Following trouble..

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Maya's POV That night I mind-linked Elder Braun as I had forgotten to ask him why he had not mentioned the mechanic. " Hey, I forgot to ask you something?" I sent it to Elder Braun. "Please tell me you are not in trouble." He sighed "No I am not, was curious why you didn't mention the red wolf's help." I shrugged. "He is not a pack member and with his Alpha blood there could be issues with Alpha Gene." Elder Braun mentioned off handily. "Ahhhh that makes sense now." Then another question popped in "Why would he have a random Alpha living in his territory?" This had me curious. "The town lays at the southmost border to his pack lands like you are to the north. I think he figures if he is out there and other rogues and randoms see him they will scoot away. While the young Alpha doesn't cause any trouble he is likely to be able to stay." Elder Braun summarized his reasoning. "Gotcha," I was about to cut the link when he asked. "What do you think of Joe?" Elder Braun queried with a smirk. "Other than thankful for him helping, not much for the wolf tree. I mean Joe." I laughed at myself. "Wolf tree?!" Roared Elder Braun with laughter. "Oh shut up. I didn't remember his name and the guy has limbs as big as tree trunks." I huffed out. "Wait never mind.." I snorted. The mind link was filled with laughter till I closed it down. The next morning one of the hands brought me a note that had been left on the gate. The note had my name on it. I nodded my thanks and opened it to read. Maya, I have been having a hard time since my brother's death. I am hoping you could meet me at the 24 laundries in town on Saturday at about 7 pm. If you can bring the kids that would be great. Carlos Closing the letter I thought about it for a minute. They had spit on me at the funeral. Literally. I hadn't even processed that yet. I didn't know why. This might be a chance to find out what their reason for that was, so I could process that in the midst of still processing the mistress. I needed to think about this, make sure it didn't lead to crazy. A couple of days later I heard of a kidnapping, pictures of the young girl and her age told me more than I needed to know. Mario had had another child with his mistress. A whole other family. It was at that moment I decided to make arrangements to have my kids left at the packhouse that Saturday. I told them I needed to do laundry at the 24-hour place and with the kidnapping I wanted them to be safe. It wasn't a lie. I would take some clothes to do. Plus, if something did happen they knew where to look. I still didn't have a guard either, so it looked like I would be doing this alone. Saturday evening showed up, I dropped the kids at the packhouse and told them I would be back in about two hours. and headed straight for the laundry mat. I got there right at 6:55 pm. It looked like I was the first one there. I absently touched the pistol I put behind me. I wasn't going into this without a plan. If two hours have passed it would give the pack a reason to look and the pistol gave me a fighting chance. I wasn't sure how this was going to play out. I loaded the laundry in the washer and sat down in the corner, to watch the door and wait. At 7 pm on the dot, the door opened and I looked up to see Mario's mom Rose, Carlos' wife Teina, the missing little girl, and Carlos himself. Each and every one of them had hate in the dark brown eyes at me. Including the little girl. "Where are my grandbabies!" Snapped my former mother-in-law Rose. "They are with friends," I said coolly. "What was it you wanted to chat about?" I asked, knowing exactly by their expressions and attitude that they wanted my babies. I took this moment to link Elder Braun "I need help, Mario's family found me at the laundry place." I did not wait for a reply as I heard Rose again. "We came for my grandbabies, I don't want them staying with a piece of worthless crap like you." She said with every amount of venom she could lace into the words. She reached out and slapped me across the face and then spit on me again. Yep.. at least this time I had planned. The pack knew where I was and my babies were safe. "Well, not as hard as your son but at least I know where he got it from." I looked up to see Carlos charge me, swinging his hand wide he backhanded me across the same cheek. Yep, there was that explosion across my face that reminded me of many fights. "There it is, what I remember of your jackass brother," I yelled out. Rose grabbed my shirt and slammed me against the back wall. "Where the f**k are my grandbabies!" Spit flew from her mouth all over my face. "With friends," I repeated. Rose backhanded me across the face. Causing my face to turn the other way. "Where!" pulling me forward to slam me harder against the wall. I felt my pistol dig into my back. Damn it, I should have used the blasted thing. Knowing I was not going to get out of this I just said "f**k. you." Flinging my head forward I crashed my forehead into her face, causing her to scream and step back. I looked up to see both Teina and the little girl go to her. My head was on fire from all angles. That would be further noted as a didn't try to move because it f*****g hurt. Suddenly I felt my face get another explosive smack, I tasted blood that time. As Carlos brought his hand across. Picking me up by my neck he flung me into the wall where I felt it buckle. As I fell I could see black spots and blurry vision. I heard and felt the concussion of the main door open as well as a thunderous growl before I slipped into the waiting darkness. I could only hope that was the cavalry coming to save my ass yet again.
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