Black Magic Cake

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Joe's POV I found this whole arrangement interesting. The ranch hands had mentioned this was a producing ranch for the pack. Though I guessed it was where the human woman Maya lived. I guessed it was a business deal for the Alpha but was curious how Elder Braun fit into this. Was this woman his long-time mate? Both kids from what I could see were not his based on their looks. The boy seemed odd but also I could smell wolf. The girl had a faint wolf smell as well. Maya only smelled like a box of Fruit Loops. One of my favorite cereals. We were sitting on her back porch waiting for the cake that had Elder Braun bouncing around like a kid waiting for a cookie. I saw pictures of Maya with another man. Dark complexion and dark brown eyes with black hair. Perhaps he was the father of these kids. I wondered where he was. I have seen no other family pictures. How odd... The house smelled like rich chocolate shortly after we had come inside. The fruit loop smell though tickled my nose. I had to say the woman could cook. Way better than the local food at the diner in town. "Alright guys," my eyes snapped to the kitchen to see her bring two plates with what looked like a 1/4 of a whole cake on it. It smelled amazing. She handed Elder Braun his plate and then myself. I glanced up to see her grey eyes dart away from me. She always made sure she never brushed her skin accidentally against mine. I noticed she did it with everyone. "Dig in boy!" Elder Braun smiled as his mouth closed around his first bite. It looked like he was in ecstasy. "I wish I had met your great Grandma," He chuckled. As he continued to shovel bite after bite into his mouth. Tasting the cake myself I noticed why Elder Braun ate with such abandon. It was a damn good cake. As I watched her go back to the kitchen and hand plates to the kids. They scattered shortly after. After finishing up mine and bringing it to the kitchen I watched her doing the dishes. "Would you like some help?" I asked. I noticed she jumped a little. I had gotten close enough her elbow had brushed my arm. "No thank you. Go sit down take a break." She smiled. "Would you mind asking Elder Braun if he would like some coffee?" "Of course," I nodded just before leaving and looked over my shoulder, "Thank you for the meal. Been a long time since I had something home-cooked." I smiled. "You're welcome," I heard her say quietly. I walked back into the porch asking Elder Braun if he wanted coffee. He glanced at his watch and remembered he had work to do. I nodded and followed him back to the kitchen. "Well kiddo, I have to go." I watch with interest as he ruffled the top of her head and she swatted it away. I smiled. They must be family I thought. I nodded my thanks after her reaction to our arms brushing each other. Then followed Elder Braun out the back door. My wolf, Ravi decided to comment "I like her." "Yeah, she seems interesting. I am curious why she smells like fruit loops." I laughed "Elder Braun's wolf is very protective of her. As is Alpha Gene's." Ravi mentioned. "I noticed, maybe she is related to Elder Braun?" I suggested. "No, I don't think that is it," Ravi grunted. "I suspect we should be protective too." "Yeah, it seems she has a knack for trouble." I agreed. The car ride back to my garage was quiet. Once we pulled up to it I got out to grab my tool bag in the trunk. Elder Braun, I noticed got out too. I grabbed my tool bag when I heard him clear his throat. Looking up at him he said, "I have a feeling your curious why all the fuss about her." "Yeah, just a bit," I smirked. "She is a precious commodity. Not many like her exist." Elder Braun sighed. "She has ancient Lyican blood. Similar to your lineage but different." There was a wistful look in his eye as he floated a memory. "I thought Lyicans like that were gone." I shrugged. Elder Braun laughed big and deep then. "I know of a few still left." He winked. "Just know if you see her around town keep an eye on her, please. That one sure can get herself into trouble." His laughter was gone now as he eyed me. "What do you think of her?" "I am not sure." I shrugged. "But she makes some pretty tasty grub." I laughed. "That she does." Elder Braun gave me a curious look. I sure as hell wasn't gonna say she smelled like fruit loops. I nodded my thanks and walked back to the bay door. I heard Elder Braun's car leave, just as the shop phone rang. "Hello?" I started. "It's Alpha Gene. I am guessing Elder Braun just dropped you off?" He asked. Pretty sure there was a hidden reason in this call. It's not like he could mind-link me. "Yep, just walked through the door." curiously wanted to know what he wanted. I heard a chuckle on the other end, "She must have made that black magic cake for Elder Braun." laughing to himself. "She did," I answered. "Pretty tasty stuff. Better than the diner food here." I grunted. "I have only heard about it." He said in a passive-aggressive way. "Elder Braun mentioned I should keep watch on her when she is in town," I informed him. "That would be kind of you. She is important in the pack." Alpha Gene mentioned without spilling anything. Which I found interesting. "Glad to help since you are allowing me to stay here. I know having another Alpha under your nose can be difficult." I appreciated him letting me stay here. Granted I didn't have another place to go but at least he wasn't to put out with my Alpha blood. "Don't mention it, you have given me nothing to worry about. As long as you keep it that way you are welcome to stay." His diplomatic air did not hide the fact if I became a problem I would have to fight him or kick rocks. But that was what should happen. To any wolf causing issues in pack territory. "Thank you Alpha," I stated. "I must be getting these tools put away and get some shut-eye." "Your welcome son, thank you for going out and fixing the equipment. Any issues other than the rogues while you were there?" I knew damn well he was asking the same thing Elder Braun had. "No sir, other than it was nice to have a homemade meal." I kept my voice steady. "Nope not telling you she smells like fruit loops." "Have a good evening son." With that, he cut the call.
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