
1163 Words
Joe's POV The garage at Maya's ranch became my shop. I worked on the vehicles that the pack brought me and the ones on the ranch. Otherwise, I had a steady income from watching Maya. The night she got here, from the hospital and her odd reactions had me curious. I was slowly becoming addicted to that fruit loop scent she had. The urge to keep her protected was getting stronger daily. I wasn't sure if that was a side effect of the blood bond or not. Ravi my wolf seemed to enjoy her company at times. He had been pretty silent as of late. I wasn't sure why. Either way, I knew I could get a few hours of quiet in the shop here on the ranch. Athens was with Maya when I got a mind link from Alpha Gene. "Rogues were spotted about 4 miles from the ranch. All on motorcycles headed towards town." Alpha Gene stated gruffly. "Thank you, I am in the garage on the ranch. Athens is currently with her in the barn." I informed him. "I will keep eyes and ears open." "Sounds good," I swear Alpha Gene had learned to click off like a phone call. Going back to the car I was working on hearing the cycles not long after getting back under the hood. Seriously, they had to come here. Grabbing a towel, I wiped my hands off and headed toward the front gate. I saw Maya come out of the barn Athens I noticed stepped in front of her somewhat. Mortou walked out of the newly built bunkhouse. Half dressed with only sweats and bare feet. He nodded to me as I walked down to the gate to meet them. I watched an assortment of rogues filter in with their bikes. I counted about twenty. Pretty decent group for these mangy beasts. I knew I could take tenish, so I mind-linked Mortou, "I can do ten of these, but there are twenty here. You wanna have some fun?" "I will be in the background until it starts." Mortou acknowledged. "Sounds good." I ended the link. "What brings mangy mutts like you here for?" I looked at the range of rogues from some decent-sized wolves to a couple I suspected were Southern Wolves. "There is a bounty on a woman who lives here. We are here to collect her." A tall man with black hair and deeply tanned skin. "I didn't know Southern wolves ran with rogues?" I was making a guess. This one didn't smell like anything and that made me wonder. "We run where we want. That's how we heard about her bounty." The guy chuckled. "Well, I don't plan to hand her over if that's what your thinking. Every wolf here will throw down for her." I smirked. "She must have some pretty good p***y to get all these wolves to protect her." Sneered one of the rogues. "I made need a sample." He laughed. "I doubt that " I snarled. I watched as all of them got off their bikes. "Your one lonely Alpha in a sea of wolves how many do you think you can take?" Growled the original Southern wolf. "Why don't we find out." I gave him a wicked smile. I felt Ravi shoot strength down my limbs as he added in my head, " I have been itching for some fun." My canines dropped and my fingers became claws. I saw a few of the hands come behind me. "Take the rogues leave me the ones without scent." A deep rumbling growl let my power out. It felt good to release that Alpha aura. I watched a good portion of them drop and show me their necks as I walked past them to the southern wolves who stood behind them. There were four. All male and seemed to be able to resist my Alpha Aura. Two were shaking the other two were not wavering. I could hear the fight behind me had started. I waited for them to attack. All four charged me, claws out fangs down. I felt slices immediately. My back and stomach I knew were hit. The two weaker ones had grabbed my arms. I pulled my arms together slamming them into each other and slicing down the front portions of their necks and stomachs ripping them open. They would not survive that. Blood now covered me, as I stalked them. The one with wild curly black hair and coffee-toned skin charged. Dancing and flipping like a gymnast or dancer. I waited for him to strike then laid claws out shredding his neck. He flopped like a fish as I walked past him to the one who I had talked to. "You can do one of two things for me." A deep growl rumbled from my chest "You can take a message to who the bounty belongs or you can die?" "I would die either way." He stood back straight and solid. "I promise I will make it painless." The smirk with my fangs gave an evil flare. "What's the message?" He lifted his phone and dialed a number placing it on speakerphone. "My team and I are almost dead. You forgot to tell me they had an ancient line Alpha protecting her." he snarled into the phone. There was silence on the other end of the phone. I took that moment to grab the man's throat, crushing it, he fell with a horrific gurgle emanating from him. The phone fell next to his head so I reached down picking it up. I saw it was still on the call. "How cute," I laughed with a patronizing air to it and hung up. I turned around to see the rogues were dead, a couple of wolves had a few injuries. Mortou stayed rooted where he was just watching. Athens had moved next to Maya standing in the tree line near the gate. I walked back that way knowing the wolves had already ordered clean-up. I needed a shower to get this blood off me. Mortou, slapped me on the back as I walked past, "damn son, I would almost think you were a bear." His laughter rocking in his chest. Getting closer to Maya and Athens, he gave a whiff with his nose and curled his lip. "Nope not my favorite brand," He hissed repulsed by the smell of Southern wolf blood. Maya laid a hand on my arm. I glanced at her immediately. She never touched me. I let my surprise show in my eyes. "Your hurt, let me at least get you patched up." She said softly. I gave her a warm smile, "These will be gone by the time I get out of the shower," ripping the rest of the shirt off and wiping the area on my stomach to show her they were already mending. "See, no need to worry." I winked. Walking past her to the bunkhouse shower.
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