Phone Call

1351 Words
Joe's POV That jolt in our kiss, made my skin come alive. I didn't want to let her go. I could feel her body need my strength I thought that was odd too. "Now THAT was worth it!" Howled Ravi. "When did you start liking me kissing girls" I snapped back. Remember every time he whined when I had my way with a woman. "None of those girls kissed like that!" He yipped excitedly. "Are you saying there is something different about this one?" I asked. "Perhaps" He gave me a doggy smile and then backed into the corner of my mind blocking out anything else I could say. "Cryptic mutt," I muttered to his disappearance. I had released Maya some time ago but I felt the heat still of where she had been. Taking the phone from Mortou I glanced down at the pictures of my mouth on her neck, the one I looked at the camera my eyes glowing and my fangs out like I was going to mark her. Then another of my hand wrapped in her long hair supporting her head and neck as I kissed her jaw. The next one as our mouths locked in that passionate kiss. Another her hand trailed up my chest to my neck as the kiss got more intense. The last one, a zoomed-in shot of our foreheads together just after we broke it. I was sending some of this to my phone. That was one hell of a kiss. "Damn son," Mortou slapped my shoulder. "One would think there was something there." He chuckled eyeing me. "Surprised me too," I grunted. "Can I ask you something about the blood bond?" "Sure," Mortou laughed outright. "Does the blood bond make things more intense with certain people in it?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He followed my gaze as I watched Athens and Maya go back to the barn. "Her scent got stronger and the need to protect her intensified." I worriedly let the words out. "A blood bond is a tricky thing. It can have side effects that create paths." Plopping a hand on my shoulder. I looked back at him. "They can bring hidden things to the surface and intensify things meant to happen." He gave me a weak smile. "But, my dad and I were cursed," I muttered. "Maybe by the moon goddess but there is more than one goddess that rules all supernaturals. Remember that boy." He squeezed my shoulder and added, "I was cursed too, it was my mate I found years later that broke it, with her own beliefs." He patted my shoulder and glanced at his phone. "Three pm right now. Elder Braun, Alpha Gene should be here around five pm." He nodded to me and left. I needed to get my head back into the game. Get myself focused on what I would say. Then sending the pictures, after to make him madder. When Mario does show up I planned to do another show so that anger will cloud some of his judgment and give a hopeful edge. My mind moved back to that fruit loop scent, she even tasted like f*****g fruit loops. It was f*****g amazing. I felt a tingle start down south and realized I was gonna have a bigger problem if I didn't slow my thought process down. I need to go to the garage anyway. Get some work done, maybe get that car finished. I went to the garage. Sometime later I heard a truck and car coming up the drive. I recognized the engine sounds as Alpha Gene and Elder Braun. I nodded to them as they drove past. I would clean up and head in. Wiping my hands I closed the door. Going through the back porch would be the fasted route. On the back porch, my nose caught that Maya was making dinner. I walked up to the sliding doors to see Maya's hair getting ruffled by Elder Braun. His eyes snapped to me, just as I slid the door open and stepped inside. "Elder Braun" I acknowledged. "Maya that smells great," I added walking from the kitchen. Noting the tension appearing in her back. I saw Alpha Gene wave me forward as Mortou and Athens sat in other chairs around the table. "So what can we expect tonight?" Asked Alpha Gene "Well, I am gonna claim Maya is my mate, and get him riled up. Once we get him riled I am gonna send these pics to him," Showing the pictures we took earlier. I noticed Elder Braun came into the room to see them as well. I could see his face going through a range of emotions, as he glanced up at Maya. "He didn't mark you?" His eyes shot back to me with anger. I laughed, "No but I want him to think I did." I leaned back a bit, "seems that shows mission accomplished." I laughed harder. Elder Braun growled as he looked back at Maya. "No Elder Braun, he did not mark me. One way to have Mario snap is to let another male touch me." I heard her say in a matter-of-fact voice. I was proud of her. That took some doing. "What I said to the two of you before still applies." Elder Braun growled. Looking at us both. "We know," we both sighed. Looking at each other we both cracked a smile. Dinner was done and six pm rolled around fast. Once the phone started to ring all of us shared a look. I answered to hear a growl say "Speak!" "Well darling, what would you like to hear?" I answered. "Who are you?" Snapped the voice. I looked up to see Maya had gone all pale, Grabbing her hand, I pulled her to me. A glare sent to Elder Braun. "Name is Joe, who is this?" "Where is Rob?" Snarled the voice. "Dead," I snapped. "Mario.." I heard Maya whisper as she curled next to me. "Maya?" The voice took on a softer tone. "Yes, my MATE, is here," I growled. "She is not yours!" He bellowed. I felt Maya whence against me. "I would beg to differ. I am not sure your boy said anything but found some interesting pictures of us." I kissed the top of her head. I could hear the growling emanating through the phone. "You know what, let me make this easier for you to understand." I pressed escape went to pictures and texted him all of them. The growl grew more and more pronounced. I smiled as I added, "Your mistake was to leave her unmarked. I have rectified that. Being a pack wolf I can mark humans," I chuckled. "I will rip that f*****g smile off your face" He snarled low and deadly. "That smile started the night I carried her home, covered in your family's blood," I snarled back. "MINE!" I snapped into the phone. "Unless you want to challenge me I see no reason to continue this conversation." I scoffed. "I, Mario Munoz issue you a challenge to the death over the death of my family and the taking of one of my mates!" The growl intensified over each word like a vow placed. "I accept!," I chuckled "I will meet you on OUR ranch." I clicked the call done. Looking down at Maya in my lap, "How are you doing?" "Give me a minute to process," She murmured to me. A minute or two later Elder Braun's phone rang. Someone said something and they hung up. He turned around to look at all of us. "They will be here in four days." "Ben?" Athens asked. "Yes," he nodded. "I want to remind you two of our earlier conversation." Elder Braun reprimanded us. To my shock, it was Maya who said "I have a lot to process, this is a good spot right now. So, please stop yelling.," She sighed and placed her head on my chest and hands over her face. Elder Braun's shocked expression matched my own. All I could do was shrug at him.
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