Chapter 11: Missing

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Maureen's POV After Lily left, i knew what needed to be done. I was going to have to take my not so happy ass upstairs and tell my sleeping mate what was going on. Lily was more determined than ever to tell Myles and Landyn what just happened here. I know her intentions are good. I just didn't want to worry anyone if it wasn't necessary. I think Lily is worried if she doesn't tell them, and it turns into something more that they might be really pissed off at her all over again for keeping something from them. I wasn't about to argue with her. She hasn't been handling things the best, and i've been there and done that too many times to count. I walked slowly up to our room. I really was going to avoid this as long as possible. I guess some things never change. I got to our floor when i ran into my grandpa. He looked shocked to see me all alone. "Did Lily leave already? I was hoping she would stay and hang out a bit. i dont see her much anymore." Now, the questions stirred in my head. Do i tell him what Lily saw, or do i let her tell him when she's ready? I wasn't sure what the right answer was. He didn't seem to be worried about his brother. It seems Lily was more worried than anyone. Sure, i was creeped out, but was it worth getting everyone worried over something that could literally be nothing? Then the thought came to me about Lily telling Landyn. There's no doubt that if she goes there and tells him what is going on , he will call my grandpa and talk to him about it. Im sure he would be actually pissed off at me for once if he had to hear it from Landyn instead of me. I guess i was telling him. "Actually, she ran back home to talk to Landyn and Myles about what she saw here." He looked at me with a confused expression. "What exactly do you mean by that?" "She saw Uncle Seth leaving. Only he didn't leave in wolf form." His look became more serious than ever. "Okay, and how did he leave?" "She said he took off in human form, only he moved faster than any human could. It's like she blinked, and he was gone. I thought maybe it could be a witch teleporting him out. But Lily said she didn't see anyone with him. He was completely alone. It could be nothing, but after what happened in your office and how creepy he was, i just thought you should know what she saw. After everything we've been through, Lily would rather be prepared, and i can't blame her. If he truly wants the throne who knows what he's capable of doing . I know you said he's all talk, but what if that's not true now that im here." He looked puzzled now. If he was actually worried, he wasn't really showing it. "Lily had her eyes on him the whole time?" "She said she turned away only for a second, and he vanished." "Hmm." was all he said. After a few minutes of silence, i wasn't sure if that was my cue to leave or if i should just continue to stand here awkwardly. He finally spoke as I went to step away. "I'll look into it. I don't want you to worry. I'm sure it's nothing, and it's not good for your pregnancy to get stressed out. Especially if it could literally be nothing. Maybe Lily looked away longer than she thought." He kissed my cheek. He didn't even bother waiting for me to respond before he walked away. He was lost in a train thought. I think that was making me worry more than anything. Maybe this is more than what I thought. I got to our bedroom door, and it practically swung open before I even reached it. "Where have you been? Landyn and Lily have been trying to call you, and you put up a stupid block again. How many times have we told you to be careful with that." I've apologized way too many times to count for that. I really dont mean to do it sometimes. It's mostly when im in another conversation with someone, and it just happens. I was getting really nervous that Landyn called and talked to him before i could. "Im sorry. I didn't mean to Ben. I was talking with my grandpa. What's going on?" He seemed nervous to tell me what was going on. By the way he was acting, it couldn't have anything to do with me. I could tell he was biting the side of his cheeks. "They can't find Myles. He went looking for Lily after she took off after a conversation they all had over there. Apparently, Amber knew and didn't say anything, or they didn't ask. Im really not sure what happened, but the problem is Myles has a block up, and no one can find him anywhere. Im going to head over to help. I really think you should stay here. You will be safer." I couldn't help but snort out. What was he thinking? Did he actually think i would stay here and not be there for my sister? He must be joking. "We both know im not staying here. That is my sister's mate and my friend. Im not staying here alone. I'll stay in the pack house if i must, but i am going." He gave me a look like he wanted to argue with what i just said. He should know by now. I wasn't going to let any man or anyone tell me what i can and can't do, and i really don't give a s**t that he's my mate. I can still teleport as of right now, and i will do just that if i have to. "Fine, just pack a bag. We will stay the night there. I know it's not far. I just dont want you walking back alone if im out looking, and i dont want you teleporting unless it's absolutely necessary." "Fine, you have a deal." I quickly tossed clothes in a duffle bag for the both of us. It wasn't much. I knew i could come back and get more if needed. If im being honest, i was way too excited to be back under the same roof as my friends and my family. I haven't even spent a full day here, and i was already so excited to be leaving. This couldn't be a good sign. I was questioning all over again if i really wanted to be here. We walked over to the pack house to be met with Ella. She quickly ushered us inside. I looked around to see that it was practically empty. "Where is everyone?" She took us to the dining hall where Louise and Sylvia were sitting with twins and Louise's daughter. It seemed way too vaccant. This could't be safe. Ella saw my quesitoning look. "We're safe. There's warriors surrounding us. Landyn and the others are out searching. Lily won't stop. They're having a hard time keeping up with her. She picked up his scent. I dont know anything more than that." I turned around to head towards the door. I had to find her. She's already such a mess. I couldn't even begin to think about what she was thinking and going through out there. I felt someone tug on my arm. When i turned around, i saw Ben looking at me very seriously. "You're staying here. You promised. I'll take care of Lily. I know why you're so worried. We won't let her shut down again. We will find Myles. Maybe he took off further than he realized, or maybe he took off to the rogue camp to see if she went there again." I gave him an oh so guilty and oh s**t expression. "So you know?" "Yeah, i know. Consider it a free pass this time around if you promise to stay put? I can't be out there and give my all into finding Myles if im constantly worried about you out there, okay?" I knew i couldn't argue. I really didn't want my ass handed to me by him about going to the old rogue camp. "Fine, you have another deal." He kissed the side of my head. "I'll be back. Keep your link open this time."
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