
1406 Words
Maya's POV After the group of rogues that came to the house things got quiet. Athens started instructing me on techniques that would help my small-frame fight. He also taught me how to handle a sword. "Loose but solid grip on the handle," Athens instructed. "Now copy these moves, we want them to become part of your muscle memory." I repeated the movements I am not sure how many times. I guessed it was thousands. We would go from the sword, then hand to hand. He would add strength training and make me run. "Just let me die here please." I would sigh heavily hoping he would let me lay there on the sand and not move. "Nope, sorry Soul sister, you need this training," yanking me up to my feet he would shove me toward the house. "Take a shower and eat you stink." He would scrunch up his nose showing me his fangs. To prove how stinky I was. I would slowly stomp off as I would watch Joe and Mortou go round and round. I could tell they were practicing moves but did not know the style. Neither I had noticed was breaking a sweat. They had been going at it for longer than I had training with Athens which was over the two-hour mark. They had stamina. I walked to the house and took a shower. Walking out of the bathroom in a towel, my wet hair falling down my back, I started to get to my room when I slammed into a wall of a person. I slowly looked up knowing who it was immediately. My eyes landed on Joe's face. A smirk in place he rumbled, "Excuse me, darling." Giving me a wink. My heart did a massive flip back and forth. I took off like a rocket back to my room. Getting dressed in record time. Walking into the kitchen I grabbed myself a bottle of water. I closed my eyes to breathe for a moment when I heard a door open and close. Opening my eyes in the direction of it I saw a very damp version of Joe with a towel around his waist, I gulped. Damn the man was built like a s**t brick house. Abs, pecs, and that little v in the hips which makes most girls stupid in the brain. Right now I was one of them. I heard him snicker as my eyes snapped to him. With a wink and an air kiss, he turned on his heel with a loud round of laughter. This man was annoying, but I had to admit he was handy. Fixing things around the ranch and let's not even forget about the protection that day from that group of bounty hunters. Throwing some bread in the toaster, my stomach sank at the memory of them wanting me. They were training me to help me as well as get me ready for the games. I wondered when the next attack would occur. Alpha Gene was proud of all the wolves here handling the rogues. Gave a swift pat on the back to Joe and headed back to his work. Joe had healed as he said right after his shower. I had to admit. Made me feel better knowing that he healed faster. Athens told me that it was an Alpha Blood trait. I was learning a lot about them that was for sure. The toaster popped just as I heard the door to Joe's room open. Grabbing the toast I put some butter on the bread and took a bite. "What are your plans for the day?" Rumbled Joe as he came into the kitchen. "Gonna sit with that stallion a while then work the other horses in the arena," I mumbled finishing my first piece of toast. "Athens with you today?" I watched him put bread in the toaster himself. Leaning just enough that his body slid in front of me. I refused to take a step back. I was not going to let him annoy me. "Yes, I think so." I nodded. Athens always helped me in the barn. He had mentioned how he missed horses since motorized vehicles had been invented. Grabbing the other piece of toast, I took a bite. "Ok, I will be in the garage." Grabbing the butter knife he plopped some down on the bread and then folded it. Taking a bite he eyed me a moment and flared his nostrils. It gave me a slight annoyance when he did it. I was curious why he did it. "Why do you flare your nostrils when I am near you?" My annoyed question flew out before I had time to catch it. I saw the surprise on his face as he schooled it back to nothing more than a smirk. Buttering the last bit of the bread, he leaned down, the smell of buttered toast on his minty breath, "You smell like fruit loops, and I like it." I watched him stand up, take a bite of his toast, and walk away. Making a mental note to add a box of Fruit loops to the shopping list, I turned with my smirk to stomp from the house with newfound energy. Not knowing how the butterflies landed in my stomach. ******** Elder Braun's POV ******** I was sitting in my office at home. I had sent several messages to the other ancient wolf over a month. Nothing. I was a bit concerned and annoyed. Athens said Maya's training was moving along great. Mortou said that Joe was learning new techniques from him, which made me proud. Joe was a force to be reckoned with. Alpha Gene seemed silently glad he lived in the territory. Gave him more prestige with other Alpha's knowing he had an Alpha Blood living in his pack boundaries. My phone rang suddenly. "Hello," I answered. "Braun, it is Ben." I heard the gruff voice snap. "Ben, you alright?" I asked. "Fine, you sent a message needing my assistance?" The voice was deep and gruff. "Yes, I found the ancient Royal line of Lyica." I dropped that as a way to get his full attention. "From Myra?" He breathed. The voice was suddenly softer. "Yes, she is in danger. She was married to a Southern wolf. That wolf faked his death and is now trying to kill her and take her kids." I couldn't help but snarl. Ben was silent a moment. "Southern Wolves, hmm I know a few older ones. I might be able to get some information." No emotion in his words. "If you could that would be great. I have Athens and Mortou here to help guard her and the kids." I was surprised at his turnaround. "Was she marked?" Ben asked. "No." It seemed an odd question. "Shit." He spat. "I know the Southern Wolf looking for her." He paused a moment. "Word has it he is Royal line. That he is gaining a following. He wants her head and the head of an ancient line Alpha." There was a snarl. "Is that you Braun?" "No, it is a man from my brother's line. He killed his brother, mother, and sister-in-law. When the bounty hunters came in mass he killed them too." Elder Braun puffed. "He wants those kids bad. He wants her and that Alpha dead. I think instead of coming to you I might go blend in with his crew. I will keep you informed as best I can." There seemed to be a sense of urgency in his words. "He has asked you to join but you have not answered him," I remarked with knowing. "He has. I will give him what he wants for now. He knows I won't submit. But, when the attack occurs I will have a plan in mind. I will not let our new princess down." His words sounded a lot like a vow at that moment. "Understood, Myra wants her to compete in the games," I added. I heard him suck in a breath. "Understood. tell your team you will be getting inside info." With that, he hung up. Ben was an odd one. Cursed to find his mate but not touch her. He had always been an angry wolf. Every few hundred years he would find her and every time he lost her. I had no doubts about him playing the dark side of the fence.
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