Chapter 9: Cautious

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Lily's POV I know Maureen well enough to know that something was up. She down played Seth to me, and i could tell. She was clearly worried. I just hated that she was hiding it from me. It's not like i have room to talk. i've done that same thing recently. Here lately, everything hasn't been in sink. Between my relationship with Myles and friends, everything has just been off. I knew it was going to take time to get things how they used to be. I also knew it probably would have to start with me putting in some effort. I decided to try to open up to her first. If there is some sort of threat, it's obviously better to get ahead of it. We know that better than anyone. Our lives will never be easy. Simply because were female royals, and we're both half breeds. Talk about complicated. We were the definition of it. "Maureen, i know you said that Seth was a wolf, but when i was outside, i stayed hidden on a trail, and i saw him move way too quickly in human form. Honestly, i dont think I've ever seen anything move so fast. It's like i blinked, and he was gone." She gave me a confused expression before pulling me into a small library. I'm not sure if she even knew that it was here. I could tell she wanted privacy the way she searched the entire room. Including behind bookshelves. "Okay, we're alone. Was he with anyone? Like another witch? I mean, that could explain why he disappeared so quickly." "No, Maureen. He was alone. He even waited until the gaurds turned their backs and walked away from him before he took off. I just got a weird feeling about him. I just can't put my finger on it. What did grandpa have to say about him? Do you think we should tell him what i saw? I think staying in front of this is the best thing we could do." I wanted her to tell me what she knew, and i could tell she was in some sort of argument with herself about it. I think she was worried i couldn't handle it, or it was going to push me to shut down even more than what i have. The thing was, i already put myself in danger and people I loved before. If the people i cared about were danger, then i wanted to protect them in any way i could, and having all the information could mean just that. I owed them this much after what I've done. She sat down on one of the chairs. Whatever fight she was having with herself or her wolf, it was clear she lost. "I got a weid vibe from him too. Grandpa says not to worry, but I am. I think he's out to take over the palace. He wants revenge, Lily. His fated mate was a vampire. Our family slaughtered hers. She tried to kidnap dad when she found out she couldn't have kids. She felt like it was owed to her. Seth didn't get the support like we have from Grandpa, and now he feels like Grandpa is only supporting it because of us and dad. He's not happy with it." I kind of felt bad for Seth. I just hated that his revenge was probably directed at Maureen more than at me. The news of me being a banshee wasn't exactly public. Most of our packs didn't even know. So there was no way he could possibly know unless he was in contact with someone close to us or my grandmother. I just dont see Seth working with her, knowing she doesn't support wolves being involved with other mystical creatures. "How badly do you think he wants to be king? I mean, he would have to get the support of other wolves to take over. He does have royal blood in him. You dont think he would try to hurt Grandpa or you for that matter, would he?" "I'm really not sure. From the vibe i got from him, he doesn't seem to have anything to lose. He may do whatever he thinks is owed to him. Especially after losing his mate." "I mean surely he wouldn't take us all out. As far as he knows, im only a wolf." She shrugged her shoulders. "Lily, i really dont know. He could do nothing and is simply just trying to get under grandpas skin. I really don't think he was expecting me to be outside the room. Sure, he seemed to get some sort of thrill off of me getting creeped out by him, and maybe that was all that he wanted to do." "Maybe, i still think we should talk to Grandpa about what i saw, and i think im going to head home and tell Myles and Landyn. I really don't want to give them another reason to be pissed off at me. I think of done that enough here lately." She seemed so unsure. I realized she probably wasn't planning on telling Ben. I rubbed the middle of her back. "You need to tell him, Maureen. Even if it amounts to nothing. He deserves the right to try to protect you. I already made that mistake. I was lucky enough to have nothing bad happen to me. Let's not let the luck run out, okay? Just tell him." She sighed in defeat. "He just overeacts over the littlest things since i became pregnant. He will do nothing but obsess over this. It will be all he thinks about for years to come. Ben will literally drive me crazy with it. I didn't want to tell him unless it really was something to be concerned about. If you tell Landyn there's no doubt that he will tell Ben, and then I'll be on his s**t list. I mean, i am his mate he wont stay mad at me for long, but still." "Well, i have to tell Landyn and Myles. Maureen, i can't keep any more secrets, especially from Myles. Our relationship is in enough of a strain as is. Im sorry if you want Ben to hear it from you, then you better do it today. I will be drilled with thousands of questions as soon as i get home. I mean, i didn't technically run off this time. I let Amber know." She had a smirk on her lips. "Yeah, im not sure if that counts. Who knows what she will tell the guys. She will cover your ass to the end of time. Landyn will have to read her mind to get the answer from her. He is getting desperate, so he just might do it." "I don't think that's him being desperate. I just think he feels confused. We all used to communicate better than we are now. I mean, we all were slightly disfuncitonal, but we worked well together when it came down to it, and i screwed it all up." She looked at me directly in the eye. "You didn't screw anything up. s**t happens, and we all deal with it in our own way. I just don't think anyone knew how to deal with that side of you. It was just different, and we all were worried. We still are." "Well, there's nothing to worry about. Im going to be fine. I'm starting right now. Im headed out to tell the people i care about what I saw today." I stood up, sticking to my word. I kissed Maureen on the cheek and waved back at her. I was more determined than ever to do the right thing. I mean, this was the right thing, right? Surely, they would want to know. Maureen didn't say a word, just waved back at me. I could tell she wasn't pleased with having to tell Ben what was going on, but it really is for the best. We've all been through way too much not to be overly cautious. I walked quickly down the hall and out the front door. As soon as I made it outside, it took off running to the trail that led to the pack house. I was caught off guard to see everyone outside. Amber was sitting in a lounge chair with Louise and Ella. I just about got taken out by Conner, who was running full speed while being chased by Landyn. I walked over to Amber, who was overly amused with it. "What the hell did I miss? I haven't seen them act like this in a while." Amber started to chuckle. "Conner accidently walked in on Ella changing clothes." I started to laugh with her. "Man, does he ever learn? I swear he does it on purpose just for kicks." "Well, maybe we all would learn to lock a damn door." Louise seemed unfazed by the whole thing. I think she's full embraced Conner for the way he is. "He deserves being chased. I promise he doesn't think when he opens a door.
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