Chapter 6: Truth

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Lily's POV We got to the pack house faster than i anticipated. I must have zoned out. Myles was oddly quiet. Im not sure if he just didn't know what to say or if he really just needed the quiet. We pulled up onto a dirt path that was beyond bumpy. I knew it just got put down. It was just making me ridicolously nausious. The new pack house was huge, and i mean huge. It looked like a log cabin and was done beautifully. I haven't been over here to see it. Besides a few pictures that were taken by Landyn or Maureen, i had no idea what it looked like. I looked to the right, and i could see the palace not far from where we were. It felt weird being back here. Im sure Maureen and her mom felt the same way. Laura will be staying in the pack house with us. She didn't feel fully comfortable staying at the palace, and i couldn't exactly blame her. My mom, however, decided to stay at the old pack with Remi. I knew it was dangerous to do so, but there were a few older wolf that decided to stay in the cottages, and Alpha Richard assured us that he would look out for them. He's been actually pleasant to work with sense we saved his son. Louise didn't care for the idea of her kid brother staying with her dad. But he seems to be stepping up. He even kicked his Luna to the curb as soon as he could. She took off in hiding when she realized we all knew the truth and her involvement with the queen. We walked inside to a grand entrance. There was a double set of stairs leading into two different directions and an elevator in the middle. Everything was done in greens, burgandy, and brown, and there was wood everywhere. I guess that shouldn't surprise me. It is a log cabin. You could just tell a guy had a huge say in the designs. There were antlers and plaid everywhere. It was done nicely and not too manly. Myles saw me looking around, quesitoning everything. "Ella's dad was a big hunter, and Lanydn didn't want to go in the traditional snobby, elegant pack house that cost way too much. He didn't think it was necessary. " I started to laugh because that sounded about right. Myles was grinning from ear to ear. "What?" "I just haven't heard you laugh in a while. It's nice to hear." "Oh." He quickly changed the subject. "The ballroom and dining hall is done very nicely. Ella had big glass windows put in that look out into the woods. You can see the mountains in the far distance. It will be beautiful during fall and winter." "That sounds nice. "It honestly does look nice. It feels cozy and has a homey feel. Im actually really comfortable." I watched Sylvia and Kevin quietly carry the twins upstairs. "Do they know where they are going? Where is our room and the twins' room at?" "On the top floor?" "Top floor? That's the Alpha floor. Why would we be up there? We dont even know how long we will be here. We may end up going to the palace." He rubbed his forehead. I could tell he really didn't want to have this conversation with me. We walked slowly up the stairs. "We thought it was best that you were up here with Landyn, as well as Conner and Lousie. They have a room up here. It's beyond big enough for all of us and then some." "I'm not saying it wouldn't be big enough. I just dont understand why we're all up there. That's not exactly common. Actually, i dont know anyone who's done anything like this." Then the though dawned on me. "Everyone is babysitting me, aren't they? We're all living on the top level so you all can keep a better eye on me?" I was actually kind of pissed. I knew this is exactly what they were doing. Honestly, i wouldn't even be that surprised if it was Conner or Landyn's idea. Myles stayed calm. It's like he prepared himself for me to freak out. "Lily, you've been disappearing, and you woundnt tell anyone where you were going. What did you expect us to do? We all have been so worried about you." We got to the top floor, and i was louder than i thought i was. "Im a grown ass woman. i dont need a babysitter or permission from any of you to take off and clear my head. Im allowed to make my own decisions. Even if they are dangerous." Now Myles was matching my tone. "That's the issue. You weren't thinking clearly because if you did, you wouldn't be putting yourself or anyone else for the matter in situations that could be dangerous. You have the twins to think about. They need their mother. You put Maureen and her baby in danger as well. Theres other lives to consider Lily besides your own." I blurted out without even thinking. "I've been going to the old rogue camp. Are you happy now? Are you happy to finally know where I've been going?" I heard Landyns pissed off voice behind me. "You've been going where? My office now, Lily." Fuck. I really am going to get my ass handed to me now. I've never really pissed off Lanydn before, and by his voice, i knew it wasn't good. I dont even think we've really ever gotten in a fight. I think it's mostly because i usually dont do such impulsive things. I have a feeling he's going to be harder on me than he ever was on Maureen. I could just tell by his voice. Everyone expects me to do the right thing, to never screw up, to be the perfect Lily all the damn time. I sighed. "Okay, lead the way because i have no idea where it's at." His shoulders slumped. "I had them put it on the main floor. I didn't want anyone up here but us. I do have a small office up here for personal use. It just might be more crowded. So it's wherever you prefer to go." "Up here is fine. I don't really want anyone to hear you yelling at me." "They won't. Laura and Bre soundproofed my offices and the bedrooms up here. No one can hear a thing." "Okay, downstairs is fine." He gave me a small nod. "Probaby for the best. I asked Conner to meet us there as well." Great, i hope he won't be in trouble. This really has turned into quite a shitty day. I knew i looked clearly irratated and gave him a little too much attitude. "Okay." Ugh, im really starting to act like Amber. I followed Landyn slower than what was necessary. I knew i was prolonging the situation. I felt Myles behind me and could just feel the heat radating off of him from here. He was pissed and i knew it. I could just tell by how quiet he has been. We all got to his office, and i have to say i was impressed. I think he learned his lesson from our old pack house because his office here was over twice the size. I think he got sick of it being packed full of all of us with no room to move. I sat in one of the chairs across from his desk. He just stared at me for a while. I hated how he was looking at me. I could tell he was trying to control his temper. I decided I probably shouldn't look him in the eye. The alpha in him wouldn't appreciate that. I felt Myles pacing behind me, making me even more nervous about what was to come. I went to speak when i was cut off by Landyn. "What the hell were you thinking? Do you have any idea how stupid that was?" I heard a knock on the door, and i knew it had to be Conner. Lanydn shouted, "Come in," in a really shitty tone. I looked behind me to give him a warning look. I think he got the message because he started to look around the room and picked up on the tension. He didn't even make it to a seat when Landyn started to yell again. This time, it was directed at Conner. "Did you know? Did you know where Lily has been taking off to? You two have been thick as thieves here lately.Your the only person she will talk to. I can't believe you didn't tell us. This is seriously dangerous, but you already know that. I just dont know why you wouldn't have at least gone with her." I decided to save him from the raft of Landyn and possibly Myles very shortly. "Landyn, stop. He didn't know. I didn't tell anyone where i was going. Maureen just figured it out." Landyn actually rolled his eyes at me."You're telling me that you knew how to get there all by yourself, that no one showed you the way? I call bullshit. Lily, we both know your sense of direction isn't the best. There's no way you could have found that place on your own. You were too frantic the last time to pay much attention to your surroundings." Conner sighed. "Lily, I appreciate you trying to cover for me, but that's really not neccassrry. I showed Lily the way the first time. I had no idea she would go back. I thought she just needed to say goodbye. I thought she needed it to put it behind her. I didn't realize that she would go back." I had no time to react. Myles had Conner by the throat against the window. "She trusted you. You knew what she's gone through. What we lost. Why the hell would you take her somewhere so dangerous? You know how..." He didn't finish his sentence and dropped Conner to the ground and ran out of the room. I felt a wave of guilt. I really have been an insenstive b***h. My mate deserved so much more than that.
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