Chapter 2: Lying

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Maureen's POV I climbed into the SUV to see Ben already waiting on me. He looked beyond pissed. I wasn't sure if him not saying anything was a good thing or not. We made it off pack grounds before he finally unleashed. His voice was loud and harsh. "Where did the three of you go?" I took a deep breath. I hated lying to him, but this was my sister, and she didn't need everyone gaining up on her right now. Especially Mr. overly protective over there. He's been driving me nuts with this pregnancy. He won't hardly let me do anything without him trying to intervene. I know he means well, and i love him to pieces, but he has been driving me absolutely crazy. "It doesn't matter." I felt his rage building up in him. "If she's being impulsive and putting our pup in danger, i have the right to know. She shouldn't be dragging you into this shit." "Okay, i'm going to stop you right there. She didn't drag me into anything. We both have no room to talk. How many times have we done something stupid and impulsive. I know you're worried about the pup, but we're completely fine, and you were right there when the doctor said i could still teleport. I know you dont like it, but you have to trust me. " I took a deep breath. "You need to take it easy on Lily. I have no room to talk. I've put her in harms way when she was pregnant, and when i went to the palace. Both times could have had a different outcome." He sighed. "You're right. im sorry. Im just worried about the pup and you." I kissed his cheek. "I know you are. But you all hold Lily to a higher standard. It's okay that she's not perfect all the time. She's allowed to break down and feel broken. We just need to be there for her like she was for us. She was crumbling before Charles died. I think his death was just the thing that pushed her over the edge. I just don't want to hear you talk poorly of her again, okay?" "Okay, you know i love Lily. You're just my mate, and you're growing my pup. My protective instincts just take over sometimes." "Oh, i know." He laughed. "Am i really that bad?" "Oh, you really are. You moved all the furture in our room that i would accidently bump my stomach into, and then you cut my steak because it was tough, and you thought i would hit my stomach with my elbow I just need you to dial it down a little." "Okay, okay. Im sorry. I just love you both so much." " I know we love you too." I cleared my throat. "So when are you guys going to plan on telling Lily? Don't you think the truth will come out?" "Landyn and Myles think it's best that she doesn't know. She will insist on going. She's not thinking clearly. We all think she will end up hurt or doing something stupid." "When do they leave?" "Two days. Myles will be running the pack with Ella while they're gone." I looked out the window. I knew we had a long drive. "What if she doesn't forgive you guys and me for lying to her?" "She will. After some time, she will." "I dont know how you're so confident in that answer. All of her friends are in on it. We're all betraying her in a way." "We didn't tell Conner. He's too close to her. We thought he would be the one to crack." "You weren't worried about Myles or i telling her?" "No you love her and want to keep her safe even from herself and dont get me wrong because we all know Conner loves Lily, but he would fight right beside her if it was truly what she wanted. He would fight like hell to keep her safe in the process, but still fight with her. If she wanted to jump out of a plane, he would be the first one next to her doing it with her. We dont need the two of them doing something stupid. Not when she's been hurting like she has." "She's going to know something is up if Landyn, Amber, and Brody are gone a while. Theres a good chance they won't find anything in a week or two. These wolves want to stay hidden for a reason, and it's a very good one." "Well, Landyn is counting on Brodys mom wanting to see him." "Okay, and let's say they find the golden wolves, then what? Im sure they have no idea where my grandmother is hidden. I just feel like this is a complete waste of time. We have no idea if she will even come after us again." I bit my lip and turned my to face the window. My gut was telling me we would see her again. I just thought this plan was dangerous and beyond stupid. Especially with hunters being involved. I seem to be the only one who's not affected by silver, and that's their weapon of choice. "Maureen, i know you think it's stupid. We all agree it's better than waiting around for something to happen. We were hoping maybe they would want to help us out with us because of Brody or, at the very least, have them come with us until we find your grandma. They might be safer in the palace." "That makes no sense. They were perfectly safe until she lured them out with Brody." "Maureen, we have no idea if they are safe. They took off along with the hunters. They could be captured for all we know. We can't let their blood go into the wrong hands, and the hunters want you. At the very least, maybe the golden wolves can point us in the direction of the hunters. They have to be taken out. For everyones safety. Theres too many unique wolves out there now. Including Lily and her pups." "Okay. I just hope you all know what you're doing." I was well aware i was kind of being a b***h to my mate. I just wasn't sure if going out and hunting them down ourselves was the right answer. Maybe im wrong. I just feared for Landyn, Amber, and Brodys safety. They were taking a huge risk by doing this. He cleared his throat."Remi offered to go with them. He thinks he can help point them in the right direction. He's spent a month in the mountains. I guess there were a few rumors where the golden wolves are located. Remi knows the land better than most. Taking care of the hunters is the most important thing right now. We have no idea where the hunters hide out. There's not even a rumor of their location. I know if we find them, we will find the queen, okay?" "I already said okay, Ben. I understand i do. I was just hoping this would calm down for all our sakes. Let's just hope ending this will find Lily some peace." "We're hoping so." "Our car stopped at a stop sign when i looked out into the woods. I noticed a glowing pair of red eyes. I squinted my eyes, trying to see if i could get a better look of what it could be. Whatever it was seemed tall, and it gave me an uneasy feeling. I felt like our eyes locked, and on impulse, i opened the car door. When i looked again, they were gone, and i shut the door. Ben grabbed ahold of my arm. "Is everything okay?" "Uh, yeah, i thought i was going to be sick for a second. Im sorry." He looked at me with a worried expression. "I thought the sickness was getting better?" "It is. I think it's just the car ride." "Well, hopefully, it will get easier. We still have quite a way." I wasn't lying about feeling sick. I had an awful, uneasy feeling. Whoever those eyes belonged to, I knew it wouldn't be the last time I saw them. My gut was telling me it wouldn't be.
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