Chapter 12: Red eyes

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Myles POV I gave Lily about a ten mintue head start. I was torn back and forth over whether or not i should go after her. I know she said she needed some space. I just wasn't sure if that was really the best idea. Every time i would give her space, she would take off and apparently go to the old rogue camp. My heart instantly sunk when i thought she might go there again because she's upset. I'm figuring out that it had to have been her go-to spot. Im not even sure she knows the way from here. It could be really dangerous to travel alone, especially in an area where she doesn't know all that well. I let Landyn know i was going to head out to go look for her. He agreed it was probably not a good idea to give her too much space. I know she will hate it, but we all are really looking out for her own good. I'm not mad at her for it. I just want her to be safe. She's just been through too much to be thinking in the right mindset. One of the omega's directed me out the back door. I couldn't pick up much of her scent. I knew she wouldn't go to the palace. She's been avoiding it at all costs because of pure guilt. She can't look her grandpa in the eye. He doesn't blame her for Charle's death. Lily just doesn't see it that way. Part of me thinks that if she could get past a lot of that guilt, she would feel so much better about everything. I decided to go in the opposite direction of the palace. She probably wanted to get as far away from it as she could. Harvey wasn't going to let me stay in human form. He was just as anxious as me, if not more. I could tell he felt like something was off he just wasn't sure as to what. He started to mumble out in irratation. "Keep your eyes on full alert. Something is learking in these woods. I can feel it." Yeah, he wasn't helping the anxiety i was having at all. I didn't walk far. At least, i don't think i did. The pack house was no longer in view, but i could still smell other wolves. They must have been out running not too long ago. I kept walking, hoping that i would pick up her scent eventually. I just never did. She must have gone in another direction. I turned around to head back up when i was met with a red set of eyes. I've never seen anything like it before. Part of me watned to run. Mostly because i had no idea what it was, but the other part of me was beyond curious as to what was staring at me. I decided running was the better option. I wasn't about to risk my life when my family needed me. Now, what i wasn't expecting was for him to speak to me. "You dont seem to fear me like your little mate and sister did. You're obviously smarter to walk away. Your mate not so much. I could feel her being lured in. She was far too curious. Same with Maureen." What the actual f**k? How does he know who the hell we are? "How long have you been watching us?" He sounded confident and snarky. I could already tell this guy was bad news. "Long enough to know there's trouble in paradise for you and Lily. Dont worry, I've kept her safe when she ventured out on rogue land all those times." For him to know that she went there and not just once made me feel like whatever he wanted had to do with Lily. I just couldn't figure out what he could possibly want with her. She was already mated and marked. If he wanted the gift, it was far too late for that. "So it's Lily you want?" He snorted. "It's the halfbreed I have the issue with." Does that mean he doesn't know Lily is part banshee or maybe it doesn't matter. Being part wolf and part witch was far more powerful than Lily. He had to be talking about Maureen. Either way, this really didn't sound good. "What is it that you want?" I watched his eyes back away into the woods. It only took a second before they were long gone. I wasn't even sure if i really saw anything. He moved that fast. I ran towards where i last saw him. I knew i should really take off running in the opposite direction. Like he said, it was the smarter option. But right now, i wasn't feeling like making smarter decisions. He mentioned my mate by name. He had been following her. He was clearly a threat to us. How could I just walk away and not try to protect my family. We've already been through way too much. I got to the tree where i last saw his red eyes. He wasn't there. I didn't pick up on any sort of scent either. I saw the eyes quite a few trees over and took off toward it. I got to the tree and once again came up empty. He was playing games with me. After a few more times of playing cat and mouse, i came to my senses. I turned around to head back when I realized i got further into the woods than I should have. I was on rogue territory. I really should have been paying more attention. When Lily finds out, she's going to give me so much s**t for this. I was on the verge of shifting when i was struck on the head by something hard. I instantly fell to the ground. Everything became blurry. I saw a dark figure headed towards me. I couldn't make out if it was a he or she. There was no way it could be the red eyed man he was too far away to struck me with something so quickly. I tried to get up when i was struck again. This time, i was knocked out before my head even hit the ground. Lily's POV I knew i was running around like a lunatic. I just couldn't stop blaming myself or stop moving. I told myself i wouldn't stop looking until he was found. It's been hours, and im just running around in circles at this point. It was pitch black, and even with our wolf vision, things weren't as clear as i would like them to be. I was searching for any sort of clue or struggle, but there was literally nothing. Not even a scent from anyone other than our other pack members. Landyn and Conner weren't far behind me. I knew they tried to keep up as best they could. I wasn't exactly running with any sort of logic. I was really just all over the place. I just wanted him back. It was my fault he was out here in the first place. My gut was telling me it wasn't some rogue that got to him. This was someone who waited until the opportunity came to them, and because of me, Myles walked right into it. I came to a hault when i heard Conner yell, "Lily, stop!" I looked back, and Conner and Landyn both had shifted back into human form. Landyn was giving me a stern look. I knew i put up a block. I just didn't want everyone in my head trying to stop me. "Lily, dont cross over. The rogues are far worse out here than back home. Dont risk it. I dont see Myles crossing over the borders. You know how he is about safety." I wasn't sure what to do. My gut was telling me he crossed over. I knew he would risk it if he thought i was out there. Hell, he just found out about me going into rogue land over and over again. He might have thought i did it again. The guilt was just eating at me. I had to do it. I had to cross over. Landyn was being the voice of reason. "Lily, the twins need you. We will find him. Just let Conner and a few others go and look. The boys at least need one parent. Please just think of your boys. I know it's hard. Please, just try to trust me again." It was becoming physically painful to keep my feet rooted to the ground. I didn't have much time to put much thought into it when i heard someone grumble out not far ahead of me. I didn't think for a second after i heard my wolf yell, "Go." I ran out into a full sprint towards the noise i just heard. Conner yelled. "Oh, s**t," before he shifted and came running after me. I heard another set of paw prints and knew it had to be Landyn.
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