Chapter 10: Mission

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Lily's POV I loved watching the guys goof off. It made me forget how screwed up everything has been for a moment. Part of me didn't want to wreck this again. But the other park knew i wouldn't be able to let this thing go with my grandmother. At least not until she's caught and tossed in a cell to rot, and i think that is even being too generous. She deserves to suffer. No, she deserves to die. I just pray it's slow and painful and that im the one behind it. I just know i would never be able to admit that to Myles or Landyn. They've already been looking at me like im crazy. At the very least, i could tell them about what i saw at the palace. I promised not to do anything stupid again. Well, it's more impulsive than stupid. I just need to think through things a little better. I heard the door to the pack house close behind me. I guess Ella didn't see me because she started to rambling. "Amber, what time are you guys wanting to head out. I have even begun to start packing for Landyn, and i want to make sure he has everything ready to go from when you guys take off." Where the hell could they possibly be going? It has to have something to do with Brodys mom. Which means they had to have a lead. The reality sunk in that they didn't tell me. It sees all my friends were keeping a secret from me. I dont even think i could be mad at them for it. I set myself up for this. I set them up to not be able to trust me. I hated this. I hated not being part of the plan. I slowly turned around the chair so Ella could see that i was sitting there. I don't think i've ever seen her look so pale. I guess my suspicions were right. They all were keeping secrets from me. I looked Amber in the eye. I knew it had to be the hardest for her. She was my closest friend for basically my whole life. It was always the two of us. Thick as thieves. Sisters without the blood relation. If anyone was going to tell me, i knew it would be her. My own mate would keep it from me if he fully believed he was protecting me in some way. I know that's all he wants to do. Well, what everyone wants to do. To them, im just a glass doll. No matter how many times i prove that i can handle my own now. I continued to stare at her, and she just stared back. I realized she wasn't going to say anything until i asked the question. For once, i could tell she really didn't want to tell me something. It had to be big. "You're going after her, aren't you?" She closed her eyes and put her head down. She was having an external battle with herself. Her voice wans't the same. For once, i could tell she was slightly ashamed of herself. She shouldn't be. I hid things from her as well. I broke the trust we had first, and i was serverly beating myself up for it. "Lily, i think you should talk...." She got interrupted by Ella. Her voice was panicked. "They're going away for a few meetings." It was clear Ella had no problems lying to me. I knew exactly what Amber was going to say and who exactly i needed to talk to. I watched Landyn run by with Conner. Of course, my dumb ass had to make a scene. I yelled out, making him and Conner both stop running. "Where are you going, Landyn? Why are you taking off with Amber and Brody? You have a lead, dont you?" I watched Landyn put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and walk toward me, and by the look at Conners face, he had no idea what i was talking about either. Part of me was glad i wasn't the only one they were keeping secrets from. They stood only a few feet on my chair. Conner never took his eyes off Landyn. He was just as curious as i was about what was about to come out of his mouth. "Lily, we were going to talk to you later. After what happened earlier, we just thought you needed some time to cool off. Brody wants to look for his mom and make sure she is safe after the hunters have followed after them. Remi thinks he can lead us in the right direction of where they might be located. We have no idea where your grandmother is or have any leads. This mission or task or whatever you want to call it is to simply find the golden wolves and offer them protection. That is it." I watched Ella take a few steps back. He was still hiding something from me, and it was more than clear he wasn't going to tell me. "Okay, and if you come acoss her, then what? You know, if the golden wovles got away, she will be looking for them right along with you. There's a possibility that you will cross paths. Is the four of you really going to be enough to capture her? I mean, she's working with the fricken hunters for crying out loud. They could kill any of you. We know what they are capable of. Let's not pretend there silver bullets won't do any harm to you. My dad is proof of that." I watched the color drain from all their faces. Landyn spoke softly. "Lily, we dont have another choice. We can't take a bunch of warriors with us. We would get spotted too easily. Remi will keep us hidden. He knows the land better than anyone. We won't engage in a fight. Not if we are outnumbered." I realized what he was saying. This mission wasn't about capturing my grandmother. "So if you find her, you will just let her go?" He shook his head. "That's not what im saying, Lily. What im saying is if we find out where she's hiding by some miracle we will call back here and have the warriors come out and we will attack, but we will not attack with just the four of us and we will keep an eye on her until more help comes. But the main goal of this trip is to find the golden wolves and protect them if they haven't been captured already. We can't let them or your grandmother get ahold of their blood. We would never stand a chance if that happens. So yes, we are going to have to take a risk and go. I know you, Myles, and Ella will handle the pack just fine." Landyn looked over at Conner, who looked more pissed than i was. "I know you will do whatever it takes to protect the girls. I just didn't think i could tell you right away. I was going to tell you right before we left. I didn't want Lily to know too soon. I was actually hoping we would be gone before she found out. I just know how close you two are." Conner bit his lip hard. His eyesbrows were scruched. He looked more hurt than i think I've ever seen him . "When did we get to the point where we all stopped trusting each other? It's going to get one of us hurt or worse. It can't be like this." He stormed off, not saying another word. I watched Louise trail after him. I felt the tears start to form. I didn't want Landyn to leave. I knew how i felt every time we were away from each other. Even with me being marked, it felt awful. "I don't want you to go." I think he realized why instantly because he looked extremely guilty all of sudden. Even more than keeping secrets from me. He pulled me up out of the chair and into his arms. "I'm so sorry. I didn't even think about how that would make you feel. I thought that i would be helping you and getting the closure that i know that you really need. Lily, i would do anything to help and protect you. You do know that, right? If this is too much, i can always come back. I dont want you to struggle anymore than what you have. i know how down and depressed you got when i went to Maureens Coven. Im just so sorry that i didn't think of it. I love you. Just remember that while im gone. I have to do this. I have to help. If it gets to be too much, just call me, okay?" I nodded into his chest. "I love you too. I really am so sorry about everything." He hugged me tighter. " I know. Im sorry to." After a few minutes, i finally pulled away. From the corner of my eye, i watched Amber wipe a few tears away. I guess this was really getting to her as well. I looked around and realized i hadn't seen Myles anywhere. Im honestly shocked he wasn't out here with them, especially since i took off. I knew it was possible he was with the boys. I just surely thought someone would have linked him that i returned." Landyn gave me a puzzle look. It was clear he was trying to link him. "He went out into the woods to look for you after you took off. No one knew where you went." I looked over at Amber. She looked worried. I guess she didn't know Myles went out looking for me. "I texted Amber that i went to the palace." Landyn gave her a frustrated look. "You could have told us." She rolled her eyes. "Well, you guys could have mentioned that Myles was looking for her. I thought he was inside with the boys." They both looked nervous all of a sudden. I tried to link him myself and was met with a block. I practically shouted out. "I can't link him. Which way did he go?"
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