Chapter 8: Coming to the palace

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Maureen's POV I headed back to my room. I still hadn't made up my mind over what I was going to tell Ben, if anything. I didn't want to worry him if there was nothing to worry about. Grandpa made it out to be that Seth was harmless. It still didn't explain the uneasy feeling i got when i was around him. Call it a witch intuition or whatever, but my gut was telling me he was defiently someone to be concerned about. Seth didn't even seem fazed by the warriors leading him outside. He made it out it to be like it was no big deal or an everyday occurance for him. Maybe it is for all i know. I got back to the bedroom, and Ben was snuggling under a large blanket where i left him. He looked peaceful . I decided not to bother him with this. If i came across Seth again and i felt like something was off again, i would tell Ben. Who knows, maybe with Bens power, he will know before i do. I saw a stack of catalogs by the door. She sure works quickly. I decided to start looking immediately to see what i could find. I just wanted anything but white. I needed color. I needed to feel at home here and the way this place looked it was the furthest thing from feeling close to home. I just hope changing the place up would help with that. The problem was that part of me wondered if it would ever feel like home because the people i cared about weren't here. Sure, they were only minutes away. But it was still too far. I know im being dramatic. I was lucky enough to be able to teleport. I just know those days were coming to an end very shorty for a few months. Maybe i was just spooked by Seth, or maybe it was just the pregnancy horomones. Either way, im feeling very emotional. Sitting here wasn't doing me any good. If anything, it was making me worry more than i should. Just with everything i've been through, it's hard not to worry easily. Ben looked like he wasn't waking anytime soon. I was kind of jealous of how well he was sleeping. I don't think i ever slept that good even when i wasn't pregnant. I tosed the catalogs on the table and decided to do a little more exploring. I walked down the perfect marble staircase. I dont think there was a spect of dirt anywhere. They must spend a lot of time cleaning. There was more traffic than there was before. I felt so many eyes on me. I tried to be as friendly as i could. I waved and smiled at everyone who looked my way. Some were really friendly and waved back, and others not so much. You could tell not everyone approved of me. I'm sure they figured out who i was. I knew it wasn't exactly a secret. There was just no formal announcement yet. I heard some commotion outside the main palace door. At first, i just walked away. I wanted no part in getting involved with whatever drama was outside that door. At least not yet. Until everything is official, im staying out of it. I came to a sudden stop when i realized i recognized the voice. I squealed with excitement. I know i just saw her. I just couldn't believe she was here. I figured she would have taken way more time than a day to come here. I thought i actually might have to drag her here kicking and screaming just to say hello to our grandfather. I approuched the door, and one of the guards literally tried to stop me from opening it. "What are you doing? My sister is out there." The gaurds looked confused. "Your sister?" "Yes, my sister. Are you deaf? Now let me through before i call my grandfather down." The gaurd put his head down. "He's already on his way. We weren't sure if we should let her through. She didn't say she was one of the princesses." "Did you look at her eyes? That should have been a dead giveaway." "We were told to take caution. With the old queen working with witches, we didn't know what she was capable of." I was now getting irratated. "Well, are you going to move?" "Oh yes. I'm sorry, your majesty." They opened the door, and two gaurds had Lily by the arm. They looked awfully young, which could explain why they were questioning who she was. I heard the loud raspy voice of my grandfather. "Let go of my grandaughter now. She's welcome anytime. I expect all gaurds young and old to know who the princesses are and what they look like. It's your job to protect them, not put them in harms way." I watch them all submit their necks. I would be lying if i said i didn't get a little enjoyment of watching them squirm in fear over my grandfathers voice. I understand they were taking precaution, but they should have been made aware of who Lily and I were before today. They let her go immediately, and i ran towards her and pulled her into a tight hug. "What are you doing here? I figured you would be in deep s**t with the others." She gave me a guilty look. "It wasn't the best for a moment or two. They know the truth. Well, everyone besides Ben." I linked my arms into hers. My grandfather was still lecturing the gaurds as we walked away. "How did Landyn handle it?" I could tell she was holding back. "Normal overprotective Landyn. It's all good. Everything worked out. Amber ended up bitching them out for me. I did a little." I gave her a small nod. "So you finally told Landyn what you're actually feeling?" She looked bothered by my comment. "Yes, i actually said what i was feeling." "Well, good." I could tell she didn't like where this conversation was headed, so i decided to drop it. Im starting to wonder if that's why she came here. She didn't want to talk about what happened at the pack house any longer. I dont think either one of us knew where the hell we were headed. I hadn't had the chance to explore this far yet. All the eyes didn't seem to bother her. In fact, i dont even think she noticed. I was impressed. i dont think i could have done that. I could feel all the eyes burning into my skin. It was driving me crazy. The further we walked, the less traffic there was. I could tell Lily wanted to stay something by the way she kept her head down as she walked. I was just hoping she would blurt it out soon. She parted her lips, and i knew she was getting ready to break. "When i was walking here, i saw a man being escorted out by a couple of the gaurds. Do you happen to know who that was?" "Yeah, I think that i do. Did he have white hair and on the skinner side, but really tall?" She nodded. "Yeah, that's the guy. Who is he?" "That would be our grandpas brother. So our great uncle. His name is Seth, and he is a total creep if you haven't figured that out by one look at him." She looked confused. "He's a wolf?" I didn't know how to answer that question. I mean, it was kind of obvious. He was grandpas brother. Of course, he was a wolf. "Uh, yeah, Lily. He is a wolf. I just said he was grandpas brother." Her facial features turned worried. Her eyebrows were so scrunched together that i thought that it might go into her hairline. "Hmm, why was he being escorted out?" Shit, was i going to have to come clean now? I wasn't about to lie to her. I think there was enough of that going around before. "Well, he called me a half breed, and things kind of got heated. He doesn't think i should be running the palace. Grandpa took care of it, and it's done and over with now. There is absolutely nothing to worry about." She titled her head at me. "If there's nothing to worry about, then why would you say it like that?" Damn i hate that she knows me so well.
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