Chapter 5: Uncle Seth

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Maureen's POV The way the man said halfbreed made it sound like it was some sort of contagious disease. Everything in me, including my wolf, was telling me something wasn't right with this man. It definitely felt more than just him wanting the throne. This felt beyond personal. The way he was looking at me was no way a great uncle should be looking at his niece. I wrapped my arms around my body, trying to cover as much as i could of myself. How i was dressed was beyond modest, but yet it felt completely revealing in some way. My grandpa looked back and forth between us. I saw his face go to digust by the altercation between us. He voice was deep and threatening. "Seth, it's time for you to go. You're making my gandaughter and myself uncomfortable. Now, unless you want your ass kicked again by me, i suggest you leave," I watched Seth get just inches from his face. "I'm not the weak little brother that you think i am anymore. I would watch it when it comes to threatening me. I would hate for something to happen to you and your precious grandaughters." He walked towards me and looked down at me, so we locked eyes. "And your precioius great grandaughter." I heard my grandpa growl out and grab seth by the throat. "I will not say this again. You will leave this palace and never come back. If i catch you anywhere near my family again, i wont hesistate from ripping out your throat, and we both know im capable of doing it. I've done it before." Seth didn't even seem fazed in the slightest by my grandpa having him off the ground by his throat. He actually looked amused by it. "Oh, I know. I watched you rip the throat out of my fated mate." He spit in my grandpas face as my grandpa dropped him to the ground. My grandpa wiped the spit off his face by the sleeve of his shirt and growled out at my uncle again. "Get out of here now." As soon as he stepped out into the hall, four gaurds were waiting to escort him out. I had the awful, uneasy feeling that he would be back. I held onto my stomach a little tighter than necessary. It's not like she was going to jump out of my stomach. I just felt like i was protecting her by holding on so tight. I hated it, and i mean hated feeling like this. I sympathized so much for Lily's mom. Im sure she had to endure the same fear, if not worse. I knew i had an army in my corner, and i also knew Raya didn't. I didn't realize i was shaking and crying until my grandpa wrapped me up in his arms. "Hey, hey, it's okay, Maureen. He's gone. Im so sorry you had to meet him. He's been this way for years. He may be my brother by blood, but he's the furthest thing to me. Just dont worry about him. He's all threats and no action. He's actually quite harmless. His wolf is small and doesn't have the strength of most Royals, even most Alphas." After i got calm down enough to speak, we sat down in chairs. "What did he mean about his mate? Did you kill her?" He gave me a relectant nod. "Yeah, i did. I didn't have much of a choice. She threatened your dad and grandmother. It got so far that she tried to kidnap charles when he was an infant. She couldn't have children and felt like we owed her that much. Your great grandfather killed her entire family." Now i was really curious. "What she a rogue?" "No, uh, she was a vampire... He burned down the entire mansion they were living in. She somehow escaped, and Seth hid her here in the palace. She was sixteen at the time. When they came of age and learned that they were mates, Seth came forward with her. They had been dating for years at that point. You can imagine how that went over with my dad. He was harsh and set in his old ways. Im not trying to hurt you by saying this, but he was very against half breeds and other mystical creatures. Anyway, he kicked seth and his mate out, and we've been in the outs ever since. I didn't agree with my dads ways. I just wasn't king yet, and i couldn't do a damn thing about it. So i kept quiet and stayed out of it . Seth never forgave me for it. I just knew i couldn't change anything if my dad didn't step down and let me take over, and if i had Seths back, he would have found someone else to give the thrown to. He was cruel enough to do it. He was set and stone in his ways." I really shouldn't be shocked by this, but i was. A vampire and wolf. I guess the moongodess was doing this long before Ben and I. I understood why Charles was so scared about my mom. Especially if he knew about his grandpa's ways. I held onto my stomach again. "He won't come after us, will he? I mean, i have nothing to do with what happened in the past. He seemed grossed out that i was a half breed." "No, i dont think he will. Like i said, he's all talk. I don't think he's grossed out. I think he's jealous. Ben and you are being accepted by me. Him and his mate never were, and he feels i didn't support him. But i supported my son, and im supporting you. My son just didn't know i did till later. His mother made sure to make him think that I wouldn't. Seth doesn't want to hear what i have to say about the past. He just thinks im accepting it now because of my son." "What ever happened to your parents? I dont think Chales ever mentioned them when we did talk. I've gathered that they are not alive?" "No, there not. They were killed a long time ago. No one knows what happened. There was some sort of crash. Their car blew up in flames. They think it was some sort of malfunction with their car." Hmm, i found that really odd. My gut was telling me Seth had something to do with it. Im guessing he follows through on his threats more than my grandpa realizes. I wasn't sure if i should tell Ben or not. I didn't want to freak him out anymore than what he had been. I know this would just make him even more overprotective. I knew i had to tell Lily. He was threatening her just as much as he was threatening me.
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