Chapter 4: Palace

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Maureen's POV We pulled into the palace, and my nerves were spiraling. Was this really what I wanted? Did I really want to be queen? I know as soon as the announcement goes out that I'll be taking over, all hell may break loose. I'm not sure what the kingdom will do. I've just been feeling like I may be putting my baby and my family at risk by doing this. Everyone will know who I am, and I'll be basically advertising my sweet girl to the whole kingdom. I could end up like Lily's mom and have to go into hiding if things get bad enough. But worst of all, my baby could end up being taken from me and used for her gift. Here lately, I keep thinking hiding might be the better option. We may be able to live peacefully that way. The anxiety this has been bringing me has been pretty unbearable. The car came to a stop, and i saw my grandfather waiting outside with a few omegas. He looked in worse shape than the last time I saw him. I opened the door, and his face brightened up when he saw me. "Maureen, I'm so happy you and Ben are finally here." "I am to Grandpa. I'm ready to learn everything you can teach me about taking over the palace." I was really hoping he couldn't tell I wasn't sure over my own words. He gave me a sad nod. "Come on, I'll show you to your room." We walked in the main entrance, and Ben and I both froze in place. I didn't know where to direct my eyes first. This place was like nothing I've ever seen. How I made it this whole time without ever being inside was crazy to me. I was clearly missing out on its beauty. The entryway had the biggest and widest staircase I've ever seen. The floors were made of marble, and the ceilings were high. When you looked up the stairs, there was a large circle dome window in the ceiling that was made out of stained glass. Along with most of the windows. Everything was white or gold and very clean. There was antique furniture that never looked used and very expensive. I felt completely out of my element. Now, I was scared to move or touch anything. Knowing me, I would break something. I heard my grandpa yell from the stairs. His voice was cold and irratated. He really wasn't himself. "Are you coming? I have meetings in a bit." Ben grabbed onto my hand, and we followed him up the large staircase. When we got to the top, there was an elevator. Which I was beyond grateful for. I was worried I would have to take countless stairs every day, and with me being pregnant with quite a few months left, the stairs seemed not very appealing. We all entered the elevator, and my grandpa cleared his throat. "All of the royal bedrooms are on the fourth floor. We each have our own wings. I'm on the left, and yours, Ben's and your children's rooms will be on the right. You have your own living room and kitchen. I haven't eaten in the formal dining room in years, but if that's something you want to start back up again, that would be fine. Just let the head omega know. You will be meeting her shortly. When Lily decides to move in, I'll step down to the floor beneath here, and she will take my wing. Any questions so far?" "No, I think we're good." "Very well. My office is also on the floor beneath here. Now, if you don't mind, I have meetings the rest of the day. Feel free to roam and explore. It will take you days to explore every inch of the palace." "I think we will do just that after we get unpacked." He gave me a sad nod. "Alright, I'll be in my office if you need me. If you can't find it, an omega can lead you to me." He left without saying much more. Ben and I opened the door to our wing, and the amount of space there was shocked me. This was completely ridiculous. Even if we had four or five kids, there would still be more than enough room and beyond some. Everything was white and very clean, much like the rest of the palace. I would have to ask if i can redecorate because this doesn't give me much of a homey feel. Ben looked around like he wasn't sure what to say. He finally broke the silence after we walked into every single room, and guess what? That's right, everything was done in all white. It was awful. Having a baby, i knew everything would be stained. I wasn't going to keep my child from having fun and getting dirty. This just wasn't going to work for me. Ben shook his head. "Please tell me we can redecorate. I would much rather have your pink s**t everywhere than this. I feel like i need to santize my hands before touching anything." I started to laugh. I was just glad we were on the same page with this. We heard a knock on our door. I answered to be met with a tall, grey haired woman. She had to be in her late fifties. "Good afternoon ma'am my name is Trisha, and im the head omega here. I just wanted to introduce myself and see if there is anything that i could get you both or if there is something you need for your space?" "Actually, yes, there is. Do you know if we are able to redocrate our room? It's just very, um, it's just very clean." She gave me a confused look. "You dont want your room clean?" "Well, yes, we want it clean. Everything is just very white, and honestly, im scared to live here or make a mess. My mate over there is scared to touch anything without santizing his hands. Im afraid he will just stand there the entire time." She looked over at Ben, who had a worried expression on his face and standing there very awkward and not moving an inch. She covered her mouth, trying to cover up a smile. "The queen decorated the palace. When i was a little girl, this place was done with wood and color. She changed absolutely everything. You are welcome to decorate your room however you see fit. I can bring up some catalogs for you if you like?" "Oh my gosh, yes, that would be great. I just dont see us living here comfotably until we can change a few things." Trish nodded. "I'll get right on it, ma'am. Your boxes and bags that were sent over early are unpacked, and i can have an omega unpack the ones that came today if you like?" "I think we can manage. Thank you so much." She seemed surprised that i thanked her. "It's no problem ma'am" She bowed her head and left us to our room. It took us a moment to figure out which was the master bedroom. They were all roughly the same. All FIVE of them. The only thing that made the master bedroom different was that there was a terrace. I didn't even notice it wasn't a window until Ben had walked over and pulled on the door handle. We didn't even think to look in the closets to find our stuff that would probably make it the dead giveaway. I literally wanted to slap myself on my forehead. Our boxes were stacked inside, and i started opening them up trying to find the box with all my throw blankets. I had dozens. I found one with picture frames first, and i started placing them on our fireplace mantel. Ben sat on the bed as i was tossing through boxes. "What are you looking for?" I growled out in futrations. "My blankets." "Thats whats so important to find right now? Your blankets?" He started to laugh. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Oh,shut up and help me find them." We found them near the bottom. I carried them out to the living room and started spreading them on the all white sectional couch and otttoman. "Ben plopped down. "Thank goodness you thought of this. Im so ready for a nap." I shook my head at him. "Well, you go ahead and take your nap. Im going to go explore for a bit. Im kind of wired." "Okay, sweetie, link me if you need me." I pecked his lips. He already had his eyes closed. I went down to the floor beneath us. I knew my grandpa said his office was there. I just wanted to try to locate as much as i could today. The floor was mainly conference rooms and offices, and im guessing the other side was all bedrooms. I heard a commotion down the end of the hall and heard my grandfather's voice. Im guessing that would have to be his office. I wasn't trying to easedrop, but the door was open. His voice was loud and angry. "I dont care that you're my brother. The throne is going to my grandaughter. She's next in line. It was never meant to be yours, and you know it. Im not about to hand it over and have you run the palace to the ground." I heard something shatter, and i yelled out in shock. The two men looked out into the hall, looking pissed. I panicked. "Im sorry, Grandpa. I was just out exploring. I wanted to make sure I knew where your office was." His face softened when he realized it was me. "It's okay. I told you to do just that." The older man standing next to him shared quite the resemblance with my grandfather. They had similar facial features, but that was it. His hair was all white, which shocked me. I knew my grandpa was the oldest child, so this immediately seemed odd to me. This man was paler and taller than my grandpa, and honestly, much to skinny. He gave me a smirk that made me uncomfortable. I desperately wanted to look away, but i found myself looking into his eyes. His voice was creepy and unusual. "So this must be the famous halfbreed thats taking over the palace?"
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