone, up my neck. I was humming, I couldn't help it. She was smelling me. I was a happy wolf. I looked down at her eyes to see she was slightly worried. "Do anything you want," I winked. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Wholeheartedly," I breathed. Taking my hands away and placing them behind me I leaned back. I watched her shocked expression, turn to a mischievous smile. "Anything?" She leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Do whatever you wish," I smirked. Curious about what she wanted to do. Her smile turned wicked. She stood reaching down lifting her dress a little. Oh, what did I do... I thought. "I don't know," Ravi howled happily. "But go with the flow!" He yipped with delight. I watched her straddle my lap. She leaned down to sniff one of my shoulders to my neck. Going to the other side she did the same. Scooting closer, I gulped. I felt her n*****s tickle my chest as she got braver. She wiggled a little closer, I gulped again. Slowly she started to nibble and kiss one side of the base of my neck. Taking her tongue she slid up and nipped the corner of my jaw. She moves my head to the other side of my neck doing the same. She then slowly traced each line that separated muscle groups. Wrapping her arms around me after, she wiggled until her breasts with those hard n*****s were pressed against my chest. I looked into her eyes to see lust darkened her grey eyes, wonder, and trust. She closed her eyes and I felt her lips on mine. She bit my lip, I opened on command and our tongues battled until we needed air. Still, with her arms around my neck her chest pinned against mine in a glorious fashion, she kissed me slower, nibbling my lips, sucking on my tongue. I let her explore, I let her know she controlled the pace. Was it hard for me to keep my hands pinned? Did I want to rip that dress off and taste her body? Hell yes. Did I do it? No. I wanted her to know she could trust me. I knew deep down she did. But the part that had been damaged. The part she didn't talk about. What happened while she was with him. I growled internally thinking about what the hell he could have done. I had no idea. But, I knew I wanted it to be different. If this was how I could help her heal, while I tormented myself. So. Be. It. "Joe," her whisper was next to my ear. "Yes, darling," I hummed. "Please hold me," She wiggled her body, to exaggerate her need. "Of course," I leaned forward pulling my hands back out. Wrapping them around I held her. "Anything else?" I murmured into her ear adding a nip. She giggled, using her shoulder to bat me away. "Thank you," she breathed. Laying her head on the same shoulder she had tortured. "For you, anything darling," I pulled her tight. Burying my nose in her neck. I inhaled deeply. "Do I smell like fruit loops?" She asked. "Yes," I did one sniff. "Yes," Took another sniff, "you do." Then I nipped her neck and licked. "You taste like them too." I faked it like I was trying to eat her up. She squealed and snuggled closer. "You surprised me," Her lips near my ear. "How?" I kissed her forehead. "By not immediately taking my body today." Her lips were still next to my ear. I pulled her back just a bit, so I could let her see the seriousness that was in my eyes. "Darling, I don't just want your body, I want your heart too." I cradled her head as I had every intention of giving her a gentle kiss but damn that jolt sent us breathless again.
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